NFL Thread II

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I don't want to jump on and make you feel bad, LN7, but maybe it would help to know that it was the only game LM cared about today and he was watching it very closely? I'm sure there were plenty of other DC Football fans who felt the same way, on top of the regional selection bias.

Even when the Chargers were in San Diego, there were many times I was forced to watch them play, rather than the actual game of the week, same with the 9ers and Raiders. New York team + Regionally close team + Division rival in a close division season, I can see why the programmers opted for that one. But I also get your disappointment in the decision.

I’m sure there were plenty of Washington fans who felt that way, and I don’t feel like you’re jumping on me or making me feel bad. I don’t take exception to disagreement, I take exception to the nonsense that is the smug and dismissive “but sure okay” response from a Giants fan living in DC who got to watch his team play.

I would also wager that there are plenty of Washington fans and non Washington fans in DC who would agree that that game was a dumpster fire and not near the top of games they’d like to watch. Actually, that’s generous because at least a dumpster fire provides some kind of warmth in the winter.
This is just another example of you being all dismissively ‘I know what I’m talking about and watch me try to make you look small.’ “But sure ok.”

I made a perfectly valid post. Nobody but you in this area is itching to watch the 3-7 Giants play the 2-7-1 Bengals where the Bengals are missing their star young QB and the Giants are missing their star young RB.

You’re a Giants fan. You have bias. Quit fucking coming in here like it’s natural for anyone to want to watch that shit.

Dude you spent the other day snapping at Hewson over something ridiculous in the pick'em thread and spent yesterday snapping at me for stating the obvious reason why this was one of the two gamea played in DC, Philly and Dallas (Colts/Titans was on CBS here).

I have the Sunday Ticket and honestly don't give a shit what game they put on regional TV. If anything I prefer when the Giants AREN'T the local game as it makes it easier for me to jump from game to game during commercials. So no, it has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Giants fan. But thanks.
I just want to know why that small sliver of Ohio and Pennsylvania got 49ers/Rams.

Only thing I can guess is they had to play a 4:00 Fox game so as not to compete with Browns/Jags on CBS at 1:00, so choices were only 2 games, some of the area got Saints/Broncos, and that little slice of heaven got Niners/Rams.
Dude you spent the other day snapping at Hewson over something ridiculous in the pick'em thread and spent yesterday snapping at me for stating the obvious reason why this was one of the two gamea played in DC, Philly and Dallas (Colts/Titans was on CBS here).

I have the Sunday Ticket and honestly don't give a shit what game they put on regional TV. If anything I prefer when the Giants AREN'T the local game as it makes it easier for me to jump from game to game during commercials. So no, it has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Giants fan. But thanks.

You know you could for once in your life try not being a dick and intentionally passive aggressively responding. If you want to chime in on the pick’em thread go over there and feel free. Not relevant and any read over that small conversation shows it’s nothing like this.

As for this, dont suddenly change your argument lol. You didn’t “state the obvious.” I said nobody wants to watch a garbage game and it was a good opportunity to put on a better game (Ashley clearly understood that and went and actually figured out what the deal was with game of the week). You, meanwhile, decided to respond in an agitatingly smug fashion where it was just “obvious” that people wanted to watch that game.

The fact that you sign your post off with “but thanks” is icing on the cake. Why not talk to people in a fashion that isn’t consistently fostering negative energy?
Only thing I can guess is they had to play a 4:00 Fox game so as not to compete with Browns/Jags on CBS at 1:00, so choices were only 2 games, some of the area got Saints/Broncos, and that little slice of heaven got Niners/Rams.

The true winners of the week.

Just give the Ravens a forfeit and move on from this nonsense.

