PGP: Ain't No One F*cks with Tiny Hippo

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Oh and cool about the new car arw! :up:

I'm getting a Kia Soul :love: I keep saying "the goal is soul..." :reject: when I'm counting my pennies for the down payment. I actually have enough now but I'm having commitment issues. I'm at a point where I need to either put a lot of money towards fixing my car of 10 years or get something new. I just don't feel like putting money into a 10 year old car. My brother keeps saying he'll go with me any day to get it but I just...can't....yet :coocoo:

I have the most awesome U2 sticker on the back of my car right now. I got it on ebay 10 years ago when I purchased my car but the website on the sticker doesn't exist anymore :sad: I can't find any place to order from. I think once I have a U2 sticker I can get my new car. Yeah I'm nuts but least I recognize it. :)
(I'd say U2, but it's a definite they're coming here, as their concert last time was pretty much sold out :D.... and they're not on tour right now :sad:)

If they do I hope they play the University of Utah again - I really liked their football stadium and the University Guest House was a great place to stay :) SLC itself (what little I saw) was okay, but reminded me of London (the Ontario London, not the British *g*)
Troy. Or Goldeneye. Or anything with Sean Bean. :shifty:

Alec Trevelyan :drool::drool:

Troy is just two hours of freaking eye candy (Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom - the two reasons I went to see it despite Hollywood TAKING THE GODS AND GODDESSES OUT WHICH IS THE WHOLE FREAKING POINT OF THE MYTH - and Eric Bana, who looks f'ing HOT as Hector (the only time I've thought he was hot))
Just looked up what bands are going to be in NY when I'm NY...holy fuck, the sheer amount of U2 cover bands *blink* Don't know if like or dislike. I mean, on the one hand, they're playing U2 songs, which is awesome. On the other hand, I'm used to U2-the-actual-band.

Go see Unforgettable Fire if you get the chance, they're amazing! Really nice guys too :) If the Elevation boys (Cdn, not ElevationUSA) were playing I'd say go see them too, but I know they aren't playing NY anytime soon - unless they've added dates and not mentioned them anywhere but the website since the last time I went...
Umm, and don't forget Brad Pitt! :combust: Damn. I should watch that again soon. My bff bought me the extended/uncut/directors version for my birthday a few years ago. There is a LOT of pretty in that movie. UNF. :drool:
Go see Unforgettable Fire if you get the chance, they're amazing! Really nice guys too :) If the Elevation boys (Cdn, not ElevationUSA) were playing I'd say go see them too, but I know they aren't playing NY anytime soon - unless they've added dates and not mentioned them anywhere but the website since the last time I went...

ElevationUSA is still around? I used to travel to see them all over the place but then I heard they had a fight and the singer got tossed out for someone else. I lost track of them and most of the people I used to talk to that followed them....
I'm getting a Kia Soul :love: I keep saying "the goal is soul..." :reject: when I'm counting my pennies for the down payment. I actually have enough now but I'm having commitment issues. I'm at a point where I need to either put a lot of money towards fixing my car of 10 years or get something new. I just don't feel like putting money into a 10 year old car. My brother keeps saying he'll go with me any day to get it but I just...can't....yet :coocoo:

I have the most awesome U2 sticker on the back of my car right now. I got it on ebay 10 years ago when I purchased my car but the website on the sticker doesn't exist anymore :sad: I can't find any place to order from. I think once I have a U2 sticker I can get my new car. Yeah I'm nuts but least I recognize it. :)

Ooh what's your cool old sticker? :hmm: And I like the "goal is soul"... goal. :giggle:
Umm, and don't forget Brad Pitt! :combust: Damn. I should watch that again soon. My bff bought me the extended/uncut/directors version for my birthday a few years ago. There is a LOT of pretty in that movie. UNF. :drool:

Didn't find him hot at all, the only time I liked him in the movie was when he was being a snarky smartass :lol:
ElevationUSA is still around? I used to travel to see them all over the place but then I heard they had a fight and the singer got tossed out for someone else. I lost track of them and most of the people I used to talk to that followed them....

