Random Music Talk CXXXI: Interference Finally Gets Its Revenge on Cobbler

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did he tell you to
No, I made sure I turned my head horizontally only, but hell, if I had that opportunity again, I'd probably look down because I'm in my 40's and don't give a shit anymore.
New album from The Smile tomorrow. Probably the closest thing we'll get to another new Radiohead album.
New album from The Smile tomorrow. Probably the closest thing we'll get to another new Radiohead album.

I enjoyed my first pass through it this morning. Both of their albums have been great, hopefully we actually get a tour date in Utah this year.
On first listen I think I liked it more than the previous record, which I found a touch impenetrable. Seems to have a bit more variety. Friend of a Friend is lovely and Bending Hectic is, well, hectic. Also kind of stunning to hear Thom so clearly on track. I was actually a bit taken aback!
They are playing in the Roman amphitheatre of Arena in Pula in June. Which I am very much looking forward to see. I would have preferred seeing Radiohead there, but one should not complain.

I'm not the biggest fan of this project, but this new album has some standout tracks that should sound pretty good live, such as Bending Hectic.
It's a decent song. I'm a rocker, so I would prefer something more up-tempo. I know he's 74, but his voice sounds different. Not bad. Just different.
I'm thinking about covering "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot in a heavy metal arrangement.
Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs' Fast Car performance at the Grammys was very lovely, I don't know much about Tracy Chapman but it seems like that's one of her very few public performances ever?

And I just watched Joni do Both Sides Now and I wept.

How the FUCK can you write a song like that at the age of fucking 21, a song so beautiful, and simple, and seemingly filled with the wisdom of a life long lived, and then fucking perform it at 80 as if you knew all along?
Very exciting. I adore their newsletter, one of very, very few I've ever signed up for that is actually worth it. Really hope I can see them live again some day.
I'm amazed they even have the money to come back to the USA, considering they all have day jobs now. Australia and potentially NZ seem like a bridge too far at this point, tbh, in terms of what they would stand to make vs the expenses of getting there and all that. Maybe a festival willing to fly them out is the only option.
Are you seeing them at Kilby Block Party?
I would like to! The Kilby lineup looks great this year. I don't have tickets yet. The second half of "Capricorn" reminds me of what Low was doing on their final album. I like it.
So I'm getting into Colin Hay.
I was on a date recently and we were comparing mood-based playlists.
I saw on her sad one a title that really piqued my interest... "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You".
And so I googled it, and saw it was by Colin Hay, who, as an Australian who has Down Under burned into his brain, I immediately recognised (he's the lead singer for Men at Work for those playing along at home).
I actually have never listened to Men at Work outside of that one song (which I do love), and I also didn't know anything really about Colin Hay's solo career, sans some hazy memories of the lovely Ashley bono212 talking about loving his solo stuff and seeing him live solo in the US.
Anyway, I played this song and immediately fell in love with it. Some real Nick Drake vibes, and it is just the perfect fucking set of lyrics and music (gentle acoustic guitar and sparse, heartfelt vocals) for someone with a broken heart. Absolutely incredible song, and kind of wild to me, when I compare it to the one song he is most well-known for.
Been reading up on him a bit more, it seems Zach Braff is a huge fan and has used his solo music before in his films and Scrubs.
I'll be checking out more of his music soon.

i'll take this excuse to post this Men At Work song, which is far superior to that silly "i'm a dunderin chunderin vegemitin aussie" tune.


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