PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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For the people going to the Coldplay shows in Minny, I'm heading down there Thursday. Staying downtown Minny. Not sure what time I'll get there Thursday and we like to stop in Duluth for a bit to do some shopping. Friday I'm probably heading to the Irish fair, but early, so I can get back to the hotel before the concert to get ready, and then head down to the venue. Leaving Saturday most likely.

Well if you're interested in meeting up sometime in between the fair and the concert, let me know :)
My friends and I are going to the Coldplay show up there on the 10th. So I probably wouldn't be able to tag around the city with you guys, much as I'd love to. But, if nobody minds, maybe we could meet up at a bar for drinks or something, at least?

:hyper: I forgot you were going to be there too!
Zooey, I have a solution to your flying anxiety. You only need 2 things; vanilla vodka and a flask. :up;

Ha! I'm so dehydrated after yesterday - early morning sweaty hike, mid day gin binge after the wolf spider incident, then out for drinks with friends last night. AND they don't allow liquids through security!

UGH - just found out I have to spend 3 hours in the SLC airport. My 2nd flight got delayed for some reason. :crack: Hey Katie, wanna come to the airport and entertain me? :giggle:
Ooh Tara is going to freak a little bit. :ohmy:

I'm at home now but Chelsea went out pub crawling in SD's gaslamp quarter tonight (by Comic-con) Seems they got invited to the upstairs VIP section of some place and are now dance partying with Nathan Fillion.

You're right. *freaks out*:panic::panic: :hyper::hyper:

And, cool, you met Tom! He's adorable!

Ha! I'm so dehydrated after yesterday - early morning sweaty hike, mid day gin binge after the wolf spider incident, then out for drinks with friends last night. AND they don't allow liquids through security!

UGH - just found out I have to spend 3 hours in the SLC airport. My 2nd flight got delayed for some reason. :crack: Hey Katie, wanna come to the airport and entertain me? :giggle:


I bought a swimsuit at Marshalls a few weeks ago but I also bought one at a different store a few days later that I knew once I tried it on it was a better fit for me. So today I went to return it. I brought a freezer grocery bag with me because I had to stop at Trader Joe's, which was in the middle of my errand running today. The swimsuit, in the plastic Marshalls bag, got cold in the car because both bags were on my front seat. So once I got to the return desk the cashier immediately accused me of wearing it! She kept feeling it, smelling it, and checking the tickets to make sure they weren't reattached. She accused me of wearing it and said she couldn't return it. I flipped out because I never even took it out of the bag after I bought it. She got really rude and defensive and then scanned my receipt but then paused and waited for a few minutes like she was going to call her coworker over. I said if she had a problem with my return I'd go to my car and get the freezer bag to show her. She told me, in her rude tone, that it wasn't necessary and threw the swimsuit on the back counter in disgust and finished my transaction. It was totally obvious it hadn't been worn but she was an idiot. She also threw my receipt at me instead of handing it to me. I took my receipt and then just finished filling out the lovely survey they asked me to do online on my receipt. :evil: Payback is a bitch little girl. I have worked in retail and food service long enough to not put up with anyone's crap like that. :angry: I'm not in the mood to be screwed with right now.
Oh, I'm sorry. I know how frustrating return policies can be and how picky people are about what can and can't be returned, but, eh, well. She certainly didn't have to be rude about it like she was.

:hyper: I forgot you were going to be there too!

Yep :D :hyper:! I'm very excited. We're planning on leaving early Friday morning ourselves, and so far are only planning on staying there Friday night and coming home sometime Saturday. But we'll see what happens with that aspect of it all.

JJ, HA, oh, I'm tempted to go check out the thread you posted that news in now! Maybe later tonight when I get home from work.

Also, in regards to that news: :panic:
Oh, I'm sorry. I know how frustrating return policies can be and how picky people are about what can and can't be returned, but, eh, well. She certainly didn't have to be rude about it like she was.

Yep :D :hyper:! I'm very excited. We're planning on leaving early Friday morning ourselves, and so far are only planning on staying there Friday night and coming home sometime Saturday. But we'll see what happens with that aspect of it all.

JJ, HA, oh, I'm tempted to go check out the thread you posted that news in now! Maybe later tonight when I get home from work.

Also, in regards to that news: :panic:

the frustrating thing was I never wore it and it was completely insulting that she kept smelling it to see if it smelled like chlorine. :yuck: I would NEVER have done anything like that when working in retail because I think people are gross so I don't need to smell their return :der:

Well if you're in town on Sat long enough you should check out the Irish fair on Harriet Island. It's just a walk across a bridge over the river directly across from the Xcel. I haven't really gotten much out of the U2 MN crowd about doing a meet up so it could just be anyone from this thread on Friday before the show. But that's ok with me :) I didn't get to meet everyone last year so it would be great to do it this year. My friend that's going to be with me is a huge U2 fan and travels all over the place to see them too. She's just not really into posting here but she is a member. I actually met her in pleba back in the old days before the Vertigo tour. Seems like such a long time ago and so many people have come and gone.
Crap. I said "Katie" but I meant Tara. Sorry. Yeah I'm here for 2 more hours. There is a very attractive group of fire fighters near my gate and I just bought 2 books.

