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Tame Impala got the best Int grp award.......

an effing single act basicly......

I like their music btw but the category is just.... love putting Tame Impala on when on ze booze alone on summer nights :D

I don't even know Tame Impala. :wink:
Kendrick should've won too but Justin Bieber got it.
Which was to be expected.
Ola , New Zealander :wave: Hows life on the exact oposite of the globe?
Soo please someone explain this dumb European how the hell people are seriously voting for that clown Trump? Cause I'm completely lost... I thought it was a joke...
Soo please someone explain this dumb European how the hell people are seriously voting for that clown Trump? Cause I'm completely lost... I thought it was a joke...

I know I can't believe this is actually happening, but I also realize that fascism was quite popular in 1930s so I guess keys to that question might reside that time period.
Well that one is rather easy to explain, since after WW1 Germany was left with giant debts and the country was piss poor. So the people got united by Hitler as he gave them food (and games, yes caesar, we got it) and jobs, the economy actually thrived under his command. So that's why they rose to power, a common enemy (the dirty debt collectors) and food and employment.

Just thinking out loud for a second...
So the US does have a common enemy according to trump, those darn Mexicans right?
Trump is a businessman, so perhaps they have hopes he'll be good for the economy?
He's gotten this far because people are angry and frustrated with the status quo. He's an insane choice, but he's virtually the only choice amongst Republicans and Democrats that isn't part of the current system that people are angry and frustrated with.

and Mexicans + a wall, thats just talk, US society will crumble without em

if Hillary gets elected it means another war as she´s corrupted af and Bernie, well sadly he doesnt have a chance :(

think rest of the world are going to run out of beer and popcorn watching this campaign
No we will just sigh and go on with our shitty elections in our own country.
The US has Trump. We have Wilders... Just as bad as dumb as the Trump.
And I would put money down on PVV growing again this year.

Also, Merkel, Europarliament and EU-International banks :down: Europe's not all that at the moment.
No we will just sigh and go on with our shitty elections in our own country.
The US has Trump. We have Wilders... Just as bad as dumb as the Trump.
And I would put money down on PVV growing again this year.

Also, Merkel, Europarliament and EU-International banks :down: Europe's not all that at the moment.

Yet the big difference is that Wilders will never become PM. He doesn't have the support, the other parties refuse to govern with him, so he'll never have the majority of the 2nd chamber. He'll always be in the opposition.
Yet the big difference is that Wilders will never become PM. He doesn't have the support, the other parties refuse to govern with him, so he'll never have the majority of the 2nd chamber. He'll always be in the opposition.

I do hope you are right!
I thought Bernie is totally viable candidate if people actually care about policies.
Cant' multiquote on my tablet
as far as know.
I don' t think Hillary is totally corrupted. Yes I'm concerned about her Wall Street ties.

Bernie's a good guy- he used to be on Air America Radio (rip) a liberal-progressive
station with a few of the Radio Talkers . They're still out there just not in a consolidated way. :sigh: I can only get one. of them talker for 1 hour /week if I remember, can get the station . B before we had 5 major people regularly, and a bunch of others part time, or once a week . It was glorious.

Here's the problem w Bernie gettting elected
I'm not sure he can be as a Socialist (I grew up art a time when that word was the equivilant with Communism, 2)and the really aggressive, kinda sour-faced (I' m thinking College) Socialist Workers Party people :rolleyes:

Took decades for me to find out about Nordic-style Democratic Socialism! Which impresses me a lot .

Having had 2 Major formative experiences in Presidential (USA) Elections go really badly ...

I was 16 for the 1968 Election Humphrey vs Nixon vs George Wallace. Having been going to support Bobby Kennedy's campaign before he was assassinated I was devastated. I was NOT going support Humphrey.

We had a 6 week School strike :hyper: :lol: at the start oif September. The more I heard about Nixon the more I got upset. I finally went to campaign for Humphrwy- and he was gaming ground .. but it was too little too late.

Then in 1972- I was 19 (and in the first round of those allowed to vite at18) and worked for George McGovern who wanted to end end the Vietnam War and who very concerned about poverty and hunger. He flew 50 bombing missions in WW2, the the Republicans turned him into a weakling in their campaigning .

When I walked into the hotel ballroom after school on Election Day - there projected on a screen were all 50 States projected to go to Nixon.

Anyway they're a bunch of us who may prefer Bernie BUT are terrified he will be "McGoverned".

I heard a great comment from someone on public radio.: " people usually vote for 3 reasons; civic duty, inspired, or for survival ".

Any who is a person of color, poor,working class, possibly even middle-class, disabled could have their health, their support from them government, and maybe their literal survival atstake. There was a realitivly recent study of 100 years of England showing there was more illness and death during tineswhen The Conservatives were in power.

And a loose cannon like Trump on Foreign Affairs? :shudders:

/ end of Political History Lesson

This post was sent from The MTA (subway) Free WiFi ! :hyper:

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I've had to ask my aunt to replan my visit to go in September in stead... various things needing to get done in too short a time are stressing me out too much to get there in a relatively comfortable way. :sigh: HOPING September WILL work out well for us! I'd asked about June, it might've worked out earlier on if I'd been able to get my passport done but now it won't work out.

They don't have A/C so I can't chance July or August ah well Just e-m'd her a few hours ago.
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Hopefully it will be a bit cooler in September, dazz. When we were in Ireland this past late June/early July, our hotel in Killarney didn't have A/C. Fortunately, we were able to get a fan to us; otherwise it would have been miserable. If I'm ever lucky enough to go again, I plan to pack along a small fan in my suitcase!
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