Survivor 45

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No more Kendra. Your most annoying player is gone. That rotisserie chicken was huge, by the way. It looked like a turkey.
Austn was a fool and Dee was a bigger fool. I hope Julie gets voted out next week. Emily took her exit gracefully. She played a great season. Amazing, considering how she started the season. After all the bullshit, I hope Julie doesn't win.
Yeah, Emily looked destined for an early exit (probably would have been first out if she wasn't on a tribe with a couple of quitters) but ended up playing a pretty good game.
She (and Jake) should have listened to Julie, they could have gotten rid of Austin instead, but they didn't know Julie had an idol.
Napoleon tried to make the big move, but his bro Austin couldn't keep it under wraps. And then Dee couldn't handle the emotional distress of voting out an ally. Waaah.

Would be fitting if Julie wins the whole thing now and their feelings cost each of them a shot at the million.
I was more pissed at Dee for spilling the beans to Julie. I thought Dee had a killer instinct. I'm rooting for Dynamite and Austin. Maybe that Boston guy too. :wink: Katurah is nice, but she hasn't made any moves.
And just like that, Dynamite is gone. I think Dee will win the game, but if Jake wins, it will be a huge upset to say the least.
I hope Jake somehow manages to use his idol to eliminate Dee in the next Tribal.
If she doesn't win immunity, he should orchestrate getting 3 or all 4 other votes on himself (whether or not he can trust Katurah is unknown), vote for Dee then play his idol.

He should not tell ANYONE he has that idol.
I fear he might trust Julie too much and tell her not realizing she's tied at the hip with Dee.
I hope Jake somehow manages to use his idol to eliminate Dee in the next Tribal.
If she doesn't win immunity, he should orchestrate getting 3 or all 4 other votes on himself (whether or not he can trust Katurah is unknown), vote for Dee then play his idol.

He should not tell ANYONE he has that idol.
I fear he might trust Julie too much and tell her not realizing she's tied at the hip with Dee.

That would be pretty awesome if that happened. It would definitely make the season stand out a little more. I'm not sure if he can trust Katurah, but if she was smart, she'd try to eliminate Dee.
So I smoked a few bowls and I had a few beers and I went crazy and searched back to when I first started posting in a Survivor thread. It was Fall of 2006. Survivor: Cook Islands. I've seen most seasons of Survivor, but I missed a few seasons in the mid 2000's. Once I got a new computer in September of 2006, I started posting more at the Blue Crack. And I haven't missed a season since. As corny as it sounds, when sometimes life sucks, Survivor is there. Of course, our old chum Jeff Probst is there! Plus, our Survivor thread is still here. The flame still flickers. Hewson, I know you've been posting in the Survivor thread longer. What was your first Survivor thread?
I assume probably whatever the first Survivor thread was. Probably started by Sicy back in the day.
I've watched every season. Didn't start out watching the first season, my wife did and I jumped in midway. They ended up repeating that season so I watched the whole thing then and haven't missed it since.
I assume probably whatever the first Survivor thread was. Probably started by Sicy back in the day.
I've watched every season. Didn't start out watching the first season, my wife did and I jumped in midway. They ended up repeating that season so I watched the whole thing then and haven't missed it since.

That's great! I would have seen every season, but my girlfriend at the time wasn't a big fan of the show. :lol:
Another season in the books. I wanted to see Austin win, but Dee earned her victory. It was good to see Jake in the Final 3. A great drinking game would be to take a shot every time Jake cries. You'd get drunk quickly. Lol! I enjoyed this season. Nobody was really an asshole.
Katurah handed that win to Dee when she switched her vote at final 5.
Dee had that final immunity challenge in the bag. Julie would have failed at it and it would have been wide open.
Yeah, and I thought that Austin did a great job of breaking down all the moves that he made because I had forgotten, Lol! Obviously, if Dee wasn't with him at the end, he would have won. But, he might not have made it to the end in the first place without Dee protecting him. Wasn't a big fan of Julie's. Glad she wasn't there. If they ever do another All Stars or whatever, I hope Jake comes back.

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