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War Child
Oct 25, 2006
Cap City USA
Well we just got back to our hotel on the city bus (1:45am) and we skimmed some of the setlist posts.

Great concert!!! Rocko & the Devils had fun. Pearl Jam rocked. And U2 - well it may have been one of the best concerts ever! Of course, having MM row 2 seats certainly helped. We stood the whole time and had a great view from Adam's side. Saw Lila's kid Maddy get on stage - Woo Hoo! Can't wait to hear the story. A fan, Mike Mitchell, played keyboards for Wild Horses - he requested that it be played and Bono obliged. Excellent job.

Bono sounded great tonight. Adam and Edge were having fun - alot of smiling. Bono kissed Adam. Eddie hugged Bono a couple times. Good vibrations all around.

Only complaint - if you can call it that - was finishing with All I Want Is You. Wanted 40 or Bad or Vertigo again - something with a little more gravitas. But what a SHOW!! Glad we came out to experience it. We did not have a camera but several folks on the bus said they got some great shots. So hope they will get posted soon.

Off to bed now - some of the marathoners are actually heading out to warm up (yes, it's 2:45am). Should be crazy getting out of here tomorrow.
:rockon: :wave:
I totally agree with you on the "Bad" " "40" ending. I must say I was taken aback that they didn't play "Bad" - especially since it's one of Eddie Vedder's favorite U2 songs.

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