SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

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Picking up my physical copy of deluxe version at walmart right now (11am on thurs 11/30). Negotiated with electronics staff to go in the back and dig it out for me. Had to do real time preorder through Wal-Mart before they'd let me take it. They said they'd be fined if they just sold it to me.??? excited!
I am loving the album more and more each time I hear it. Now, Summer of Love & Landlady have got hold of me. I have now fallen for their charm and beauty. What a pair of tunes !!! Oh......... and Little Things is classic ( confirmed ). Bono's voice, Edge's guitar, Larry's drum in unison. And..... Adam's groovy bass to bind them all together. If you don't have good subwoofer, just get them from Santa as gifts in this Christmas and bow to Mr. Clayton.
I am loving the album more and more each time I hear it. Now, Summer of Love & Landlady have got hold of me. I have now fallen for their charm and beauty. What a pair of tunes !!! Oh......... and Little Things is classic ( confirmed ). Bono's voice, Edge's guitar, Larry's drum in unison. And..... Adam's groovy bass to bind them all together. If you don't have good subwoofer, just get them from Santa as gifts in this Christmas and bow to Mr. Clayton.
Haven't listened on my home stereo yet...fearful of what Adam's bass will do to my subwoofer (and cats).
Yeah I got a genuine flac version as well (just tested it, it based from a digital store somewhere in APJ). Sounds better if you know what to look for but really the leak was as good as a 192 kbps can get. Curiously Get On Your Own Way and American Soul are split again like the iTunes version, with Kendrick Lammar split across the two track instead of just the beginning of American Soul like on the rip.
Okay, so I have listened to these songs enough for some of them to clearly rise above others in my estimation.

In descending order of preference as of now:

A)Potential classics...this category may have some demotions over time, I will be delighted if as many as four are remembered as top drawer stuff in their catalogue. Currently there is such an emotional connect to these potential classics that I can't really say much that is coherent about them without going into a song by song breakdown much longer than this post is intended to be.

Summer of Love
The Little Things That Give You Away

B) Very good... genuinely enjoy listening to these and look forward to them. These form the meat of the album, provide it personality, play important parts in the shifts and definitions of tone, and equally importantly provide examples of the group's mastery of the song types. Blackout is the only exception here because while it is a well-crafted song and thematically relevant to the album's thrust towards coping with decay, it is sonically out of place in the running order. Also, one or two of Category A may slide down into this group, but this is a very strong core.

Lights of Home
Love is all we have left
Red Flag Day
Love is Bigger Than Anything in its Way

C) Just okay and may get worse... This is one where the order may change, but the population will likely stay the same. The good thing is, other than The Best Thing I don't feel the urge to skip the songs half the time I listen to the album. But despite that, the song is not at the bottom. Part of the urge to skip is because it's jarring in the running order and the production/mixing is a complete misstep. But I still maintain that Edge's bridge is a moment of beauty that, come to think of it, may have been elevated by the ordinary nature of the verses. American Soul, I don't dislike it yet (take from that what you will).

Get Out of Your Own Way
The Best Thing About Me
American Soul
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Okay, so I have listened to these songs enough for some of them to clearly rise above others in my estimation.

In descending order of preference as of now:

A)Potential classics...this category may have some demotions over time, I will be delighted if as many as four are remembered as top drawer stuff in their catalogue. Currently there is such an emotional connect to these potential classics that I can't really say much that is coherent about them without going into a song by song breakdown much longer than this post is intended to be.

Summer of Love
The Little Things That Give You Away

B) Very good... genuinely enjoy listening to these and look forward to them. These form the meat of the album, provide it personality, play important parts in the shifts and definitions of tone, and equally importantly provide examples of the group's mastery of the song types. Blackout is the only exception here because while it is a well-crafted song and thematically relevant to the album's thrust towards coping with decay, it is sonically out of place in the running order. Also, one or two of Category A may slide down into this group, but this is a very strong core.

Lights of Home
Love is all we have left
Red Flag Day
Love is Bigger Than Anything in its Way

C) Just okay and may get worse... This is one where the order may change, but the population will likely stay the same. The good thing is, other than The Best Thing I don't feel the urge to skip the songs half the time I listen to the album. But despite that, the song is not at the bottom. Part of the urge to skip is because it's jarring in the running order and the production/mixing is a complete misstep. But I still maintain that Edge's bridge is a moment of beauty that, come to think of it, may have been elevated by the ordinary nature of the verses. American Soul, I don't dislike it yet (take from that what you will).

Get Out of Your Own Way
The Best Thing About Me

Nice! Pretty close to mine.
I still think I’m being a little overly tough on The Best and Get Out. They’ll never be my faves, but my familiarity with them makes me want to skip for now. Am Soul? Eh.

I ended up sliding The Showman between SOL and Red Flag, followed by The Blackout into Landlady.
Works SO much better. IMO.
Yeah, the Blackout into Landlady is a better flow in my opinion. I would in fact want the Blackout even earlier, after American Soul to form the political/current event suite with Summer of Love tying the knot in high-class fashion. Then just let the greatness flow till the end.

Best thing... it is catchy but it never seemed that special to me since I heard the Kygo leak. American Soul is still interesting musically, but that may drop off too with time.
Damn, Lights of Home String Version really floored me today. Was already high on this song, but it's growing.

Also, the boys have no chance at #1 with this record, as Swift is releasing her album to streaming services tomorrow. Really unfortunate timing.

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