PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

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Vyvyan is very bored. - YouTube

:wave: PGP! it's been awhile.

Today is major arting day. The shit thing about doing large art for contests (only way old people will buy art) is I'm going to have to do it in the living room with constant parental commentary...I like working in my room....but I'm excited to get this art done.


larger version of this will happen

and possibly another smaller piece.
Also, yeah, agreed, not only would Bono be chatting it up on Twitter, but the media would be reporting his tweets often, especially if they relate to political issues.

It would be kinda fun to see him on Twitter.
Also, I think we're forgetting his inability to keep things to himself. He likes to talk. A LOT. I don't think he'd be able to handle tweeting, given that each message has a set word limit.


Aw, yeah, I actually hope that happens, too :). That would be a wise decision.

Course, given that we're talking about Utah, the fall season can bring its own share of crazy weather to the state, too, but still... Could he maybe find an indoor venue to perform at instead, and everyone's tickets could be accepted there?

Whatever happens, I hope you do eventually get to go see him.

There's only one indoor place that I know of that goes through the same ticket seller as the ampitheatre, so maybe he'd go there in the fall.... it's supposed to be 99ºF on Wednesday :crack:. This ampitheatre is in the more desert area of northern UT, too....

And guys, are you seriously considering Bono having a Twitter account? You realize that requires knowledge on how to work a computer or phone, right? :wink:

Vyvyan is very bored. - YouTube

:wave: PGP! it's been awhile.

Today is major arting day. The shit thing about doing large art for contests (only way old people will buy art) is I'm going to have to do it in the living room with constant parental commentary...I like working in my room....but I'm excited to get this art done.


larger version of this will happen

and possibly another smaller piece.
Um. I don't know how good that'd be for his back...*is concerned*
Maybe he could sit on a rafter and be pretty?

I need to stop having coffee before breakfast...nausea city. :crack:
Nice Young Ones clip on the last page - that show was so bizarre and totally reminds me of college.

Bono IN Cirque? BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!! He was (pardon the pun) out of control enough on the shiny mic.
It's fun. Oh and news on radio things—speaking of punk—I'm working on introducing "rap only" DJ guy to some much heavier stuff.

Unsure if I'm going to stop by the station this weekend. It's a bit awkward being there on my lonesome. I just want to go "I'm not a fangirl, this is condescension, not obsession. You have a musical education to get, young man." But I may have to skip a week or two.
Um. I don't know how good that'd be for his back...*is concerned*
Maybe he could sit on a rafter and be pretty?

That works! He can chime in for a Beatles song in the Love show. That's the only Cirque du Soleil show, incidentally, I have any interest in seeing. I'm definitely going to try to go when I'm there next year.

There's a U2 tribute band coming to Seattle in September. YAY! (Under a Blood Red Sky, for those who have heard of them. I think they're from Denver?) They're playing at this weird sit-down venue, though. I mean, it's a cool place - it's relatively cheap, great views throughout, and you're at tables where they have food and drink service from the awesome Asian restaurant next door. It's just a weird venue for an act where you're going to want to dance and jump around like a crazy person.

So I reserved the two tables smack up front in the middle for a few friends, and it'll be awesome. Weird to be at a sit-down place like that, but whatever, we'll chair dance and rock out over our food.
Mrr. I need to go to Seattle.

I'm pretty sure my parents aren't up for that, even though we'll be traveling to Portland at the end of the it'll probably wait til after I finish college/can drive/maybe have money.
That works! He can chime in for a Beatles song in the Love show. That's the only Cirque du Soleil show, incidentally, I have any interest in seeing. I'm definitely going to try to go when I'm there next year.

There's a U2 tribute band coming to Seattle in September. YAY! (Under a Blood Red Sky, for those who have heard of them. I think they're from Denver?) They're playing at this weird sit-down venue, though. I mean, it's a cool place - it's relatively cheap, great views throughout, and you're at tables where they have food and drink service from the awesome Asian restaurant next door. It's just a weird venue for an act where you're going to want to dance and jump around like a crazy person.

So I reserved the two tables smack up front in the middle for a few friends, and it'll be awesome. Weird to be at a sit-down place like that, but whatever, we'll chair dance and rock out over our food.

They played here a couple years ago. DRay and I want out to the casino to see them. I didn't love the lead singer, but he grew on me as the set went on. I'm sure you'll have a good time.
As far as Bono in a Cirque show, :hmm: he would be a cool Master of Ceremonies, he could be really awesome at that.
Sounds fun, cori! :up:

I'm hoping to get to Seattle SOMETIME in the near future. I was really hoping to come for Seafair, as that's a tradition I have with one of my BFF's (and it's also super convenient, since we have a holiday that weekend), but I'm not sure it will work this year. I love the air show! :D
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