The Bible (History channel)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jun 5, 2005
The American Resistance
Anyone planning on watching this? 2 hrs every Sunday night up until Easter Sunday. I need a break from the Ten Commandments this year so I plan to.
All 10 hours will be shown Easter Sunday. The shows so far have been getting enormous ratings. I've find them very well made but like any modern show it suffers from shakycamitis and dreadful music.

Best part... it's all true. :wink:
I'll have to catch it eventually, I've heard some pretty good things about it.
We don't have satellite TV anymore, so I'll just wait for it to be on Netflix or find it online sometime. I'm glad to hear that it's well-made.
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