PG(and sometimes B)P: The Good, The Bad, and THE EDGE

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Aw I was just popping back in here to tell you thank you for the Christmas card Tara. I love the braid! :cute:

Good night. :)
I have to be careful to not go home and eat all the things - like my daughters cookies for her party tomorrow. Speaking worker rant. I work with Eyore. She's not a bright ray of sunshine. That's fine. I'm not farting roses and rainbows. But I mention making cookies for my daughter and her class and in that dead tone she says,"Just buy them. She won't know the difference." I was annoyed. I know you hate life and everything that breathes, but don't rain on my parade. If baking cookies for my kid makes me feel like I'm a good mom, LET ME DOO EEET! Her tone pissed me off.

:eyebrow: I rather have homemade cookies...basically homecooked ANYTHING than store bought ANYTHING sometimes....if someone is very nice enough to make them. So you are doing a good thing :hug:

I'm sorry....but your post reminded me of my mom making homemade pizza :drool:
Just an update. My mom is still in the hospital. It turns out she has an inflamed gall bladder and they kept her there all night. She's getting an MRI this morning to see if there are any stones and speaking to a surgeon to determine if she has to have surgery. But the good news is that she gets to come home after that so I'll be picking her up in a few hours.
Just an update. My mom is still in the hospital. It turns out she has an inflamed gall bladder and they kept her there all night. She's getting an MRI this morning to see if there are any stones and speaking to a surgeon to determine if she has to have surgery. But the good news is that she gets to come home after that so I'll be picking her up in a few hours.

Glad to hear it's nothing dangerous. :hug: Hope she'll be fine soon.
Ha, karma continues to work. Yesterday I was afraid I wouldn't have any money for this weekend, and I just checked and I got paid. :yippie: Brilliant, now I can buy my mom lunch tomorrow in Germany, since she's paying for the trip it's the least I can do.
Kristen, I hope they can help your mom. Was the stomach issue a symptom of the gall bladder or was it something they found looking under the hood?
:wave: Hey guys. Been a busy week - Mr CK got moved from the factory to the warehouse temporarily at his new job, which means yet ANOTHER schedule change. Not complaining since he is working, but ya know...:huh:

I had a FroBaby ultrasound on Monday, and Lil' CK was actually at this one with us since it was an evening appt rather than a morning/early afternoon one. So he got to see her on the little screen and was FASCINATED by her little heart pumping away on the screen lol. And he even got his own sonogram pic of her chest/heart to take to school for Show-And-Tell, which is today. I can't wait to find out how that went, lol.

Other than that, it's the usual flurry of baking, trying to get things wrapped and re-hidden, and finishing up the shopping. :crack:
Woot, I finished my Zelda game. :D The final boss was awesome!

Aw, cute how little CK enjoyed the ultrasound. That'll be interesting to explain to other kids at school. :lol: Hope for the teacher there aren't going to be many "where do babies come from" questions.
:wave: Hey guys. Been a busy week - Mr CK got moved from the factory to the warehouse temporarily at his new job, which means yet ANOTHER schedule change. Not complaining since he is working, but ya know...:huh:

I had a FroBaby ultrasound on Monday, and Lil' CK was actually at this one with us since it was an evening appt rather than a morning/early afternoon one. So he got to see her on the little screen and was FASCINATED by her little heart pumping away on the screen lol. And he even got his own sonogram pic of her chest/heart to take to school for Show-And-Tell, which is today. I can't wait to find out how that went, lol.

Other than that, it's the usual flurry of baking, trying to get things wrapped and re-hidden, and finishing up the shopping. :crack:

Aww :cute:
Aw, cute how little CK enjoyed the ultrasound. That'll be interesting to explain to other kids at school. :lol: Hope for the teacher there aren't going to be many "where do babies come from" questions.

Yeah, I thought about that but he came up with the idea to take "his" picture in all by himself, and its the first time he's really been excited about anything baby lately. So I decided to encourage it. And he also has been able to feel her kicking and moving around this week which is just too cute for words. His eyes get real big and he's like "I FEEL IT MOMMY" which makes both Mr CK & I thrilled.
Yeah, I thought about that but he came up with the idea to take "his" picture in all by himself, and its the first time he's really been excited about anything baby lately. So I decided to encourage it. And he also has been able to feel her kicking and moving around this week which is just too cute for words. His eyes get real big and he's like "I FEEL IT MOMMY" which makes both Mr CK & I thrilled.

:giggle: That's cute. Did he ask the big question yet?
:giggle: That's cute. Did he ask the big question yet?

Oddly enough, he's not so much asked HOW/WHY it happened as asked about how the baby will get out, :lol:
And we have basically dodged that one for now...we gave him the same answer we gave him 3 yrs ago when my nephew was born. "Like magic." He knows that I'll have to go to the hospital and that my doctor will be there. And just knowing that satisfied him enough, apparently. He's more excited that he'll get to go to Grandma's house than anything. :lol::lol:
Oddly enough, he's not so much asked HOW/WHY it happened as asked about how the baby will get out, :lol:
And we have basically dodged that one for now...we gave him the same answer we gave him 3 yrs ago when my nephew was born. "Like magic." He knows that I'll have to go to the hospital and that my doctor will be there. And just knowing that satisfied him enough, apparently. He's more excited that he'll get to go to Grandma's house than anything. :lol::lol:

:cute: Aw. He's so cute. And quite convenient!
Aw I was just popping back in here to tell you thank you for the Christmas card Tara. I love the braid! :cute:

Good night. :)

I'm glad you liked it! was funny :up: :D




:wave: Hey guys. Been a busy week - Mr CK got moved from the factory to the warehouse temporarily at his new job, which means yet ANOTHER schedule change. Not complaining since he is working, but ya know...:huh:

I had a FroBaby ultrasound on Monday, and Lil' CK was actually at this one with us since it was an evening appt rather than a morning/early afternoon one. So he got to see her on the little screen and was FASCINATED by her little heart pumping away on the screen lol. And he even got his own sonogram pic of her chest/heart to take to school for Show-And-Tell, which is today. I can't wait to find out how that went, lol.

Other than that, it's the usual flurry of baking, trying to get things wrapped and re-hidden, and finishing up the shopping. :crack:
That is the cutest thing I have heard all week! :cute:

22 posts to new thread :lol:

picspam appreciated!


more here: "Don't let the bastards grind you down...": Archive

alot more, just select month on top :lol:

That's GREAT! Bono's all "wtf?" :scratch:

Oddly enough, he's not so much asked HOW/WHY it happened as asked about how the baby will get out, :lol:
And we have basically dodged that one for now...we gave him the same answer we gave him 3 yrs ago when my nephew was born. "Like magic." He knows that I'll have to go to the hospital and that my doctor will be there. And just knowing that satisfied him enough, apparently. He's more excited that he'll get to go to Grandma's house than anything. :lol::lol:

Love the baby news - nice to hear LilCK is getting interested in FroBaby. Mine was a C-section so we told our little guy about that - I think it kinda freaked him out a little :lol:
oh, and
I'm done I'm done I'm done with classes for the semester!!!!! :hyper: :dance: :dancing: :loveshower: :lock: :weekend: :happydance: :cabbagepatch:

I'm going to go surprise my son at his school for a bit before hitting the gym and then coming back to finish grades.

I expect a new thread, started properly, when I get back. :eyebrow:
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