No clue :shrug: I was just clarifying because I know the TO Elevation boys have been confused for the other Elevation before :)
Oh, my god, I'm sorry *Sends hugs*. But I'm glad to hear both are getting better, here's hoping for speedy recoveries for both of them.

Oh, okay. Yeah, I imagine that's gotta be driving him nuts.

Hooray! Bet he's a very happy kitty right about now.

Ooh. That sounds good. Hehe.
Things are good. She only has 2 chemo sessions left, and then surgery, and then radiation.

He is one hell of a happy cat today. As soon as we brought him home, instead of running and hiding from the carrier, he strutted (yes, he actually strutted!) around and rubbed on people.

Oh, it was damn good. Damn good. :shifty:

Oh, wow.

Okay, so my respect and love for Edge just shot up even higher :heart: :edge:. That sounds really fascinating and cool. I'm going to have to remember to watch that.
Edge :heart:

I'm getting a Kia Soul :love: I keep saying "the goal is soul..." :reject : when I'm counting my pennies for the down payment. I actually have enough now but I'm having commitment issues. I'm at a point where I need to either put a lot of money towards fixing my car of 10 years or get something new. I just don't feel like putting money into a 10 year old car. My brother keeps saying he'll go with me any day to get it but I just...can't....yet :coocoo:

I have the most awesome U2 sticker on the back of my car right now. I got it on ebay 10 years ago when I purchased my car but the website on the sticker doesn't exist anymore :sad: I can't find any place to order from. I think once I have a U2 sticker I can get my new car. Yeah I'm nuts but least I recognize it. :)

:lol: I keep thinking that every time I see one of those!

What's the sticker like?

If they do I hope they play the University of Utah again - I really liked their football stadium and the University Guest House was a great place to stay :) SLC itself (what little I saw) was okay, but reminded me of London (the Ontario London, not the British *g*)
I've never been to the Ontario London, but I've been the British one. I used to live in England a lifetime ago....

Alec Trevelyan :drool: : drool:

Troy is just two hours of freaking eye candy (Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom - the two reasons I went to see it despite Hollywood TAKING THE GODS AND GODDESSES OUT WHICH IS THE WHOLE FREAKING POINT OF THE MYTH - and Eric Bana, who looks f'ing HOT as Hector (the only time I've thought he was hot))

I like you. :D
Ooh what's your cool old sticker? :hmm: And I like the "goal is soul"... goal. :giggle:

this is what I have now...


I love it and would love to get a new one but no luck. But I really want a joshua tree sticker but can't seem to find one. When I first got the sticker I would get asked, mainly by friends and family, the significance of the sticker. I would always say it's from the country I'm from :nerd: since everyone else has the same sticker with a country or flag in it.
arw - I have that one, and the same thing but "IRL" on the other side of the back window
Really??? People didn't recognize it as the name of a band???

no they did but I think the fact that everyone else that has the sticker has it from a country they just didn't get it. :shrug: it's not that hard to figure out....
I like you. :D

I could also add Boromir, and the IRA member he plays in Patriot Games... Part of me would love to rent Game of Thrones but I've heard he comes to a nasty end (again!) On YouTube someone's made a video of all Sean Bean's death scenes and I recognized at least 5 of them (Only 4 of which are coming to mind right now :lol: - Goldeneye, Patriot Games, FOTR and Equilibrium)
I could also add Boromir, and the IRA member he plays in Patriot Games... Part of me would love to rent Game of Thrones but I've heard he comes to a nasty end (again!) On YouTube someone's made a video of all Sean Bean's death scenes and I recognized at least 5 of them (Only 4 of which are coming to mind right now :lol: - Goldeneye, Patriot Games, FOTR and Equilibrium)

Boromir, Sean Miller (Patriot Games).... :drool: and, some of my personal favorites: National Treasure, Silent Hill, The Hitcher, The Dark..... :shifty:
Have you ever seen Scarlett?

Oh, but that's not until the second to last episode of the season... before that you get lots of yummy Sean....

