New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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So, I guess 2027 too. A bunch full of surprises would be welcome in the meantime. Songs of Ascent, Heartland movie, Sphere blu ray, Stories of Surrender cd/br.

I know, too much asked.
If Biden doesn't win -- the world will be fucked for many reasons -- but for sure that will fuck up U2 tour plans like it did last time.
If Biden doesn't win -- the world will be fucked for many reasons -- but for sure that will fuck up U2 tour plans like it did last time.

Give it a year regarding this recent album they're talking about.

"We feel a long way from those songs now".
It sounds promising for new music by end of the year and a tour next year, but we've been here before I guess.

Can't believe SOE was 6 years ago.
If we’re to have learned anything these last 20 years, it should be “Don’t believe the hype.” Or the Bono

The album is never going to sound we want it to in our heads. Let’s just hope for tunes with a bit of life to them.

This is it, in a nutshell. Even when us songwriters have an idea in our head, the final result never comes out the way we intended. I also don't have have the luxury of having my NY Times comments overanalyzed to the nth degree by a few hundred people, but alas. :lol:

Perspective is key though. You could go in and spend a hundred hours coming up with the most odd and aggressive guitar parts of all time. But when it comes to writing lyrics or different melodies to them (or any other genre), it's not always a guarantee. You might find yourself only coming up with some to a mere fraction of them. And then the project naturally moves on to another way to come up with halfway decent songs, and so forth.

And even then, you have other instruments that factor into the equation. Mixing a few dozen guitars, bass, drums, vocals and synth parts might not allow you to have the music sound a certain way, due to trying to make them not clash and work together. So any final mix gets further away from how you envisioned it, to accomodate everything.
If Sphere is done at 40 shows (first leg sure but they could come back...)... I think then it's hype for the show on streaming.... and then I can hope against hope they decide to "tour" with AB at different residencies around the US and World.
If Sphere is done at 40 shows (first leg sure but they could come back...)... I think then it's hype for the show on streaming.... and then I can hope against hope they decide to "tour" with AB at different residencies around the US and World.

That's what I'm hoping for too. I have FOMO for not going to Vegas, but I have much more fun vacations planned with the family over the next 3 months (no offense U2, but NYC, New Orleans, and Costa Rica are much more appealing than Vegas).

If not a full blown AB tour, hopefully some of the ideas from the Sphere and AB songs make the next tour and they only play a couple songs off the new album that comes out.
That's what I'm hoping for too. I have FOMO for not going to Vegas, but I have much more fun vacations planned with the family over the next 3 months (no offense U2, but NYC, New Orleans, and Costa Rica are much more appealing than Vegas).

If not a full blown AB tour, hopefully some of the ideas from the Sphere and AB songs make the next tour and they only play a couple songs off the new album that comes out.

I totally agree. Vegas is not made for people like me even though it was first created by people like me. Also so much great footage on YouTube and we know they will come out with 8K versions of the concert, so FOMO is less in 2023 when you can still experience it somewhat.

But I don't know about you, but I'd be so happy with the same set list played at MSG in NYC... it's not the sphere -- but to me it's about the music. Let the U2 fans just enjoy the music.

When I saw Bono last at the Beacon it was fucking amazing -- the sound and the experience. He sounded wonderful. Visuals were barely a part of the show.

I think the stage they have will travel well in arenas and they can make it bigger.

They won't sell out 40 shows at MSG, but if they did 4-8 shows in big cities they'd kill it just like Vegas.

And of course they could do POP or ZOOROPA as the main album instead.

I have to go to New Orleans never been.
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I totally agree. Vegas is not made for people like me even though it was first created by people like me. Also so much great footage on YouTube and we know they will come out with 8K versions of the concert, so FOMO is less in 2023 when you can still experience it somewhat.

But I don't know about you, but I'd be so happy with the same set list played at MSG in NYC... it's not the sphere -- but to me it's about the music. Let the U2 fans just enjoy the music.

When I saw Bono last at the Beacon it was fucking amazing -- the sound and the experience. He sounded wonderful. Visuals were barely a part of the show.

I think the stage they have will travel well in arenas and they can make it bigger.

They won't sell out 40 shows at MSG, but if they did 4-8 shows in big cities they'd kill it just like Vegas.

And of course they could do POP or ZOOROPA as the main album instead.

