My first U2 concert!! Melb 2 some pics.

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blue eyes123

The Fly
Sep 1, 2004
I had such an amazing time! Got to Telstra Dome/lining up about 8:30am. Was standing about 4-5 rows back, left hand side.

Loved the entire show....





Ohhh how amazing was it!! I got there at about 9:30 and was in one of the second "cages". I was on Adams side on the inside close to the railing. It was just so good! Awesome pics by the way.


Yes, it was brilliant. Band and the crowd - so many nice people, one young man much taller than myself took a few pics for me which I thought was so nice. Mum took a few 'videos'/clips with her phone, can't wait to see how they turned out.

I was in the the 3rd cage I think. There was one cage further down, closer to gate 7, then another 2 next to each other. I was in the 2nd one.

Never expected to be that close to the stage. It was awesome.

Anyway, if anyone wants to see the other pics I took here are the rest - feel free to right click and save the pics you like. :) vertigo 06 melb II/?start=0
Oh brilliant pictures! Thanks so much! Yeah cages were odd. I was in the second cage closer to were those giant baked bean things are :huh: I couldn't see properly from where I was but there were a few cages cages over the other side near those green squigly things! Were you in those?

Glad you all liked them.

I can't wait till my Mum takes the camera to a kodak shop Friday and gets them printed professional, keep the pics in the program.:wink:

Ikkin, I saw those green funny looking things, near the cafe/canteen.

Don't recall giant baked bean things, umm where there were a number of people who I presume got to TD quite early - many of them had there sleeping bags, few tents set up...

I think I might have been a cage between gate 6 & 7... Was so excited for most of the day I didn't take too much notice, was more concerned with getting there early, worrying that I may have gotten there too late (Mum took a few wrong turns on the way to TD so we got there later than expected).

Hey bono_man, if you were near me you didn't step on my toes!
Small world if you were near me though... :)
hey blue eyes,
you wouldn't happen to have any photos taken during angel of harlem when bono lifted the girl on stage?
Ikkin said:
Oh brilliant pictures! Thanks so much! Yeah cages were odd. I was in the second cage closer to were those giant baked bean things are :huh: I couldn't see properly from where I was but there were a few cages cages over the other side near those green squigly things! Were you in those?


what do you mean by "cages"?
carrell's, is that their name? or like... imitation carrell's (sp?). like... fenced off areas that had people in them. you could get in and out (food, toilet etc) but once they were full, they would close them off from people getting in, although some people found reason to sneak in. :mad: lol, im over it now, obviously. but at the time, everyone was getting tense.
Hey Blue Eyes...think i saw you! Were you standing near the guy that was talking to the police officers and security men - they looked like they knew one another and were having a chit chat??? I'm sure it must have been you as i remember a mother & daughter together . If it was did your mum enjoy the show??? By the way...LOVED YOUR of them i thought i almost could of been in but you just cut me of...haha.
I've still got to get photos of my Melbourne II show (i used another friends camera and not got the copies yet) so if it was you and you feature on my photos....I'll tell you okay?
U2 Bliss said:
Hey Blue Eyes...think i saw you! Were you standing near the guy that was talking to the police officers and security men - they looked like they knew one another and were having a chit chat??? I'm sure it must have been you as i remember a mother & daughter together . If it was did your mum enjoy the show??? By the way...LOVED YOUR of them i thought i almost could of been in but you just cut me of...haha.
I've still got to get photos of my Melbourne II show (i used another friends camera and not got the copies yet) so if it was you and you feature on my photos....I'll tell you okay?


I don't recall seeing police officers and security men talking. I was there with my Mum though!

My Mum loved the show. Originally I was going to go with my cousin, but she couldn't make so my Mum came instead.
ETA: Mum said to say she thought the show rocked...

Think I'm starting to get her hooked on U2. Caught her watching the Elevation DVD this weekend just gone... :wink:
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blue eyes123 said:
I don't recall seeing police officers and security men talking. I was there with my Mum though!

Hmmm maybe it wasn't you then.....whatever...if "i think its you" appear on my photos i'll post them in this thread okay?

Great to hear your Mum loved the show...i think sometimes it takes a show to really make the 'non believers' believe lets hope its true in this case.
U2 Bliss said:

Hmmm maybe it wasn't you then.....whatever...if "i think its you" appear on my photos i'll post them in this thread okay?

Great to hear your Mum loved the show...i think sometimes it takes a show to really make the 'non believers' believe lets hope its true in this case.

Sure, that would be awesome.

That's true... I just love U2 so much more having seen them live now, I'd definitely say my Mum is a bit of a fan now too!

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