IO: Laffy Taffy

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

iron yuppie

ONE love, blood, life
May 31, 2009
Why was the ocean arrested?

Because it beat upon the shore.

When is Labor Day?

When mothers give birth.

What is a tree's favorite drink?

Root beer.

:happy: or :| ?
Ohhhh there's a bucket of Laffy Taffy in the office, gang.

What did Delaware?
A brand New Jersey!

What do pigs give on Valentine's Day?
I'm going to try and limit my Laffy Taffy gorging to one piece per day, so I won't make you all laugh too hard...

Why did the ghost join the team?

They neeeded some spirit!

Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?

Because then it would be a foot!

(For all you non-Americans/users of such measures, 12 inches = 1 Foot)
Got an oldie, but 'goodie' today:

What can you never have for breakfast?

Lunch and Dinner!

What do you call a pig that does karate?
From Monday:

What is a parasite?

Something you see in Paris!

I forget what the second one on Monday was and Tuesday's were repeats.


Why is the baker so mean?
Because he beats the bread!

What's a fish's favorite country?
Now & Laters > Laffy Taffy

What kind of pants do Mario & Luigi wear?

Denim Denim Denim
I've been misbehaving and not sharing:

Why did they bury the battery?
Because it was dead!

How can you spot a dogwood tree?
By it's bark!
This doesn't even make sense...

Why did the skeleton go to the movies alone?
He had no body to go with him!

But...he's a skeleton...not a ghost, or...spirit...or something. He still has a body. It's know, sans flesh and what not.

Where did the bee sit?
On his Bee-hind!
I forgot to share with you all the Joke So Bad it Made the News:

Q: Which garden has the most vegetables? A: Flash Garden

Is Laffy Taffy playing a joke on you? | Fox News

That's from 2006.

I got that joke on a Laffy Taffy...

...two weeks ago...they're still printing it.


How does a witch travel?

Ghost to Ghost!

How does every baseball player get a hit?

He sings a song!

What is a Buckaneer?
Expensive corn!

How do you get an alien baby to sleep?
You rocket!
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