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I guess if I want to download something, I should log onto the wifi.

Is that dial-up? :uhoh:

So yay my home internet kinda sucks! :happy:

I have at&t DSL and I've tried to upgrade to the fastest speed but that speed is 'unavailable in my area'. And I dont really want to switch to Comcast and pay $45 a month for internet. Oh well it gets the job done, just a little longer.


1.15 mb/s
0.14 mb/s

I know I've gotten over 22 before.

I love Comcast?!?!

It's an Earthlink contract through Comcast. I've had Earthlink since it came in the box with the 1st gen iMac. Comcast can't seem to raise my rates, so $41.95 per month for damn fast internet is good by me.

I've been seeing offers for 50 mb/s for $150 per month. We've got a home office, so it's tempting.

Not too bad, considering I have just a basic broadband connection.
(It was 49 Mb/s :down: and 42 Mb/s :up: at work though)
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