PGP: Ain't No One F*cks with Tiny Hippo

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Yup. It blows monkey monkey chunks. I'll probably be bitter about it for a long time still. I can't believe it's been almost 6 months. Where on earth has the time gone?! :sigh:

Right, this must be a sore spot for you. :( Man bosses can be assholes.

Ah well, I decided to do some old skool gaming, that got me feeling a bit better. I guess I'll have to come by again another day to discuss this. Perhaps tomorrow, as I know the boss I was talking to today is off tomorrow.

Then agian, I don't want to go there again tomorrow. Ah well I probably should, and after that I can go buy new fish, so there's that!
Right, this must be a sore spot for you. :( Man bosses can be assholes.

Ah well, I decided to do some old skool gaming, that got me feeling a bit better. I guess I'll have to come by again another day to discuss this. Perhaps tomorrow, as I know the boss I was talking to today is off tomorrow.

Then agian, I don't want to go there again tomorrow. Ah well I probably should, and after that I can go buy new fish, so there's that!

Bono cares.....
Right, this must be a sore spot for you. :( Man bosses can be assholes.

Ah well, I decided to do some old skool gaming, that got me feeling a bit better. I guess I'll have to come by again another day to discuss this. Perhaps tomorrow, as I know the boss I was talking to today is off tomorrow.

Then agian, I don't want to go there again tomorrow. Ah well I probably should, and after that I can go buy new fish, so there's that!

It's okay. :hug: I have moments of anger and bitterness, but I'm trying to move on from that. As I was saying to my dad the other weekend, I feel like I've become such an angry person since this happened, and I hate that about myself. I always try to be positive and not dwell on negative things, but it's been very difficult to do these past 6 months. It's just going to take time.

I'm sure when I have a new job I'll be able to put this all behind me and move on for good. :)

Glad you were able to de-stress and relax a bit. That's always good. :)
I approve of this all. Please be continuing.

And I love how Bono keeps commanding the camera to go down. :lol: Bastard knows what that does to the females.
I think that's all the Bono/camera slut gifs I have, though I know there's a Zoo one somewhere. :hmm:

We could go for the chest next.

Just looked up what bands are going to be in NY when I'm NY...holy fuck, the sheer amount of U2 cover bands *blink* Don't know if like or dislike. I mean, on the one hand, they're playing U2 songs, which is awesome. On the other hand, I'm used to U2-the-actual-band.
I'm getting a new car in a few months so I went to ebay to find some U2 stickers for the bumper. I came across this one...

:scratch: Adam looks really weird here and I don't know who this Dave guy is :der:

I would be in jail if I were there right now :angry:

Ha, yeah, if nobody restrained me, I'd likely be the same way.

GG, damn. That flat out sucks. What the hell?

I know what you mean about having a hard time telling people off when they clearly deserve it. It's so frustrating. I hope you do find a way of some sort to explain your side and try and defend yourself (even though clearly there's nothing TO defend, as you didn't do anything wrong, but still, your side should be heard anyway), and your boss relents, 'cause that's just...not right. I'm with JJ here, if face-to-face is too hard, I'd send an e-mail. Easier to collect your thoughts and respond in a calmer voice while still making crystal clear that you hate what's happened. I hope this whole thing gets resolved somehow. I'm really sorry :hug:.

Too many bosses and too many jobs in general nowadays do treat employees like shit. I watched my parents go through that numerous times throughout our lives-they got shafted while people who did nothing of any value but who knew how to kiss ass when time came still hung around. It's not fair, and it needs to stop, and I don't blame you guys who've been on the crap end of this sort of thing at all for having some resentment.

Funny, me being me, I can't handle free time so I've filled up my weekend with non-stop activity. But the difference is that it's non-stop FUN!!!! Lego date with my son, hiking with friends, mountain biking for the first time, concert, party, bike race, etc. I'm going to be so freakin' tired come Sunday night but it's gonna be worth it.

Short day today (I'm done at 12:45) and then I'm off for FOUR DAYS OF FUN!!!!


Oh, yeah, it's so easy to start doing things like that when you find yourself with free time. But like you said, it's fun stuff keeping you up and about for once, so that makes it worth it. Sounds like quite a list! I hope you have a great time with all of those things, and I look forward to hearing about all of it later.

And the hiking and biking-take care and be safe!

I have a problem :panic: I want to go to see Bruce Springsteen next summer when he is coming to Helsinki 31.7.12 But I have tickets to the field (I don`t know what is the real name for standing tickets :hmm:) to Red Hot Chili Peppers` gig in Tampere 1.8.12. I don`t have a car and nobody is able to drive me to Tampere early in the morning. :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

I know this is not so important to you guys, but I just wanted to tell this to someone. All my friends are like: "OMG?!? You want to go to see Bruce??? Are you grazy??? Nobody wants to go to see him."

*Raises eyebrows* Nobody wants to go see Bruce?

I mean no offense to your friends, but...what planet are they living on?

That is a tough choice. Is there one you REALLY have to see, and the other you want to see, but if you don't go, it's not a huge loss? Or is it equally important?

My dad has an injured foot from a work accident in 2010 (it's getting better though), and my mom

has stage 3 c breast cancer. which is also getting better.

Ah. Ouch.

Oh, my god, I'm sorry *Sends hugs*. But I'm glad to hear both are getting better, here's hoping for speedy recoveries for both of them.

:lol: He actually doesn't scratch at his eye. He scratches the area around it where they shaved off all the fur. And he got his stitches out today.

:shifty: *had a good dream last night*

Oh, okay. Yeah, I imagine that's gotta be driving him nuts.

Hooray! Bet he's a very happy kitty right about now.

Ooh. That sounds good. Hehe.

Oh, wow.

Okay, so my respect and love for Edge just shot up even higher :heart: :edge:. That sounds really fascinating and cool. I'm going to have to remember to watch that.
Weirdest feeling ever is knowing that a band made up of jerks you knew in high school is actually...pretty good. And only not big yet bc they haven't made enough music/ gotten enough radio play.

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