I've seen that video! It's funny, but it's not....
Boromir, Sean Miller (Patriot Games).... :drool: and, some of my personal favorites: National Treasure, Silent Hill, The Hitcher, The Dark..... :shifty:
Have you ever seen Scarlett?

Oh, but that's not until the second to last episode of the season... before that you get lots of yummy Sean....

I've seen that video! It's funny, but it's not....

I'm a little scared to see Silent Hill, though I think that's the one that was filmed where VP lives *g*

Hollywood needs to stop seeing British = villain unless you're James Bond *grumble*

ETA: Just remembered - a couple weeks ago after watching the Hobbit trailer, one of the links on the sidebar was for the trailer for a horror-ish film called Black Death... England during the Black Plague and Sean Bean as what looked like the leader of a band of soldiers protecting the monk who's apparently the main character. The funny part is the armour he's wearing looks like they swiped his Gondor armour and just removed the White Tree! :lol: Looks like he comes to a nasty end there too, alas :sigh:
I'm a little scared to see Silent Hill, though I think that's the one that was filmed where VP lives *g*

Hollywood needs to stop seeing British = villain unless you're James Bond *grumble*

ETA: Just remembered - a couple weeks ago after watching the Hobbit trailer, one of the links on the sidebar was for the trailer for a horror-ish film called Black Death... England during the Black Plague and Sean Bean as what looked like the leader of a band of soldiers protecting the monk who's apparently the main character. The funny part is the armour he's wearing looks like they swiped his Gondor armour and just removed the White Tree! :lol: Looks like he comes to a nasty end there too, alas :sigh:

He makes such a great villain though... very sexy. :shifty:

He does come to a nasty end in Black Death. Very nasty. :shudder:

Sean Bean always seems to die. Poor dude. :tsk: :lol:


:mockanger: Not always! I've seen movies where he's very much alive at the end! :lol:
:mockanger: Not always! I've seen movies where he's very much alive at the end! :lol:

Let's see...

Ronin - where a fairly young Sean Bean's character can't handle the rough stuff, gets paid off and sent off.

National Treasure - goes to jail (Disney movie)

Sharpe tv series - he has to survive, he's the title character! :lol:
Let's see...

Ronin - where a fairly young Sean Bean's character can't handle the rough stuff, gets paid off and sent off.

National Treasure - goes to jail (Disney movie)

Sharpe tv series - he has to survive, he's the title character! :lol:

He didn't die in The Dark, either. :shifty:

*has seen way too many Sean Bean movies....*

A complete list of death (and non-death) in movies! Death By Cow
Things are good. She only has 2 chemo sessions left, and then surgery, and then radiation.

He is one hell of a happy cat today. As soon as we brought him home, instead of running and hiding from the carrier, he strutted (yes, he actually strutted!) around and rubbed on people.

Oh, it was damn good. Damn good. :shifty:

Glad to hear that :up:. Best of luck to her with the remaining treatment and the continued healing.

Haha :cute:. That's great. Cocky little thing, eh :wink:?

*Raises eyebrows* I'd ask for details, but if you want to keep that your happy little memory, I fully understand :p.

That is so bizarre that someone would see a U2 sticker and not automatically know what it's referring to. But some people aren't very pop-culture oriented. Still odd, though.

I don't know who Sean Bean is, but I feel like I should remedy that :).
Glad to hear that :up:. Best of luck to her with the remaining treatment and the continued healing.

Haha :cute:. That's great. Cocky little thing, eh :wink:?

*Raises eyebrows* I'd ask for details, but if you want to keep that your happy little memory, I fully understand :p.

That is so bizarre that someone would see a U2 sticker and not automatically know what it's referring to. But some people aren't very pop-culture oriented. Still odd, though.

I don't know who Sean Bean is, but I feel like I should remedy that :).

:D Oh yea. Back to his old self. :lol:

:shifty: What happens in my dreams stays in my dreams....


:yes: You must remedy that. He's an amazingly talented actor.
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