:giggle: oh! And, dammit, if my brother didn't take the car to work today, I would've driven down to meet you. (or, at least, had my mom drive me, as I don't have a licence :shifty:).

Cute firefighters, huh? Lucky..... they must've be in the area to help with all the horrible fires we've had recently.

Hokay :giggle:

I say watch the firefighters and save the books for the plane :p

One of the SNL episodes featuring U2 is on.... :hyper: :combust:
Happy travels to all you people heading fun places!

Comet, I've loved hearing your Comic-Con stories!

Sarah's been home for over two weeks, but she left a while ago to go back to K/W. A friend picked her up and they're spending the night at Sarah's, and then them and the other two roommates are going to Canada's Wonderland (theme park just north of Toronto) tomorrow. She's super excited.

I took two holiday days yesterday and today. Today was awesome, we went out shopping almost the entire day. I'm not a hardcore shopper, but today was fun. The last few places we went to, Sarah regressed to being 5 and was all "mom, can we go home nooooow??!" :lol:

Oh, and I tweeted about this earlier, but over the past few days that I've been off, I discovered that we have a family of skunks living in our backyard - 4 skunk babies, out eating grass both mornings!!! :love: So cute. The seem to be living in an old shed I have at the very back of my property. We tried to get pictures this morning, but we can't get too close and startle them, obviously. :lol:
VP, has it been forever or does PGP run on different time than the rest of the world?

we had a baby skunk at the community garden the week before was a little fuzzball :3
In the woe-is-me department, I just found out last night about this concert I'd reeeealy like to see. Went to TM and there are still amazing seats left. Mentioned it to Sarah, and she was less than enthused. Emailed that friend of my brother who I've mentioned on here before, the one I've known literally since I can remember, he's like an older brother to me, and I've had an inappropriate crush on him for decades. He said he'd love to go, but can't...I guess he has other plans? Or finds me so irresistible that the thought of attending a concert with me out of town freaks him out? Yeah, I bet that's it. :wink: Anyway, I have no one to go with, boo. :(
VP, has it been forever or does PGP run on different time than the rest of the world?

we had a baby skunk at the community garden the week before was a little fuzzball :3

If by forever, you mean a couple of weeks, then maybe? :lol:

How are you? I saw that one piece of art you're working on when I was catching up. Gorgeous!

Skunks are the best. They're so pretty and have such beautiful eyes. Too bad they're stinky. :cute: Two of my cats are tuxedos, and one of them is long haired. The skunks reminded me of him when he was a kitten. :cute:
:reject: I totally go to concerts by myself :| although it's way better to go with people, my friends except my best friend either bitch about the music, aren't into it, or try to get me to pay for tickets...

I'm alright. Kind of tired of being in the middle of nowhere, not getting much done, blah. I'm not sure what art you saw since it was forever ago :laugh: I've been making stuff for a local contest/gallery showing ish thing and it's left me a bit drained.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of...he looked like a somewhat spiky baby kitty :cute:
:reject: I totally go to concerts by myself :| although it's way better to go with people, my friends except my best friend either bitch about the music, aren't into it, or try to get me to pay for tickets...

I'm alright. Kind of tired of being in the middle of nowhere, not getting much done, blah. I'm not sure what art you saw since it was forever ago :laugh: I've been making stuff for a local contest/gallery showing ish thing and it's left me a bit drained.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of...he looked like a somewhat spiky baby kitty :cute:

I would go to this one myself, but it's the whole travelling time...45 minute drive, hour long train ride, and then repeat the process on the way back, very late at night. Bleh. I could guilt Sarah into going (the childbirth card...) but I'm not paying $100-ish for her ticket and have her go and not enjoy it. And my local friends are lame-asses who aren't really concert-goers.

I'll try to find the pic I'm thinking of, I'm sure it was in this thread.

Here is my skunk-cat, when he was a kitten. :cute: When he walks, even now as an adult, he sort of romps, and reminds me of a baby bear. When I called Sarah out to see the skunks, she said "they even walk like Jack!"

Hey, Deeg and Thora!

Deeg, how are things going?? Are you home now? My poor pgp girls and their legs. :(

Thanks Thora! It's the first time I've had off in nearly a year and a half that wasn't illness-related. I've booked off a whole week at the end of the month. Excited for that!
:cute: what an adorable kitty! So fuzzy. Yeah, baby skunks look similar, larger heads though I think

What band are you wanting to see? /curious

My older sister's going to the PDX festival in Portland around when I'm gonna be there
for a funeral. :| my family's in stressville organizing most of it/getting this deceased person's book published/etc
Needless to say, I haven't heard of any of the bands in that, cause they're local Portland bands and I'm off in Baltimore mostly. I dunno if I'd want to come with her. I may have to socialize with family friends instead. Also there's the chance the music would suck, or I'd be standing around like a doormat with my sister's friends all doing the cool-20something thing, drinkin' their beer.
But on the other hand—music festival!
Vyvyan is very bored. - YouTube

:wave: PGP! it's been awhile.

Today is major arting day. The shit thing about doing large art for contests (only way old people will buy art) is I'm going to have to do it in the living room with constant parental commentary...I like working in my room....but I'm excited to get this art done.


larger version of this will happen

and possibly another smaller piece.

This! I like this a lot!!!
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