PGP: I came, I saw, ....I rocked the Casbah

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I'm such a cat person myself and it always saddens me when something bad happens to them.:sad:
:hug: Thanks

Good luck with the lottery, GG! :wink:

I'm still waiting for an update on the food writer job. :waiting: Patience is not a virtue that I possess much of, unfortunately. :lol: Hopefully they'll say something soon!

*sends vibes*

Nice pet!

I'd love to walk him on a bedazzled leather leash.



Good news: Jamie seems to be feeling better.... *crosses fingers*
Thanks, Tara. I've been waiting on pins and needles all day, and there's been not a peep from them. :tsk: Of course they're probably making us wait like this on purpose. :rolleyes:

That's encouraging about your cat!
Finally they posted! Of course it was just a tease. :rolleyes: The shortlisted candidates are going to be announced on Monday morning. So there's still a while to wait yet. Oh well, at least I know when I can either move on or be super excited about being a finalist! :)
Tara :hyper: I hope that means your kitty will make it

I'm having the curious feeling that pressure (finals) is making me do better work...
My schoolyear ends May 5. I've got 3 weeks or less (3 classes or less bc classes are weekly), and about 1 week of full days/half days off where I can finish

  • a sketchbook full of concert drawings aka youtube, showing movement/emotion (and then I need to remove them from the sketchbook and bind them) = :heart:
  • a flying machine = :heart: / :crack:
  • an introspective paper on my critical nature = easy
  • a life-sized self portrait = :crack: :crack: :crack:
  • a probably similarly drawing about motion = :crack:
  • a vaguely defined project I'm choosing to mean a sound recording of my life in 1 day, with different activities edited over each other = easy

And I've got to pack for California, and harass my (very noncommittal, bad-at-planning) friend about whether I can go road tripping with her, bc my parents need to make plane ticket reservations ASAP...
Not unless we can get there super wicked dirt cheap. I had a flight of fancy about going....but it's just too steep. Even though we didn't have to pay taxes this year.
:sigh: I wish I had the moneys to do that...

As of this year and the future for some time, there are definitely no distant concerts I get to go to (parents don't think it's worthy of money/no way in hell for me to earn enough for that/I'm busy with school mostly), etc etc.

And after college, I'll be supporting myself (hopefully?) and have even less money :| all I can hope is that the bands I like don't keel over, break up, or stop touring after the 15+ years it'll take me to be able to afford to see them all...
:sigh: I wish I had the moneys to do that...

As of this year and the future for some time, there are definitely no distant concerts I get to go to (parents don't think it's worthy of money/no way in hell for me to earn enough for that/I'm busy with school mostly), etc etc.

And after college, I'll be supporting myself (hopefully?) and have even less money :| all I can hope is that the bands I like don't keel over, break up, or stop touring after the 15+ years it'll take me to be able to afford to see them all...

Katie, this place is evil. It makes you think that EVERYONE is out there having more fun and seeing WAY more concerts that you. I didn't start spending stupid amounts of money on traveling to concerts until I was 35. In college I was in San Francisco so I just went to clubs to see smaller or local bands.

Ergh, YES! I feel so left out sometimes because everyone's able to drop money left and right for concerts on a regular basis or they live in areas where all the cool, good artists come through regularly and there's festivals and such they get to see that I can't 'cause they're too far away. I sympathize with you, Katie :hug:. I hope you do get a chance to see an artist you love someday.

As for your schoolwork coming up...ummmmmm...have fun? Wow. That's a lot, but I've no doubt you'll do just fine with it :).

GG, woo for your tickets for Snow Patrol! And good luck with your lottery tickets, too :D.

Thora, agh, more waiting? Sigh. Eh, well. It's coming soon-look forward to hearing the results!

JJ, that university looks fun!

Casually mention how you can't stand George W. and you're mostly set.

Cool, I'd fit right in, then!

Good news: Jamie seems to be feeling better.... *crosses fingers*

Woohoo :up: :)! That is EXCELLENT to hear, here's hoping for more good news on that front :hug:.

Also sending good vibes to Thora for Monday. :zen:

And I totally had planned to do the 360 Vegas meet up, until it got planned the same weekend as Comic-con. :grumpy:

*would absolutely die happy if she could get to Comic-Con*


This thread is almost done. We should picspam it into history. :shifty:


But, I have to go to bed now.

G'night all! Love you!

Also sending good vibes to Thora for Monday. :zen:

And I totally had planned to do the 360 Vegas meet up, until it got planned the same weekend as Comic-con. :grumpy:

Thanks! :D

I would really love to go to Vegas again someday, since it's so easy to do on the cheap. I wasn't really interested in going to the meet up, but I was hoping to plan a trip somewhere this year. I got a really good tax return and was thinking about spending that money on a trip to PEI, but I've decided to be a motherfucking adult and use it to pay all the bills instead. Since there's no guarantee that I'll be getting this food writing job, the responsible thing to do is to use the return to pay for rent and all that. :sigh: Being a responsible adult sucks sometimes. :lol:
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