PGP: Hot Bono in the Summertime

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I know that feeling when finishing a good book. Happy/sad/melancholy. I just start another book and sooon I'm over it. I :heart: reading!

Hey Karen! Haven't seen you here in forever! But I haven't been around much lately (until yesterday - haha!)

I like that idea :D.

Yeah, it really irks me when people get annoyed at that stuff. 1, it's no more or less irritating/obnoxious/whatever than any of the other random, silly, stupid stuff people share on Facebook. I'd much rather look at pictures of hot guys than witness someone's drama and some goofy fight play out on Facebook, for instance.

And 2, it's your page. You can put whatever the hell you want on it. Who is anyone else to tell you what you can and can't post on there?

I've not been on Facebook for about a month :reject:. I really need to get back in there, I know there's stuff some people have shared that I need to get in and see and catch up on.

And for the record, I agree with you ladies on Guy. I love Chris, yes, but I totally get the attraction to Guy :yes:.

I LOVE watching CM on stage - I love his stage persona - I love when he does the thing where he falls back, bending his knees, laying all the way on his back, and then hops up right to his feet. :combust:
I was supposed to go to the gym, but my husband came home in a strange mood. AND remember when I talked about eating better? Yes, massive fail. No lunch really.

But there will be beer soon.
I LOVE watching CM on stage - I love his stage persona - I love when he does the thing where he falls back, bending his knees, laying all the way on his back, and then hops up right to his feet. :combust:

YES. :combust:

Is it Beer O'clock for anyone else besides U217? I'm trying to decide whether or not to have one...

It's almost cocktail o'clock for me. Gonna go pour myself a drink momentarily. :yes:
I know! My husband can't stand watching Friends reruns, but I still think they're cute. I like the Monica/Richard episodes. And then ones with Phoebe and, um... who's the guy who does the Simpsons voices... Hank Azaria!
I watch them every now and then if there's nothing else on. :yes: Oh wow, totally forgot about Hank Azaria. His character was hilarious. :lol:

I had a pen pal in high school who lived in Pennsylvania, and she was OBSESSED with the show, and she got to go to a couple of tapings. I remember her writing about that a lot, back then. :lol:
I watch them every now and then if there's nothing else on. :yes: Oh wow, totally forgot about Hank Azaria. His character was hilarious. :lol:

I had a pen pal in high school who lived in Pennsylvania, and she was OBSESSED with the show, and she got to go to a couple of tapings. I remember her writing about that a lot, back then. :lol:

Yeah, I only watch it if nothing's on too. I was thinking I need to rent all of Rescue Me. I've only probably seen 15 episodes but I love everything I see.

Hey, I need some new music. Anyone have some suggestions?

if i had been listening to my college station the last 1 1/2 weeks i might have some BUT i've gotten out of the habit since i landed here...
...must start up again!

So i might have some for you in a few days as i go about listening again!

i know that doesn't help right NAO! :hug:s

ETA; i ALSO need to have a little notepad on my boombox solely for "older" artists i don't know AND new bands etc to keep a list!
Yep, gym got blown off. It's 8:30 here and I have yet to have dinner. I'm in no shape to lift anything but a beer bottle to my mouth.


I did say on a friend's status, 'when you have kids, there is no Friday'
Guinness fun.....
while i can only have a little bit of alcohol.... i thot i might someday get

a set of real Official Guinness glasses or at least 2 - only seen the set of 4 i think. They're not that inexpensive, which is why i'd prefer 2.
It's like a "secret "handshake" to remind me of all the fun, risque, pervy times we've had together in PGP over these years! :lol::lol::applaud:

i could have milk, ice cream and drizzle some Kahlua in it:love:
I've still yet to try beer. I've had wine and champagne and that sort of stuff, but I've never had beer. I don't know what brand would be worth trying.

That reminds me of Phoebe from friends - "I'm very bendy" :wink:

:lol: I never really watched "Friends" much, but from what I've seen...gotta love Phoebe.

Do you need the new music for stuff to listen to while running, or just in general? Any specific genres you're interested in?
hi moonlit :wave:

i never liked beer much, and don't like the taste of many liquors either....

i have no idea if this Chinese brand (approx spelling) Ching Zao is still around. WAS back in the 80's .
And Samuel Adam's "light Summer Ale" again- back in the 80's . may be different now?

those are the only 2 i ever would drink a can or 2 of.
Mr. R turned off R&H. :madwife:

Like I need to see ANOTHER Diners Drive-ins and Dives.

M_A, I know beer. Maybe I can help you find a beer to your liking. AKA stay away from Bud and crap like that.
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