Pleban Girls Party - In a city lit by fireflies

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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oops :eek: sorry. Got lost there :lol:

Yeah, Kat, I saw! :happy: thank you so much :hug:
I'm still a bit upset about the whole thing though, but now
I can smile at it :lol:

I'm moving on to reflection now :wink:
Thanks girls

Your support means so much :hug:
Hey congrats Wild! YAY! That's really great! :hug:

That's okay Jez, just don't worry about it, as I said you're absolutely fine! :hug:
Wild :hug: Almost 30 kg! :applaud: Congrats!

(that's almost one third of me :shh: )

Kat, thanks :hug: And, lord! Wow! I'm gonna post a comment now... :whistle:

I'm soo tired i'm gonna have to go to bed. :yawn:

Not sure what time i will be on tommorow as my work are going out for dinner and drinks after work. This week we have 3 birthdays on our section,its Clares last day on friday before she transfers to another office. So it should be fun. :happy:

NIght. Sweet dreams. :heart:

Night Jem and Kat:hug:

Well, I'm off too. I only slept four hours last night and now I have a killer head ache. I hate that everything comes out as a head ache for me. :madwife:

Drea, I know, cliffhangers :madspit: but they know how to keep their readers on their toes :wink:

Night everyone :hug:
extra clone:heart: :hug:
As much as I love my work day being almost over, there's a period of about a half hour near the very end which is always so stressful because I always lose track of time and have to scramble to get my stuff together in time. :lol: I should really set an alarm or something. :lol:
ThoraSEB said:
As much as I love my work day being almost over, there's a period of about a half hour near the very end which is always so stressful because I always lose track of time and have to scramble to get my stuff together in time. :lol: I should really set an alarm or something. :lol:

:lol: Too bad you can't set something up so that Bono sings "Tiiiiiiiiiime" from COBL a half hour before you have to have the stuff done :wink:
Drea said:

:lol: Too bad you can't set something up so that Bono sings "Tiiiiiiiiiime" from COBL a half hour before you have to have the stuff done :wink:

:lol: That would be AWESOME!! I'll have to look into that. :hmm:

Well, I gotta take off now. See you later! :hug:

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