So why DID the Broncos have to play? At first I was kinda like, 'Well the Broncos brought it on themselves and they don't really have an outbreak." But then I realized that the Broncos don't have an outbreak because as far as we can tell so far, they did the right thing, trying to nip it in the bud. So really, the Broncos should have had at least some time to find a new QB, a real one. From what I understand, they floated a few alternate option s the NFL's way and none were approved. It's not like they were still really in it this season, but come on, that was so demoralizing to everyone involved.
My understanding of the Broncos situation is in fact that they were not compliant and the NFL is “making an example of them.” It could be that the Ravens have been compliant but, you know, the nfl will never admit that their plans are insufficient and they’ve failed to protect the players.
It just seems so bizarre. The Ravens clearly weren't compliant. Meanwhile the Broncos immediately responded to the situation, did the contact tracing, etc. There is NO benefit to delaying this Ravens game, their in-house outbreak is likely only going to continue to spread and continues to put the Steelers at risk, while also putting the Steelers in an extremely disadvantageous position with the remainder of their schedule for the next few weeks (they never truly got a bye, either). The Broncos game would've *actually* benefited from a single day's delay. Seems like they're just prioritizing teams based on popularity.
It just seems so bizarre. The Ravens clearly weren't compliant. Meanwhile the Broncos immediately responded to the situation, did the contact tracing, etc. There is NO benefit to delaying this Ravens game, their in-house outbreak is likely only going to continue to spread and continues to put the Steelers at risk, while also putting the Steelers in an extremely disadvantageous position with the remainder of their schedule for the next few weeks (they never truly got a bye, either). The Broncos game would've *actually* benefited from a single day's delay. Seems like they're just prioritizing teams based on popularity.

I haven’t looked into the situations, just read that the Broncos players felt they were being made an example of.

Knowing the NFL you’re probably right though, they probably don’t want to give up this key matchup. Furthermore if the Steelers go undefeated and have a forfeit on their W column it could challenge the legitimacy. If they win the superb owl or get a bye week they didn’t deserve and it jeopardizes the legitimacy that could be optics-bad for the NFL.

You know, kinda how their failure to protect the players is optics-bad.
Oh good Lord. At halftime, the ESPN panel team was talking about how great of a job the NFL has been doing because they haven't canceled a game yet :|
Watching a live NFL game on my lunch break from work. This is weird
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Honest question: Why are people being so sympathetic to the Steelers with this whole scheduling situation this week? I understand that they've had a harder season than other teams with COVID delays, but they had four players of their own (three starters, I think) on the COVID-19/Reserve list going into Wednesdays game. So like...I'm failing to see where they are somehow completely innocent themselves of following protocols.
I suppose because these postponements weren't their fault. Their Covid situation wasn't enough to alter a schedule.
Meanwhile they got pushed 3 times and now have to play Monday after playing Wednesday, yet the Ravens get to hold off till Tuesday.
John Harbaugh or Steve Bisciotti clearly has pictures of Goodell with Roseann Barr or something, cause the league is bending over backwards for the Ravens while simultaneously sticking it to the Denvers of the world.
I get pushing the Ravens as far as possible, though, it protects other teams from contracting Covid, and then they don't have to deal with a far more wide-spread breakout. I'm sure they'll be monitoring the Steelers closely for such a reason.

Also to be fair, the Steelers were always going to have to play on a tight turnaround, since their game was originally on Thanksgiving, but I DO get that hanging around waiting for the Baltimore game to happen wasn't exactly anyone's idea of a good time.
Gregg Williams Fired For Being Way Too Fucking Obvious About Doing Exactly What He Was Told To Do
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You can throw the season, but there has to be SOME subtlety to it, right?
He's not the only one

I’m singling u out cuz I luv u

Also I’m not used to being on the decisively winning end of every sports argument with you. You often win. Add that into the mix with the fact that you’re a Patriots fan and I’ve suffered from ur ppl for so long... I must relish every minute of this as tomorrow I might wake up both wrong and being oppressed by Bill Belichick.
hewson was not wrong to think at the start of the season that josh allen was jake delhomme 2.0 - a streaky turnover machine who could run to extend plays. it's undeniable now that he's improved by an order of magnitude from last season, and now he's playing at an elite level. god knows if he can sustain it beyond this season. but after so many years of being forced to watch them get stomped it's nice to have fun watching the bills.
I just wonder if he’s really that bad, or a victim of coming to the team late, with no offseason or normal training camp for him to grow in his new role.

Some of his throws are truly awful, and he’s certainly made mistakes that have nothing to do with learning a new system (should have won the Buffalo game), but part of me thinks he’d have been a lot better under normal circumstances.

We’ll probably never know as I doubt he’s back next year.
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