PGP: Hot Bono in the Summertime

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M_A, I know beer. Maybe I can help you find a beer to your liking. AKA stay away from Bud and crap like that.

Yeah, go for it. That sort of stuff is the only kind I'm aware of :p.

Dazz, thanks for your suggestions, too. I'm not much of a liquor person, either, mainly just when I'm out with friends, but it does help to know what the best kind of that stuff to drink is if I ever have it as an option.
I do not know why, but this image made me very happy.

Edge looks really fascinated by it :p.

You've never had a beer, right? What kinds of wines do you like?

Right. I don't know, really, my friends are the ones who usually bring that stuff and I just drink whatever they have, I haven't really found a brand that I would pick as a favorite.

I tend to like red wines, though. And I do like fruity-flavored alcoholic drinks ("lady drinks", so to speak). So I don't know if that helps much, but there's that.
That does help. SO - the summer beers are good. Most of them are fruity-ish. Like tonight, I'm drinking Magic Hat's Elderbetty. It's a lighter wheat-like beer brewed with elderberries. There are some hefeweizen's brewed with lemon or orange peel. Most of the summer seasonal's are like this. There is Shock Top or Leinenkeugel's Sunset Wheat, Summer Shandy or Berry Weiss.
This proves Vertigo as Bono's worst look EVER. The stringy hair. The hybrid suit jacket/Spt. Pepper look. And I hated those glasses.

There's an apricot beer we're obsessed with right now. I think the brand is Pyramid. :hmm: It's yummy. Also there's a cherry wheat one which is good. Spacing on the brand... hang on...
Of course regular old Blue Moon is delicious, put an orange slice on the rim and :up:

One thing I've noticed for many people is beer can be an acquired taste. It may take a few tries to really like it. The best way to try your first one is on a really hot day when you're super thirsty and have an ice cold beer. :drool:
They were.

Me, I was being happy about that Grammys pic I posted, and the fact that my movie finally finished downloading so I can watch. :shifty:

Oh, and I'm giggling insanely while reading Questionable Content. I seriously love Pintsize.
:wave: :hmm: i think i zoned out for a while, just got my other meds....

sometimes i really liked B's long Vertigo hair , sometimes not...did not care for that Sgt Pepper's influenced jacket but he had at least one other one i really liked! There was one he wore for Edun's bash at ? Sak's Fifth Ave (store) i think while they were around ?on tour at MSG.Now that jacket was drool-worth IMHO.

The glasses i kinda liked them.

if i had been listening to my college station the last 1 1/2 weeks i might have some BUT i've gotten out of the habit since i landed here...
...must start up again!

So i might have some for you in a few days as i go about listening again!

i know that doesn't help right NAO! :hug:s

ETA; i ALSO need to have a little notepad on my boombox solely for "older" artists i don't know AND new bands etc to keep a list!

Nah, whenever you get me some names is fine.

I've still yet to try beer. I've had wine and champagne and that sort of stuff, but I've never had beer. I don't know what brand would be worth trying.

:lol: I never really watched "Friends" much, but from what I've seen...gotta love Phoebe.

Do you need the new music for stuff to listen to while running, or just in general? Any specific genres you're interested in?

new running stuff, new listening stuff, new driving stuff, whatever. I don't dig female singers, no techno, and I don't love "wispy" or "mopey" stuff.

Of course regular old Blue Moon is delicious, put an orange slice on the rim and :up:

One thing I've noticed for many people is beer can be an acquired taste. It may take a few tries to really like it. The best way to try your first one is on a really hot day when you're super thirsty and have an ice cold beer. :drool:

Blue Moon is the only beer I drink really. It used to be Red Hook. I like Shock Top too but Blue Moon is what I buy.

They were.

Me, I was being happy about that Grammys pic I posted, and the fact that my movie finally finished downloading so I can watch. :shifty:

Oh, and I'm giggling insanely while reading Questionable Content. I seriously love Pintsize.

You keep talking about QC... what is it?
Questionable Content is a webcomic, and it's really neat. Jeph (the artist/author dude) has a great sense of humor. Granted, I'm only on strip 476, and he's up to 2205, but I'm catching up! <- :shifty:
Wow we tore through this thread. Like the old days of leather. :drool:

Weldy if you make it back here before it ends, be sure to add BEER, and Shirtless Larry and Bono in Leather O'Clock to the tags. :lol: (yes it says CLOCK :shifty:)
gotcha -

and on that note I'm going to drink my 3rd beer and head to bed.

I had 2. Considering I have an early morning run....and I am FINALLY getting my hair done... I was good.

Sunday, my plan is run to the Y 2.5 miles. Do a weight routine. Run home. YAY! Mr. R thinks I'm crazy. Like a fox.

And I love Jimmy Fallon.
Wow we tore through this thread. Like the old days of leather. :drool:

Weldy if you make it back here before it ends, be sure to add BEER, and Shirtless Larry and Bono in Leather O'Clock to the tags. :lol: (yes it says CLOCK :shifty:)

Are you looking at ME?

I'm innocent. :nod:
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