June 24, 2011 - Glastonbury

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Finaly i'm in the last fecking train! Wooohoo.
Leaving now. See you soon!!
Saw a lot of stuff being done earlier and a lot of metal lying around but haven't been back since. I'd go and look now but i'm meeting up with all the others from here shortly! Check out the live webcam? Might show something? :)
gareth brown said:
Saw a lot of stuff being done earlier and a lot of metal lying around but haven't been back since. I'd go and look now but i'm meeting up with all the others from here shortly! Check out the live webcam? Might show something? :)

Cant really tell whats happening from the webcam,
brought 19 bottles ½ liter of 80% vodka with me, to spread around my tent so i can sleep in peace as they pass out :lol:

btw, if any1 needs a proper shower or so, pm me here, my friend lives like 10 km away and shes my designated driver as am visiting her :reject:

gimme a pm and well work out smthing :wave:

that is if am not passed out, remember, am a Fin after all :wink::lol:
oh god i am very familiar with drunk Finns - the ones i met sure knew how to party hard :lol:
Any sign of a catwalk or any other additions?

I don't have any pictures, but this is from a post on some Glastonbury-related forum:
Pyramid Stage Looks Interesting

As well as the two extra gantries either side of the Pyramid stage, the stage currently has a huge video screen as a backdrop with two smaller screens on the stage itself. There are the usual screens on either side of the stage waiting to be winched up plus a further two which look like they slot in above or below.


From @BigWave's twitter account.
A. Met the interference lot earlier at The Park. All 5 of them :lol: really nice bunch. Hopefully see them tomorrow night after the gig.
B. Just at the pyramid now. Saw what looks like a video run for the fly. The mad flashing words stuff is back and it looks amazing haha . All the band's equipment's out i think. And the massive back screen on stage is split into half a big screen and the other half two smaller ones. And two smaller screens on the front of the stage itself as well as the two big screens at either side. Watching the words flash in silence is pretty great in itself! :) zoo tv+glastonbury=a great night :lol:
Only just saw the post above say half of what i just posted sorry! Using the internet on a phone here!
:lol: from the glastonbury twitter

The instrumental of She Moves In Myaterious Ways is blasting out from the Pyramid speakers. Have U2 confused am with pm?
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