PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

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Is the Fallon show available online somewhere? I can't find the episode with Eve on Tou Tube, but there were little videos of her posted where she talks about stealing Justin Timberlake's number from her dad's phone book and making prank calls when she was 11 years old :lol:
I think it's not, the first part included Eve talking about her acting career and her role in The Knick. I couldn't find the whole appearance online and the current show hasn't been shown where I live. But I guess it will appear on You Tube sooner or later.
I think it's not, the first part included Eve talking about her acting career and her role in The Knick. I couldn't find the whole appearance online and the current show hasn't been shown where I live. But I guess it will appear on You Tube sooner or later.

I taped it again yesterday and this time it was bingo :)
This clip was basically the whole interview, all she said more was that she injected Owen on the first episode with liquid cocaïne and they showed the same clip of the Knick as on the Today show.
might be slightly off topic but can anyone else help me talk to this idiot that took a picture with what looks like...idk..70 year old, troll version of Bono that's he's certain is the real deal? lol Instagram
might be slightly off topic but can anyone else help me talk to this idiot that took a picture with what looks like...idk..70 year old, troll version of Bono that's he's certain is the real deal? lol Instagram

Done,but I wonder if it will help at all. I've been there myself,even had to make my account private cus that guy started abusing ppl in my pics :/
He met Pavel in NY and boy oh boy,I was stalking him and I didn't get laid etc..:mad:
I taped it again yesterday and this time it was bingo :)
This clip was basically the whole interview, all she said more was that she injected Owen on the first episode with liquid cocaïne and they showed the same clip of the Knick as on the Today show.

OK, thanks. I didn't watch is since I wasn't home yesterday, but I thought that this was pretty much the whole interview. Interviews on Fallon don't last much longer than a couple of minutes.
might be slightly off topic but can anyone else help me talk to this idiot that took a picture with what looks like...idk..70 year old, troll version of Bono that's he's certain is the real deal? lol Instagram

Why bother? They're not going to change their minds anyway. Might as well not waste your energy on these idiots. :)
I taped it again yesterday and this time it was bingo :)
This clip was basically the whole interview, all she said more was that she injected Owen on the first episode with liquid cocaïne and they showed the same clip of the Knick as on the Today show.

Are you able to upload the clip to youtube?
Someone reading the article printed below, over nice poctures

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I'm probably in the minority, but I'd love to see them do this. Especially Bono.

Well, I am in that minority with you :) Only I would mostly love to see Adam doing this, just can't imagine him in that situation :)
I wonder if they even know they have been challenged..
I hope neither Bono nor the rest of U2 will take on any of these challenges. They should just donate money. This whole self-marketing game has gone out of hand and IMO needs to stop, it's ridiculous.
I would take an Edge icebucket challenge but agree that simply waving check and nominating others might be classier... as well as a good tease.
Yeah because just silently donating would've totally gained the same popularity the challenge did, thus raising awareness for a disease many of these kids joining in never even heard of....
It's basically a nice idea that just got out of hand with all these celebrities. Donating money would be a more efficient way to help those in need. The Ice Bucket Challenge is a cult right now, it's a fashion, but it will go away as quickly as it came and the real cause of it will be forgotten again. Many have been criticizing the hype and I agree with them. This seems to be more about entertainment now than anything else. I hope U2 won't take the challenge.
Maybe have a look at the statistics then.... both awareness AND donation numbers for ALS have been starting to rise incredibly since the start of this challenge. Cult or attentionwhoring bullshite it may be, it works.
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