PGP: Bring me the head of Eno, real or fake..for tweeting shite!

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God, could you imagine if everyone in this thread were out getting drunk together...? The townsfolk wouldn't know what hit 'em :p.


Oh, I have a headache that will just not go away.... I even took a strong pain pill for it and everything.... *will try ibuprofen in a couple hours to supplement the pain pill*

:( :hug:. Hope that helps. Ibuprofen always does the trick for me. That, and a nice nap.
God, could you imagine if everyone in this thread were out getting drunk together...? The townsfolk wouldn't know what hit 'em :p.
Me and Katie would be the only sober ones.


:( :hug:. Hope that helps. Ibuprofen always does the trick for me. That, and a nice nap.

Yes, it's almost bed time anyway (in about an hour), so when that comes around I'll take a couple ibuprofen, have a glass of milk, and go to sleep. (yay!)

*loves to sleep* :reject:
Wow did they make a deal with the smoke guys? :lol: He perfectly blends in with the background!

I know right!? :giggle:

I'm stealing this video from Comet's FB.

It may have just caused a puddle on my floor :sexywink: :combust:

:drool: and :love:

That was one of my tour highlights. Because just days before that was when I had my private conversation with Dallas :flirt: and I had asked him when we would ever see that new guitar of Bono's and he was all whuuuut??? :ohmy: No one is supposed to know about that guitar because Bono hasn't even seen it yet! He talked to me about the guitar for a while and he was all excited over it and told me it was all his design, etc. So anyway, days later at that show, second song we get both The Fly and that guitar for the first time this tour. It was awesome. :D I pretty much was a puddle.

I noticed in this IEM recording you can actually hear his playing pretty good! He definitely is contributing to to the song! Oh and if you listen all the way to the very very end of that video (after the claw picture), you can hear Bono's guitar making a bunch of noise at the end. That was him playing with his new guitar. After the song ended he didn't want to take it off. He rocked out a few more chords on his own. :giggle:
I know right!? :giggle:

:drool: and :love:

That was one of my tour highlights. Because just days before that was when I had my private conversation with Dallas :flirt: and I had asked him when we would ever see that new guitar of Bono's and he was all whuuuut??? :ohmy: No one is supposed to know about that guitar because Bono hasn't even seen it yet! He talked to me about the guitar for a while and he was all excited over it and told me it was all his design, etc. So anyway, days later at that show, second song we get both The Fly and that guitar for the first time this tour. It was awesome. :D I pretty much was a puddle.

I noticed in this IEM recording you can actually hear his playing pretty good! He definitely is contributing to to the song! Oh and if you listen all the way to the very very end of that video (after the claw picture), you can hear Bono's guitar making a bunch of noise at the end. That was him playing with his new guitar. After the song ended he didn't want to take it off. He rocked out a few more chords on his own. :giggle:

That's so awesome! :up:
Oh no. Let me know if you are not up to going out tonight! :hug::hug::hug:

*sending FOAD vibes to the Vertigo*
:wave: Well it took most of the week to recover from Xmas, but here I am!

We had a wonderful if not SUPER BUSY weekend, and of course I got up and shopped the day after. Lil' CK came down with a cold Xmas night, so I've been stuck in the house with him ALL WEEK. :crack: At least he's off school all week so the timing was decent I guess.

Today he's going to my mom's for a sleepover, and Mr CK and I get "date night". Mom-in-law sent us gift cards for Olive Garden so we're going to dinner and then walking around the mall. (I'm hoping to go back to Target and look for more markdowns lol...)
:crack: I failed the asthma test. Wtf. You had to breathe in and out of a tube, and I couldn't do it. Have to wait till tuesday when the respiratory doctor is there so he can retake the est.
And omg Comet. I just found the missing second Yankee Candle you got me for Christmas years back! It had fallen behind my bed. I just unwrapped it. :love: omg it still smells very strongly!
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