I have to go to New Orleans never been.

They may also burn a copy of POP on stage and proclaim themselves SONGWRITERS!!!

I say this has more of a chance than POP getting showcased in any way.

ps. - POP is my 5th favorite, and number 1 most listened to U2 album.
Steve Lilywhite was on the Rockonteurs podcast this week and was talking about working with U2. Some cool stories from the early days of the band, definitely worth checking it out.

He also confirmed some bits and pieces that we all know, one being that when Bono goes off-piste with a snippet of a song at a live show, Edge quickly adapts but Adam is usually totally lost.

And also for the recording process.... they'll have a song in some form, Bono comes in and records his vocal (some bongolese).. then Edge puts a guitar part down. Which then makes them think they maybe need to change the bass line. Which they do. Then they listen to it and it needs the drums changed. And they go back and forth like this for weeks...
And also for the recording process.... they'll have a song in some form, Bono comes in and records his vocal (some bongolese).. then Edge puts a guitar part down. Which then makes them think they maybe need to change the bass line. Which they do. Then they listen to it and it needs the drums changed. And they go back and forth like this for weeks...

Yeah, that sounds pretty par for the course too. Any song is going to constantly changed until it's released, for the most part. If you take a break from it, a songwriter is bound to find something on the next listen that needs to be added or lined up with the newer items, and so forth.

Bongolese also seems to be a reference to "toplining," which is a term in music production for coming up with these melodies and random lyrics on the fly, while listening to the instrumental.
I feel with technology advancements it probably makes working with U2 a little less maddening than back in the day where it was the four of them in a room just jamming.

They still drive producers mad with not being able to pick a cut of the song, or constantly tinkering....

But having them piece together the music now from different parts of the world probably keeps Larry and Adam happier
That and when you're an adult, you just have different situations. Kids to raise or trips to take or "jobs" outside of the band you were in as a teenager. Certainly nowhere close to the free time you had to just write songs and think about barely anything else. Those situations aren't just limited to U2 and the like. although granted, I'm sure there's different dynamics when you can choose to work with a Danger Mouse or a Steve Lillywhite.

But in terms of the "tinkering" that's often criticized... that's not just this band. It's every songwriter or band out there. I can go back and hear songs I wrote years ago and probably think of all sorts of things I'd change on them. Granted, they're probably awful anyway, but that's being a creative type for ya. :lol:

That Michael Stipe article that just came out shed a bit of light on when you're in a position to do what you want to. He constantly put off writing lyrics or finishing songs for over a year at times on his solo record, which is still ongoing. Probably not just laziness or motivation there, but just having that luxury in the first place. Not needing to worry about a 40 hour a week job and, perhaps the most important thing, no deadline from a record company. If it's a band working on their first album for someone, it's definitely not the same as when you've sold a few million records minimum and such.
There's also that story of Daniel Lanois locking Peter Gabriel in the studio because everyone was fed up of him not finishing the lyrics on the 'So' album, and then forgot about him while they all went off and had dinner.

Shocked to not see it on track list for upcoming album What Now? By Brittany Howard. Here’s hoping we get it in some form! ?
Have I missed something? That song is clearly sung by someone other than Bono. It’s just a closing song and is unreleased?

Track list for the upcoming album?
Have I missed something? That song is clearly sung by someone other than Bono. It’s just a closing song and is unreleased?

Track list for the upcoming album?

Yes. The song is from Brittany Howard, who has an upcoming album that doesn’t seem to include Glorify in the tracklist
Have I missed something? That song is clearly sung by someone other than Bono. It’s just a closing song and is unreleased?

Track list for the upcoming album?

It closed out the Sphere shows and is rumored to be U2 fronted by Brittany Howard. There was thought it would be on her album.
Maybe it's an alternate/in-progress mix of a new U2 song with Howard on lead vocals (sort of like 'The Troubles' with Lykke Li), and will be on the next u2 album with more Bono vocals?

Or maybe it is on her new album, but just has a new name now?
Sorry, the wording of the original post was confusing - I wasn’t aware Brittney Howard’s track list was out. Nothing in the titles suggests it could be that song. I still think people are adding 2 and 2 and getting 83.
It's been a while since anyone posted......anything. Any new rumors? Any news?

I realize that because of Larry's situation, they are in a holding pattern for the foreseeable future.

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