Survivor 38: Edge of Extinction

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Yeah not the greatest first episode.

What's with Joe trying to look like the jack of hearts with the twirled 'stache?

And seriously when a person is voted out and they come to a sign that says choose: go home or try to get back in they think anyone will choose go home?
Its not like they say, "go through hell to get back in the game", just "go this way if you want a chance to get back in the game"
Yeah not the greatest first episode.

What's with Joe trying to look like the jack of hearts with the twirled 'stache?

And seriously when a person is voted out and they come to a sign that says choose: go home or try to get back in they think anyone will choose go home?
Its not like they say, "go through hell to get back in the game", just "go this way if you want a chance to get back in the game"

Yes, I was thinking about that as well, but suppose someone is completely drained after being voted out and decides that they can't continue. We've seen people quit on the show and either been removed from the game or voted off. Reem is obviously ill equipped for the show. It almost appears as if she's never watched the show and learned from people's mistakes. Bottom Line: Don't fuck with people's shit even if you think you're doing them a favor. Wendy better be careful too because her social game is questionable also. The Edge of Extinction concept seems intriguing. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
I liked the swerve at TC. Glad Wentworth stuck around and they voted out Keith. He was awful. They didn't show the votes at the end, though. Would've liked to have seen that.
Yeah him being so wishy washy when confronted with a choice that basically said "keep playing or go home" proves he's not cut out to be there.
Chris was a student of a friend of mine that I worked at a summer camp with when I was a teenager.
I just wonder what will happen with what’s her name with the blue hair when the others find out she stole the flint, especially since they’re already annoyed about the chickens.
I just wonder what will happen with what’s her name with the blue hair when the others find out she stole the flint, especially since they’re already annoyed about the chickens.

The only way they'll find out is if the dude that she told rats her out. I don't think she's long for the game anyway. She's injured, plus she's too preoccupied with saving chickens than playing the game.
I wonder what will happen with the Extinction island people. They resent each other and are really miserable, but will they get to come back into play as another tribe? If so, they wouldn’t be much of a threat, since they’re just sitting around all day starving. It’ll be ineteresting to see what happens.
Ream is legit frightening.

There was a character on the Popeye cartoon called the Sea Hag. Ream reminds me of her. :reject:

Wardog is a fucking idiot.
Wardog sure can throw...not.
Wow for a reasonably athletic looking dude, he is so not athletic.

Reem is a psycho for sure. And when she says "do I have idiot written on my forehead?", the answer is a firm yes. No doubt watching her interact with others on Extinction Isle she deserved to be first voted out.
Wendy is just fruit loops....won't kill a chicken, first word out of her mouth leaving TC after being snuffed..."Cheeseburger". :huh:
Keith is a slimy sucker too. Quite a few unlikeable folks this season.
Wardog sure can throw...not.
Wow for a reasonably athletic looking dude, he is so not athletic.

Reem is a psycho for sure. And when she says "do I have idiot written on my forehead?", the answer is a firm yes. No doubt watching her interact with others on Extinction Isle she deserved to be first voted out.
Wendy is just fruit loops....won't kill a chicken, first word out of her mouth leaving TC after being snuffed..."Cheeseburger". :huh:
Keith is a slimy sucker too. Quite a few unlikeable folks this season.

All spot-on.

So few people to root for this season. I’m just hoping Reem, Wendy, or Keith dont somehow sneak back in and win it.
I’m for Chris to get back in. Which means he won’t. Of the remaining people after that, I’m not too picky aside from not wanting David or Wardog to last. Which means they will. Heh.
I’m for Chris to get back in. Which means he won’t. Of the remaining people after that, I’m not too picky aside from not wanting David or Wardog to last. Which means they will. Heh.

Wardog has no game whatsoever and gets more annoying each week. I thought Wendy was bonkers anyway, but her wanting a cheeseburger after her antics with the chickens solidified it. I felt badly for Chris with the way Ream was treating him, but she's batshit anyway.
So apparently there's a woman named Aurora on the show this season...who knew? Some person I'd never seen on camera before dropped her statue at the immunity challenge and Probst said "Aurora drops"...did she just wander onto the island and decide to join the tribe and nobody stopped her?

So not shocked (nor saddened) that Keith decided to raise the sail, but kind of surprised Psycho Chicken did as well, she hadn't suffered on David Evans of Extinction yet.

Pippi Longstocking lied right to Joe's face at tribal, he's not gonna like that.

Ron and that raised eyebrow have got to go.
So apparently there's a woman named Aurora on the show this season...who knew? Some person I'd never seen on camera before dropped her statue at the immunity challenge and Probst said "Aurora drops"...did she just wander onto the island and decide to join the tribe and nobody stopped her?

So not shocked (nor saddened) that Keith decided to raise the sail, but kind of surprised Psycho Chicken did as well, she hadn't suffered on David Evans of Extinction yet.

Pippi Longstocking lied right to Joe's face at tribal, he's not gonna like that.

Ron and that raised eyebrow have got to go.

Yeah, I was like "Who the fuck is Aurora?".

Psycho Chicken seemed like she was just happy to be on the show. Not really winning.

Ream is this season's Least Valuable Player, but sadly she's gonna keep sticking around.
It’s amazing how the people whose names we don’t know are only there because Joe won them there, and they vote him out first thing. And all while they talk about the morality of voting Rick out?

I’m grumpy now that Joe and Chris have to go against each other because they’re probably my two favorites this season.
Well, if I were playing Survivor with Joe, I'd want him out as soon as Individual Immunity kicked in. He's too good to allow to continue. But, with the Edge of Extinction gimmick this season, a player like Joe could benefit. He's good at challenges, so obviously he could return by winning the next challenge he participates in. But, all that other bullshit they were spewing about Joe made them look like hypocrites. This season, it seems, most the players are pretty damn unlikeable. It really sucked seeing Aubry voted out because she was someone I'm rooting for. It would be awesome if she made it back. Of course, I'm rooting for Wentworth. They've been gunning for her since Day 1. I was rooting for Muscles (David), but he's turning into a dick and wants Wentworth out.

It was cool when they brought back the vote reveals.
Yeah Joe might end up being able to win one challenge and get dropped back into the final 6 or whatever depending on when they do the next Edge of Extinction challenge.
It certainly adds a new layer of unknown to this season.
Well executed blind side, though I wish it was the self proclaimed "puppet master" who was sent packing, but they probably made the smarter choice as Eric would be a bigger challenge threat.

Guess the puppet master isn't as smart as he thought with his "hey stick with me and you'll get a visit from cousin Myron" plan.

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