IO: Bart Simpson

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Welcome to "Enchantment Lane" where all the parts come together and Malibu Stacy is born. Some folks say there's a little touch of fairy dust in the air...

Aw, crap. There's a clog in the torso chute. Leroy! Get your ass in gear.

Shut your hole!
Hello, New York!

When Lorne asked me to host this show, I said "Lorne, why me?" I mean, I did just star in my first movie with Marvin Hagler and Tova Borgnine.




Anyway, we got a great show for you. Well, actually, the last half-hour is a real garbage dump. Ugh.... We'll be right back.
You see, eating an orange is a lot like a successful marriage.

Simpson, eh? How can I help you?

Mr. Burns, you do this personally?

Oh, it's a hobby. I'm not in this for any personal gain, heavens no! By the way, are you acquainted with our state's stringent usury laws?


Oh, silly me! I must have just made up a word that doesn't exist. Now, what is the purpose of this loan?

I want to buy a pony.

Isn't that cute! Smithers, he's planning on joining the horsey set!
That is it, isn't it? You're not planning to eat it?
I've just got one question for you: what kind of pet shop is filled with rambunctious yahoos and hot jazz music at 3 AM?

Yep, there's your problem...someone set this doll to "evil."

The frogurt scene in that episode is priceless.
I just read the plot summary of that on Wiki and I have seen every episode of that season several times. I can see visuals of the scenes in my head and yet, I can not for the life of me remember the episode.
Crepes of Wrath is an anomaly in season 1 because its underlying premise is so far removed from reality. It's almost as though it belongs in season 12 or 13 rather than season 1. That said, it's a strong episode in its own right.
Let me just say...I'm going to put the "pal" back in "principal"!

Yes...and...I'll put the "super" back in "superintendent"!


It was the exact same joke, Leo.
Now step over to the abdominator and I will shout slogans at you!

Go past the max!
Reach over the top!
Master your ass!!!
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