Survivor 44

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
44 seasons! 22 1/2 years! The Survivor train keeps rolling! More twists and turns this season. Looks like the medics are gonna be working overtime. Good gravy!
Thought they'd be down to one by the end of the episode the way things were going. Figured 17 platers would get med evaced.

Crazy first tribal.
And we have a new "most annoying Survivor player ever".
Carolyn the drug counselor? :wink:

She was pretty terrible during that first challenge. The rock-climbing dude was lucky he didn't die. Poor Bruce didn't really get a chance to compete. He was bleeding like a pro wrestler after he conked his head.
Carolyn the drug counselor? :wink:

I swear that Caroline's real occupation is "Drug Addict", and some producer at CBS looked at the first edit of the show and said, "we need to change "addict" to something about "counselor", and they switched it for broadcast.
I swear that Caroline's real occupation is "Drug Addict", and some producer at CBS looked at the first edit of the show and said, "we need to change "addict" to something about "counselor", and they switched it for broadcast.

Here's what messed up about that. She could make it to the Final 4. They have never started a new season the way they did with her "interview" leading off the episode. That's how you start the season? She looks like a freakin' trainwreck. So, I'm thinking that's possibly a spoiler as to how far Carolyn is going to go in the game.

That TC was one of the crazier TC's. No one stands out just yet for me, but I should have a good idea by next week. :wink:
Your new favorite player sure was featured a lot last night. :wink: I've seen worse than her, but she's out there. At least the medics got a week off.

Imagine if they had the birdcage gimmick when Birdcage was playing. We would have had a field day. :wink:
Did you notice that Fruit Loops apparently has the real and fake idols mixed up?

When Danny found them, he said, "it has an old school idol and this coin that has no power that I can do whatever I want with it".
Fruit Loops finds it, holds up the coin and says, "I have an idol" then holds up the real idol and says, "and I have a fake idol to use".
I so hope she uses the wrong one and gets voted out as a result. They have to know taking her to the merge is tribal suicide. She's way too far out there to be trusted.
That would be hilarious if she confused the two. She's the one the producers are focusing on at the moment.

Right now, the only one I like so far is Danny. He seems to have enough brains to not tell people he has an idol.
Danny's move with the fake Idol in the birdcage was hilarious. He seems to have what it takes to win the game. Something tells me the dude with his arm in a sling isn't gonna last too long. :wink:
The arm sling dude also duped someone with a fake idol so he's on the ball.

And declining to participate in every challenge is going to put a target on your back. What happened to the rule that you can't sit out back-to-back challenges?
The arm sling dude also duped someone with a fake idol so he's on the ball.

And declining to participate in every challenge is going to put a target on your back. What happened to the rule that you can't sit out back-to-back challenges?

That was a good move on his part, but I just don't see how he can continue in the game with an injured arm.

I wondered that myself when she sat out again. She was a dumbass for sitting out multiple challenges. I loved how Jeff called her out on it.
Sarah, we hardly knew you. :wink: Crazy Carolyn unwittingly gave her the real idol. Too funny. With the way her edit is going, I'm concerned she'll make it to the end. No brainer for Josh to play his idol. Of course, they're gonna try to vote the new person out.
Yeah, especially since his idol is void once they merge, no reason to hold it.
Seems like Fruit Loops must have told him about Sweet Potato Sweet Potato and Sarah's plan since she also voted or Sarah.
Sarah earlier said she was going to play her idol of Josh played his, but like so many before her, she got cocky.
So excited to see Fruit Loops play a fake idol. Please let it happen.
Yeah, especially since his idol is void once they merge, no reason to hold it.
Seems like Fruit Loops must have told him about Sweet Potato Sweet Potato and Sarah's plan since she also voted or Sarah.
Sarah earlier said she was going to play her idol of Josh played his, but like so many before her, she got cocky.
So excited to see Fruit Loops play a fake idol. Please let it happen.

