PGP: I came, I saw, ....I rocked the Casbah

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LoL, 1-0 to goose :D :lol:


:lol:! Awesome.

:lol: Oh man, I pity that bus driver!

:wink: Irony the bus is going to WATERloo? Perhaps the geese were confused, and thought it'd bring them home.

Or maybe the geese are simply seeking a higher education?
So I'm suffering this existential kind of thing. I need something more in my life. I have thrown myself into work for the past year, and ended up feeling betrayed. My mom doesn't need me that much these days. Sarah doesn't need me as much. I have no romantic prospects, and even if there were prospects, I'm not sure that I'd want them to be a major focus, you know? Maybe a dalliance, but not a focus. Many people might reach out to religion, but I'm atheist and that's not really an option, heh. So, I was thinking of becoming more involved in politics; specifically, getting involved in the party I'm a member of. Not sure if that's the answer, but that's all I've got right now. And they sent me an email about a general meeting for the membership in my area for later this month, with various committees you can serve on.

Go for it!
You should def check it out.

And personally, I think what you're really suffering from is clone separation anxiety. Just sayin. :tongue:

And on that note, I should probably get some sleep.
Sweet dreams everyone, I hope you all have fabulous days tomorrow!

Nice to see you pop by for a bit, Bri! :love:

There's going to be news on the food writer position tomorrow!! :D I'm not sure if they're actually going to be announcing the shortlisted candidates or what. They just said that they knew we'd been waiting to hear something and "we'll be getting back to you tomorrow with some more specific details." Teases. :tsk: :lol: But hopefully they'll have some good news to announce! I appreciate that they're taking their time to give every qualified applicant a fair chance, but I want to know who's a finalist. So we'll see what they say tomorrow! :)

:shifty: I'm going by the stadium today to check if they've any left. Might be able to get one of the puppet shirts since those are usually mediums.

:wink: The last shirt I had on my team was with Jari Litmanen's name on the back. He played for Ajax sometime in the late 90s I think. :lol: So I definitely need a new one, but I just kept pushing it forwards since I didn't have the money or time to go there.
Hey everyone!!
Hope all you lovely people are doing well.
I've been trying to catch up and failing miserably, so I started doing random sampling of pages. It doesn't make for a coherent conversation. :lol:

oh hai thar
And why yes I did. :flirt:

How you doin?


:kiss: It's been far too long! Now if only I had gotten up at the crack of dawn I would've ran into you here. :grumpy: Damn my sleeping habits.

I'm good, how's life in Ikeaville? :hug:
Sad news Tara :hug: and GG, Litmanens shirt :ohmy:, that guy is a legend, played against him on youth tournament and would`ve needed rope to stop him :yell::fist::wink:

* and he just stopped playing for our national team @ age 41 :lol:
I know JJ. :lol: You told me, and I envied you for it! Wish I could get a new shirt with his name, lol, mine was a kiddie sized one that I don't fit at all anymore.
It is looking pretty likely that I may have to put Jamie down.


So sorry Tara :hug:

Awwww!! Snow puppeh! :cute:
So adorable! Reminds me a lot of my own, too.
Is it a shih-tzu or a lasha? I'm leaning towards the former.....

The face looks so much like my current pup, and the markings like those of my old Lasha who passed a few years back.

He's a Shih Tzu

Nice to see you pop by for a bit, Bri! :love:

There's going to be news on the food writer position tomorrow!! :D I'm not sure if they're actually going to be announcing the shortlisted candidates or what. They just said that they knew we'd been waiting to hear something and "we'll be getting back to you tomorrow with some more specific details." Teases. :tsk: :lol: But hopefully they'll have some good news to announce! I appreciate that they're taking their time to give every qualified applicant a fair chance, but I want to know who's a finalist. So we'll see what they say tomorrow! :)

*sendsgoodluckvibes* :zen:
I know JJ. :lol: You told me, and I envied you for it! Wish I could get a new shirt with his name, lol, mine was a kiddie sized one that I don't fit at all anymore.

I take back what I said!!!! :laugh: Oh god, I came there, and XL was the only adult size left... so the girl said that I should try the biggest kiddie sized, as lots of females have those. I was sceptical as I got broad shoulders, but apparently they're the size of a 17 year old boy, cause the biggest kid size fits perfectly.

In 10 years, all I've grown is two kid sizes. :lol: Awesomesauce. And it was a bit cheaper too.
:hyper: OMG I just got a text from Jem that she got us Snow Patrol tickets for Dublin. :fuckyeah: :hyper: :love: :dance: I was so convinced we'd never get those tickets, we've been trying for over a month. Halelujah!
Aww. :hug:

:shifty: You could always come see them in Dublin with me and Jem. Apparently more Interferencers are coming over, and you get to see LJ again! :D
Just watched Space shuttle last flight on tele, cruising over Washingtong on top of plane, looked so cool :love:
Tara, I am so sorry. Been there, done that twice in my life; and it still sucks. :hug:

I don't know the whole story on what's been going on with your little guy, but I am very sorry to hear this. I've been there, and just the thought of it is impossibly tough.
:( :hug:s

:hug: Tara

so much sympathy :(

Tara that sucks, big time. Hugs to you and Jamie.

Ugh that blows. :hug: But at least he won't be in pain anymore..

Sad news Tara :hug:

So sorry Tara :hug:

Thanks everyone. :hug:
I'm such a cat person myself and it always saddens me when something bad happens to them.:sad:
Ha! If I can't afford Vegas, I most certainly cannot afford Dublin. We have to plan for everyone to come out when I run the Dublin Marathon in a few years!
I got lottery tickets for our national holiday. :wink: So if all goes according to plan I shoul dbe a millionaire after April 30. I'll fly you in.
Good luck with the lottery, GG! :wink:

I'm still waiting for an update on the food writer job. :waiting: Patience is not a virtue that I possess much of, unfortunately. :lol: Hopefully they'll say something soon!
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