NBA 2016-17: The Season After the Warriors Blew a 3-1 Lead

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I was in Vegas at the time of that. Definitely one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. Still, it's not like he committed a crime (can think of one famous Laker accused of a crime). And he's spoken about how he regretted it.

Just seems like a bit of a silly reason to drop your support for a team you've followed your whole life. I saw your comments about rebuilding on their own, which is more understandable. But don't see how getting the greatest to ever do it is the reason that you'll stop following the Lakers.
It reeks of desperation. On both sides. And I don’t find that attractive.

As I said, I don’t even like the game of basketball much. I’m content to follow baseball and devote the rest of my time to other things.
Basketball has come home to Los Angeles.

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Would have expected you to be a Bulls fan, not a Laker fan being from Chicago and all.

Anyway this whole discussion is moot now, because the most fucked up shit happened in the World Cup Qualifiers:

In 27 years of following sport I've never seen anything like this. Aussie bloke gets knocked to the ground, then one of our blokes kicks off the all-in brawl with a fucking disgusting elbow. An Aussie bloke got a chair thrown at him by a Filipino official, Thon Maker's running around fly kicking cunts... this all after the Aussies were up by 30+ points in the last five minutes of the third quarter. Play is stopped for about half an hour, and then the fucking idiotic decision is made to CONTINUE THE GAME, despite the fact that THIRTEEN PLAYERS (nine Filipinos, four Aussies) were ejected. So you had this ridiculous sight where it was 5-on-3 until two Filipino players sensibly fouled themselves out and the game was finally called off.

Absolutely astonishing stuff. Was watching with my housemate whilst furiously refreshing Twitter. Absolutely insane.
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