New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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Considering I just saw the band perform last year but haven’t heard a new album from them in 7 years, I’ll take the new album. And I know they have at least an album worth of material they could drop at any point.
Still don't think there's an album lmao.
I’d wager there’s 1-2 distinct but individually cohesive small batches of songs that could’ve been released as EPs within the last decade but god forbid they abandon The Album*.

*2 standalone singles associated with special tour locations seem to be the only recent exception
I think there is a high chance the band abandons the HTDAAB reissue depending on how the election goes. Thus pushing the next studio album back a whole decade.
I’d wager there’s 1-2 distinct but individually cohesive small batches of songs that could’ve been released as EPs within the last decade but god forbid they abandon The Album*.

*2 standalone singles associated with special tour locations seem to be the only recent exception
That I 100% believe.

I don't even know why they're sticking to the idea of The Album. Everything post-ATYCLB are only vaguely cohesive collections of music, with each release getting worse in that regard. They had some of their best success in years with Atomic City - just keep doing that if you don't think you have an album in you.
I think we'll get a comment from a band member soon, saying words to the effect of "no real plan" or "we've been in the studio but not sure where it's going to lead us" which will cause a meltdown and reveal the album's still embryonic status. We all know it'll happen.
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