July 6th 2010 - Chicago Soldier Field

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I got one at face value, so, I can't complain there. And it's not like Mom's not going to pay me back for her ticket, but I have to pay for it initially :grumpy:.

Anyways, nothing will ever be as bad as Cleveland on the Vertigo tour. $500 for a pair of GAs :sick:
After weeks of trying to find decent $95 seated tickets on TM online, I went to my local TM outlet. They had dozens of good seats behind the Claw. I'm 5th row in the second tier, dead center.
No GA's, but there are good seats you can't get online. :angry: So if you can, go see TM in person and get yourself some seats! Not the same as GA, but you're in the building!
hotels on priceline

4 star hotels on priceline are running about 70 for that night, in case anyone is still looking.
So I sort of have a dilema. I'm going to the show with my 64 year old, shes so hype about going but I don't know how long she is going to last. Should we try for the back of the elipse or just hang around the back of GA?

I've been front row outside the elipse for the past 4 I've seen, so maybe it would be good to get another perspective.

I know we will have a blast, I'll still be jumping up and down.

Atleast we could consume cocktails and still make bathroom breaks, I was going to get her depends haha
I'm 56 with Fibromyalgia and I did GA the first night and Redzone the second. Yes I was dead by the end...but I couldn't bear to be in the back when I could get closer.
I have hedged my bets this year by buying a seat that I can grab if it gets too much. You might consider that. There are still loads of good $95 seats behind the stage. You have to go to the TM outlet to find them, though.
It really depends on what kind of shape she's in. My 84 year old neighbor runs rings around me so if she's in shape she should be fine in the inner circle. The adrenaline takes years off you! And then it puts them back on in spades the next day.:wink: So don't expect much activity from her the week after the show. Let her set the pace.
Good luck! Nice of you to consider her comfort.
Nosebleed section

So I am going to my first U2 concert in Chicago on July 6th (traveling from Alabama) and my seats are in the 400's. The only thing I am concerned about is the audio quality from that area. Any input?

Being in the nosebleeds doesn't neccesarily mean bad sound. I've only ever been in the stands, sometimes on the side, sometimes behind. Sound has always been decent. I guess it depends on the venue though too.
Praying that Bono is perfectly fine before this show. I'd hate to have it cancelled considering all the hotels and airfare booked but his overall health is first. Better a few shows are cancelled or rescheduled that a very serious situation. Back issues can be very tricky.
if this does get the ax I think im going to "pickup" Silversun Pickups tickets for the 3rd. sucks its my first day there, but i'd like to see a show there.
:( I'm sorry. I know it took a lot of thought and planning before you finally decided to come. Can you get a refund or at least flight credit for another flight?
I don't know. I went to grad school there so I just emailed several people that I graduated with asking if they wanted to have a reunion that week. If not, I"ll call the airline, but i"m fully expecting to eat the $250.

And if I do, there's no way I'd be able to buy another ticket next year.

:sigh: I've already started to wonder when the shows will be rescheduled to. Does anybody else think (hope) it would be around the same timeframe?

Whenever it is, I'll be there. Even if I have to take a semester off of school. *determined*
If I cancel the flight I'll have a $175 credit with American Airlines. But I might need to use that to go to CA next year. We'll just have to see. Rich, if you don't mind, I'll hold on to that ticket a bit longer. I know I still owe you for it! I don't want you to think I forgot.
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