PLEBA Fan Fic Ideas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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i_love_adam said:
Oooh! My suggestion!

My half-baked idea is that Adam becomes a daddy! (AUAU)

He adopts one of Bono's African causes (a kid)? He makes a lovely brat with his own sperm?

perhaps if you had him discover he had a child when the kid's in their teens, just thinking of all the trouble a teenager could cause for an unsuspecting parent. it would probably give you more to work with in terms of plot especally if the kids been brought up poor and then discovers adams his/her dad
WOW:ohmy: I agree Katie, that would make a damn good story(edge's girl). It would be dramtic and funny all at the same time depending on who wrote it. To bad I have no talent when it comes to writing stories.:(
Oh K, Wake up Dead Man was really good, I would love to read more about why Bono went MIA in the first place. The story could go down so many different paths. That was what I enjoyed about it.:yes:
I'm trying to finish, damn it. But I get so side tracked... I'll, try, I promise. But I'm doing my GCSEs. So much damn homework. OK, I lie. I don't get that much homework. But I come on here and GSB too much!!

Right, I'm going to write it know. And thank you for your compliments, A.
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Hey girls...mind if I interupt here: Don't say you haven't any talent in writing...if you feel the need to write, even if you think it's crap (which I feel mine very often are _ ok, maybe one or two are ok, but mostly I don't like what I write), then you have got a talent for it. All y' hafta do is sit back, read what you've written and then change the bits you don't like. You'll soon find that it'll come and even if you don't particularly like what you've written, post it anyways, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised at the feedback.

Ok, stuck my nose in, now I'll be
you can write anytime you want sconehead you don't have to be a premium member:)
I have a suggestion to all the writers- could you please keep your whole stories in one thread instead of making new threads for new chapters? I've been trying to read some of these, but it's too hard digging out all the chapters. Whenever you add a new chapter, your thread will bump anyway and everyone will know there is an update. Also, you could make a 'new chapter updates' thread and the mods could sticky it, and everyone could announce what's new when they post it so everyone can keep track. I am on another fic site (not U2) and this is what we do, and it works great and makes finding and keeping track of the stories easier. Thanks for your consideration.
U2Kitten said:
I have a suggestion to all the writers- could you please keep your whole stories in one thread instead of making new threads for new chapters? I've been trying to read some of these, but it's too hard digging out all the chapters. Whenever you add a new chapter, your thread will bump anyway and everyone will know there is an update. Also, you could make a 'new chapter updates' thread and the mods could sticky it, and everyone could announce what's new when they post it so everyone can keep track. I am on another fic site (not U2) and this is what we do, and it works great and makes finding and keeping track of the stories easier. Thanks for your consideration.

ooo...hadn't seen this before, sorry U2kitten! I used to do that on another U2 forum but was asked specifically to break it up :wink: so will go back to doing what you suggest :) :up:
I prefer broken up chapters, it's much easier to see... it's more.. neat.. organized

perhaps the ff writers here could also post their stories on , there it's sorted by author and story and such :)
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Don't you think putting every chapter in one thread is more neat and organized? How could it not be? It's all together, easier to find, easier to keep track of and easier to read. Also on the sites I'm on, it's a message board style site too, separate categories are made for each writer, and then each new story is a subboard. Inside the subboard are the stories, and separate comments threads. That way, regardless of how you choose to post it, the stories were all together. There were a few who liked posting separate threads for each chapter, but even inside the story's own subboard they got all out of order and were harder to keep track of. Even stickying them didn't work because they wouldn't stay in order. Eventually everyone put their story in one continuous thread, that way it was never out of order and everyone could find it all.

What you're doing here might work for people who have followed the stories all along, but for someone like me coming in late and trying to find everything, it's next to impossible to keep track of all the chapters of all the stories, and it discourages you from even trying when you have to dig back several pages and everything is so out of order. I was just trying to make it easier to get seen and read.
it might be more neat to put it all in one thread, but it would have the comments mixed trough the fic too.... that would make the page load slow because many people use emoticons...

And if you need to find older stories, I'd advice you to use the search function, or incase you're not a prem, use google... it works, I've done that many times when I wasn't a prem yet..
First thought: good idea. It is a bit of a pain seeking out old chapters.

Having thought about it, some of our stories are quite long and, as GG points out, there are often comments and replies. It would make for a pretty cumbersome page if you had 30-odd chapters plus comments.

Sorry Kitten, I'm too thick to understand the suboard thing, only just got the hang of posting on here :wink: But it does sound like it would overcome the above problems.

If that's not an option, then the search function is probably your best bet. If it's a really big hassle for you to find the chapters and you're at all interested I'm happy to email you my stories (Word docs), U2Kitten :)
A 'board' is like a forum. On that site, each category like 'PLEBA' on the main menu would be for YOUR STORY, with your name. When you click on it, each thread would be your story, whole or in chapters all together, and a special thread for 'comments' so they don't clog or get lost in the story.

Here's an example, I made you guys this:

I can make it a lot fancier if you want ,and somebody can make it a cool banner since my photoshop is broken. Anyone who joins can get their own category for their stories, just start them in the section for what guy it's about.

You can all be mods if you want, and if you don't want me for Admin I will sign it over to one of you. Give it a try, even though you post here you can also have that special place where all your stories will be more organized and have more star billing than just a thread. (and you can do *ahem* anything you want there :flirt: ) So have fun with it. It's yours. I won't even mess with it if you don't want me to, but I'll set things up and fix your categories if you need help.
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If you're all ignoring and avoiding my board because of me, I have no problem handing it over to one or more of you who want to run it. It would be so much fun, and so much better way to display and organize your stories. Please don't let my unpopularity spoil it for you. Anyone can email or PM me and I'll give you the admin details, then never come back.
I'm not avoiding you, U2kitten and I appreciate the time you've taken to organise your link. Thank you. I simply haven't got anything ready to post yet. But hopefully soon. I'm sure the other writers are in the same boat. It's been reeeellly quiet in here lately.:up:
No kidding, I haven't been in here in a very long time!

I understand your suggestion, Kitten, and I totally agree with the idea. But I love to get comments on my chapters - and having them in between chapters could get really messy and distracting IMO. I'll definitely check out your link - its just that the way this sight is set up lends itself more to a one chapter at a time style.

U2 fan fic has the storeis organized better, with a seperate link for comments on the stories, but they haven't updated in a long time! I finished a 26 chapter story months ago and they haven't got the whole thing posted yet, only up to chapter 7. :shrug:
But I love to get comments on my chapters - and having them in between chapters could get really messy and distracting IMO.

OF COURSE they do! That's why you have a separate thread for comments! If you have it set up as its own category like in the board I made you can keep the story- whole or in chapters- and the comments thread all in one place separate from the mess of getting lost in all the other threads and falling off the page into oblivion. Try it out on the new forum I posted the link to, you can have fun there and still put them here too.
youvedonewhat said:
I'm not avoiding you, U2kitten and I appreciate the time you've taken to organise your link. Thank you. I simply haven't got anything ready to post yet. But hopefully soon. I'm sure the other writers are in the same boat. It's been reeeellly quiet in here lately.:up:

If you want to dig out all your old stories and move them there via copy and paste you can do that anytime. Just let me know the titles and I can make them categories.

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