Inside Broadcast VII: An Ode To The Permabanned

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Blue Crack Supplier
Jun 19, 2001
This is such a great night, I just can't stop now.

So, yeah, my confession is that I (not so) secretly enjoy it every time a banning is posted in the Inside Broadcast forum.

The bigger the trainwreck, the better!

Sicy! :bow:
That was some of the craziest shit I've seen go down in Interference history, I can't believe I didn't get to take part...

I'm actually a little scared, he knows people...

And god knows he didn't care for me much. :yikes:
He was going to send autographed copies of 2112 to each of us.

After all, he knows people.
He's going to send cyber terrorist to interference... we are now at threat level "dark blue".

Tomorrow there's a chance we're going to wake up and this place will look like Scott Walker and Rush threw up on it...
Guys, I don't dislike Rush nearly as much as I let on in his threads. :shh:

They're fairly inoffensive. And besides, I think it's in our constitution that we have to like them.
I felt the need to confess. And also to show what a contrary bitch I can be, when the need arises. Now join me in a chorus of Closer To The Heart, will you?

Also, you should be aware of this. For the...invasion. :rolleyes:
Guys, I don't dislike Rush nearly as much as I let on in his threads. :shh:

They're fairly inoffensive. And besides, I think it's in our constitution that we have to like them.

Uhoh. Does this me YOU are "people"? :uhoh: :ohmy:

On the phone with Alex Lifeson as we speak. Just you wait!

Oh crap! And since you've thoroughly infiltrated this place -- even the cat thread! -- you know all our vulnerabilities. We're doomed!!! :yikes:
My cats are currently communicating plans with you cats!

(actually, they're just sleeping, in a very cat-like way :lol: )

I keep bribing my cats with food, warm beds, and loads of petting so they don't turn on me. Seriously, if I didn't I think I'd be toast. :lol:
I keep bribing my cats with food, warm beds, and loads of petting so they don't turn on me. Seriously, if I didn't I think I'd be toast. :lol:

Could you imagine? We'd be doomed. They're fierce! :yikes:

Very off topic, but I received a phone call this morning from someone wanting a kitten, from an ad I posted at the vets last spring. The only phone call I ever received! :lol: I was all "um, thanks, but I've decided to keep them..." :)

To make it on topic, maybe the guy should recruit an army of cats...?
Very off topic, but I received a phone call this morning from someone wanting a kitten, from an ad I posted at the vets last spring. The only phone call I ever received! :lol: I was all "um, thanks, but I've decided to keep them..." :)

I bet your cats figured out a way to cancel those calls! They knew they had it good! :wink:
He's going to send cyber terrorist to interference... we are now at threat level "dark blue".

Tomorrow there's a chance we're going to wake up and this place will look like Scott Walker and Rush threw up on it...

:lol: Great. Just great.

If he wants to go cyber terrorism, he can bring it on. :wink:

:crack: I never had problems with his Rush threads, I more had problems with HIM and how everybody who disliked Rush was WRONG WRONG WRONG.

And how he hated it that it was placed in the appropriate Bang and Clatter section instead of EYKIW. :rolleyes: Obnoxious kid much?
This thread isn't dedicated to just one banning. It's dedicated to all the great bannings that have ever been done and will be done in the future! :love:
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