Right, but here's a crazy scenario: Doesn't Sarah's idol go back in play? And if it did what if Fruit Loops gets it or manages to see it at least. Will she realize that she has a fake one?

But, for sure, it would be hilarious to see her (or anyone for that matter) play a fake idol. Like the Asian dude.

Sweet Potato's days are numbered. No one's going to tolerate being told what to do. Fruit Loops made the right move.
It's one thing if someone plays a fake idol because they got duped, like if Matt plays the fake one Danny left.
But if Fruit Loops plays it because she mixed up the 2 idols and it's all her own doing...that would be delicious.
A pretty forgettable episode last night. All the fake idol bullshit. I loved how Sweet Potato mocked Josh's terrible fake idol. The only news being that Mathew had to leave the game due to his injury. He seemed like a nice guy, but he was a major dumbass for hurting himself in the first place.
Kind of saw that coming when they are like 55 minutes into the show and haven't left for TC yet. Knew something was up.
He was stupid for climbing that rock and frankly lucky he only injured his shoulder in that fall.
And Josh was stupid for showing Sweet Potato Sweet Potato that fake idol made with beads he had already seen.
Danny and Brandon paying Fruit Loops no mind at the snack visit was funny, but also stupid.
Yeah, they were kind of rude to her at that "snack" thingie. Danny showed a chink in the armor there. I'm very concerned that Fruit Loops might make it far this season. Danny is playing a strong game right now, but underestimating Fruit Loops could be a mistake.
It was tough seeing Matt go. I liked him better than Sweet Potato. But, naturally, he was the larger threat, so it was a good move. Danny seems like the best player left in the game, but Frannie could give him a run for the money.
I don't think Danny is as good strategy wise as he thinks he is. Basically a few of them figured out he has the cage idol because of how he led matt to the fake one. And again, I go back to the way he and Brandon paid Fruit Loops no mind a couple weeks ago at the snack thing. He's a little cocky, and that usually results in your ouster on Survivor.
My money is on Carson and Frannie at this point.
I don't think Danny is as good strategy wise as he thinks he is. Basically a few of them figured out he has the cage idol because of how he led matt to the fake one. And again, I go back to the way he and Brandon paid Fruit Loops no mind a couple weeks ago at the snack thing. He's a little cocky, and that usually results in your ouster on Survivor.
My money is on Carson and Frannie at this point.

I like Carson too. He's like Cockring lite.
He's waaay smarter than Cockring though.

Well, Cockring had something special about him. Maybe it was the pale skin or the goofy looking face?

I agree about Danny. His social game is lacking and that could be a problem. Even Fruit Loops has had a better social game. She's got her buddy, Sweet Potato. :wink:
Well played by Danny. That's a resume builder for him for sure, but now he's more vulnerable.

Oh yeah. Target is firmly on his back now. Hopefully he locked in a vote from Frannie for the million dollars...if she's not in the Final 3. Brandon was ok, but the editors didn't focus too much on him this season. Carolyn's moans in the netting during that challenge were fuckin' weird. Poor Carson. Those Rewards will fuck you sometimes. The best part of the episode was TC.
Fruit Loops was like a whale caught in a fishing net. So annoying. Most annoying Survivor contestant ever by a wide margin.

That's funny. I was gonna say annoying but went with weird. I remember Dawn (Pawn) being pretty annoying. She was the one whose teeth fell out in water and Brenda (hot cheerleader) retrieved them and still got voted out. :wink:
I am sorry but I love Carolyn LOL she's hilarious and actually smart under her weird ass faces and noises. And she has an idol. Carson (Harry Potter) can prob get to the end. Cant believe he made a whole survivor mini puzzle at home :lol: Smarty pants
Carson is as we say here "wicked smaht". Not sure if he can win or not as he is maybe too low key to get jury votes.
Carolyn aka Fruit Loops has been playing well but she just annoys me to no end.

Rooting for Carson, Frannie and Danny in that order currently.
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