2022 NFL Playoff Pick'em - 14 Integers to Glory

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
We all know the drill by now. If anybody needs a recap of the rules or is a new person who wants to join in (lol) speak up and we'll do a run down.

Don't forget to include a tiebreaker - total points scored in the super bowl. Second tiebreaker is order of entry (earlier submission wins), as always.

The Esteemed Winners of The Whole Enchilada, Playoff Edition

2021 - phanan - 142
2020 - Headache in a Suitcase - 91
2019 - phanan - 98
2018 - speedracer - 86
2017 - DaveC - 104
2016 - PennyLanePHINS - 98
2015 - phanan - 101
2014 - LemonMelon - 98 (wins by tiebreak over peef)
2013 - Hewson - 90
2012 - Headache in a Suitcase - 93
2011 - bono_212 - 78
2010 - speedracer - 84
2009 - DaveC - 83
2008 - Headache in a Suitcase - 98
2007 - Screwtape2 - 93
2006 - StlElevation (now popacrobat) - 100
2005 - StlElevation (now popacrobat) - 98
2004 - StlElevation (now popacrobat) - 92

Last year's final standings:
phanan - 142
LuckyNumber7 - 134
the tourist - 133
zoney! - 126
U2inUtah - 115
Headache in a Suitcase - 121
bono_212 - 121
Hewson - 115
DaveC - 114
GirlsAloudFan - 113

Last season's consolation prize for picking closest to the total points scored in the super bowl was won by Hewson. Congratulations, your entry into this year's playoff pick'em is free.

team list
1 - Tennessee Titans (12-5) *bye*
2 - Kansas City Chiefs (12-5)
3 - Buffalo Bills (11-6)
4 - Cincinnati Bengals (10-7)
5 - Las Vegas Raiders (10-7)
6 - New England Patriots (10-7)
7 - Pittsburgh Steelers (9-7-1)

1 - Green Bay Packers (13-4) *bye*
2 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers (13-4)
3 - Dallas Cowboys (12-5)
4 - Los Angeles Rams (12-5)
5 - Arizona Cardinals (11-6)
6 - San Francisco 49ers (10-7)
7 - Philadelphia Eagles (9-8)

Wild Card Weekend:
Raiders at Bengals, 4:30 pm
Patriots at Bills, 8:15 pm

Eagles at Buccaneers, 1:00 pm
49ers at Cowboys, 4:30 pm
Steelers at Chiefs, 8:15 pm

Cardinals at Rams, 8:15 pm

Thaaaaaaank you!!!!! This is my favorite thing, mainly because I won the first time I participated. I've been chasing that high again for over a decade. (Of course, that also means the Pack won the SB that year, and will need to do so in order for me to ever win the Pick'em again).
We all know the drill by now. If anybody needs a recap of the rules or is a new person who wants to join in (lol) speak up and we'll do a run down.

I assume you just rank the playoff pool 1-14 with the highest numbers going to the teams you are most confident in?
The bye must factor into the math somehow but I can't conceptualize it right at this moment.
14 - Green Bay
13 - Tampa Bay
12 - Kansas City
11 - Tennessee
10 - Buffalo
9 - San Francisco
8 - Dallas
7 - LA Rams
6 - Cincinnati
5 - New England
4 - Arizona
3 - Las Vegas
2 - Pittsburgh
1 - Philadelphia

Tie Breaker - 58 Points
The bye must factor into the math somehow but I can't conceptualize it right at this moment.

The bye teams can only win a max of 3 games whereas other teams can possibly win 4, but you have to balance that with the fact that the bye teams are the top teams in the conferences.
The bye teams can only win a max of 3 games whereas other teams can possibly win 4, but you have to balance that with the fact that the bye teams are the top teams in the conferences.

it's definitely a lot easier to rank the teams now that there's only 2 bye teams instead of 4, because you're no longer guaranteed to have at least 2 bye teams losing at some point.

14. Bills
13. Buccaneers
12. Bengals
11. Packers
10. Chiefs
9. Cowboys
8. Rams
7. Titans
6. Cardinals
5. Patriots
4. Eagles
3. 49ers
2. Raiders
1. Steelers

tiebreaker - 41
14. Titans
13. Rams
12. Bills
11. Packers
10. Chiefs
9. Bucs
8. Bengals
7. 49ers
6. Cardinals
5. Cowboys
4. Patriots
3. Raiders
2. Eagles
1. Steelers

Tie: 52
14 - Chiefs
13 - Buccaneers
12 - Packers
11 - Titans
10 - Rams
9 - Bengals
8 - Cowboys
7 - Patriots
6 - Raiders
5 - Cardinals
4 - Bills
3 - 49ers
2 - Steelers
1 - Eagles

Tie Breaker: 60
14. Chiefs
13. Cardinals
12. Bucs
11. Tit ans
10. Patriots
9. 49ers
8. Packers
7. Bengals
6. Raiders
5. Bills
4. Cowboys
3. Rams
2. Eagles
1. Steelers

Tiebreaker 53
14 - Buccaneers
13 - Chiefs
12 - Niners
11 - Bills
10 - Titans
9 - Cowboys
8 - Rams
7 - Cardinals
6 - Patriots
5 - Bengals
4 - Raiders
3 - Eagles
2 - Steelers
1 - Packers

Super Bowl Tiebreaker - 48
14 - Chiefs
13 - Packers
12 - Buccaneers
11 - Rams
10 - Titans
9 - Bills
8 - Cardinals
7 - Bengals
6 - Cowboys
5 - 49ers
4 - Raiders
3 - Patriots
2 - Eagles
1 - Steelers

Tie: 57
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14. Chiefs
13. Buccaneers
12. Bills
11. Packers
10. 49ers
9. Bengals
8. Rams
7. Titans
6. Patriots
5. Cardinals
4. Raiders
3. Cowboys
2. Steelers
1. Eagles

Tie: 73
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14. Chiefs
13. Bucs
12. Bengals
11. Rams
10. Packers
9. Cowboys
8. Titans
7. Bills
6. Cardinals
5. Patriots
4. 49ers
3. Raiders
2. Eagles
1. Steelers

Tiebreaker: 69
14 - Green Bay

13 - Tennessee

12 - Kansas City

11 - LA Rams

10 - Tampa Bay

9 - Cardinals

8 - Buffalo

7 - New England

6 - Las Vegas

5 - San Francisco

4 - Dallas

3 - Cincinnati

2 - Pittsburgh

1 - Philadelphia

Tie Breaker - 50 Points
sweet, we already have 2 more people playing than we did last year. :up: hopefully zoney swings by this afternoon too, he's the only person from last year we're still missing.
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standings after wild card:

U2inUtah - 66
GirlsAloudFan - 63
Headache in a Suitcase - 62
LuckyNumber7 - 61
DaveC - 60
phanan - 60
iron yuppie - 59
PennyLanePHINS - 58
mikal - 57
the tourist - 53
Hewson - 50
bono_212 - 49
In all seriousness, if anyone wants to know what lies ahead in the crystal ball, I’m gonna run that tonight.

I won’t post it like last year but I’m asking Mr. C for permission to triple embed spoiler tags for each request ?
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