Hawaii concert.... cameras allowed?

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Zooropa man

Aug 20, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
Is there anyone going to this show that knows if they are allowing cameras? Just want to double check. I'd hate to take it with me only to have them tell me its not allowed. I am NOT going back aaaallll the way back to the stupid hotel and miss the damn show. :(
I'm taking mine and it's a pretty huge digital camera. If they threaten to take it and are serious, I'd rather turn over the batteries (and card if I HAD to) and not take it back. Since I'm a female, I have a handy trick that's got my camera (in my purse) past security every time, even in venues that were being bitchy :D
Zooropa man said:
well, care to share what your "secret" is? My girlfriend & I are going so anything that would help us?

Sure, why not: I get a plastic bag and fill it with tampons and pads. I put the camera in the bottom of my purse. I try to keep the memory cards and batteries in various pockets, so my purse is not heavy. Then I put the she-products on top of the camera. When they feel them or ask me to open my purse, they're like "...ok" and don't dig any farther :D
Liesje said:

Sure, why not: I get a plastic bag and fill it with tampons and pads. I put the camera in the bottom of my purse. I try to keep the memory cards and batteries in various pockets, so my purse is not heavy. Then I put the she-products on top of the camera. When they feel them or ask me to open my purse, they're like "...ok" and don't dig any farther :D

Yes, this trick works wonders!!!!
Many, many people take cameras. The venue will be turning half of the crowd away if they try to enforce any sort of no camera rule.

Just put some extra batteries in your pocket in case they take the ones in your camera.
Good ideas guys. I am going to the concert with a girl as well. But, U2 always lets in cameras and with most American venues, it goes by rule of the band.

I think the standard rule has been no xSLR cameras, that is, the ones with the interchangeable lenses, or 'pro' cameras.

Point and shoots and your average digitals should be fine.
Camera (a smallish digital) down the front of my pants always does the trick for me. I usually tie a sweatshirt around my waist with the sleeves hanging over the camera. No security guard has dared to search me there :ohmy: !
Shawn Bonneau said:
Good ideas guys. I am going to the concert with a girl as well. But, U2 always lets in cameras and with most American venues, it goes by rule of the band.


This is true but if U2 doesn't let the venue staff now there will be problems.

This happened in Indianapolis in 2001. U2 Staff had to inform them to let cameras in.

Monterrey they said no cameras. Again and Again and again no cameras................ So my friend didn't bring his in and he's from there. Most a lot of people had camera phones and some got their cameras in.

I haven't decided on whether or not to bring my camera. I have so many pictures but I can't decide.

I love my Kodak with a 10x optical zoom!!
skjuls said:

I haven't decided on whether or not to bring my camera. I have so many pictures but I can't decide.

I love my Kodak with a 10x optical zoom!!

I also have a 10x optical, so my camera is every bit as big as an SLR, but it's not. That's why I've always gone with the tampon trick, it's easier than convincing security I don't have a professional lens. I think I'm bringing mine in. I'd rather not use it, then want to have it. My camera case is really annoying to have over my shoulder, so my little sis is making me one of those dorky drawstring backpack/purses so it's not constantly falling off my shoulder if I decided not to use it.
Liesje said:

I also have a 10x optical, so my camera is every bit as big as an SLR, but it's not. That's why I've always gone with the tampon trick, it's easier than convincing security I don't have a professional lens. I think I'm bringing mine in. I'd rather not use it, then want to have it. My camera case is really annoying to have over my shoulder, so my little sis is making me one of those dorky drawstring backpack/purses so it's not constantly falling off my shoulder if I decided not to use it.

see if you take yours and share pix then I won't take mine.

I didn't take mine to Monterrey my first stadium show and I was front row center!

but cameras were iffy there!

I have a great pic with Bono looking at me when I'm taking the picture. Awesome!

I'm in love with my camera!
Well, I'll take mine and I always share! There are certain songs I forbid myself from taking pics during, though, namely COBL (if it opens), Pride, and Streets. Miss Sarajevo and Yahweh I usually film. If I don't limit myself, I end up watching the entire show through a camera lens. Once I start taking pics, it's really hard for me to stop.
Lila64 said:
I wish I knew how to use mine properly. Not to mention the constant battery problem :sad:

Yeah some shows I've changed batteries two or three times, since my expensive rechargeables conveniently died in the spring of 2005, just after the warranty expired.

This awesome guy in the Pittsburgh GA line gave me a 15 minute lesson on taking concert photos and how to setup the camera if I didn't want to keep changing it. :bow:
Liesje said:
Well, I'll take mine and I always share! There are certain songs I forbid myself from taking pics during, though, namely COBL (if it opens), Pride, and Streets. Miss Sarajevo and Yahweh I usually film. If I don't limit myself, I end up watching the entire show through a camera lens. Once I start taking pics, it's really hard for me to stop.

I can't stop either.

Then I get some video.

I have some great video of Bono and Larry on the drum since they were right in front of me.

I had to figure out my camera.

My no hassle way is to make sure the flash is off and let camera do it automatically either sport or auto.

It was too hard for me to do the speed and aperture. the camera usually can take a good pic even when it is flashing the flash symbol at me. the picture doesn't need a flash with all the stage lighting!
Liesje said:

Yeah some shows I've changed batteries two or three times, since my expensive rechargeables conveniently died in the spring of 2005, just after the warranty expired.

This awesome guy in the Pittsburgh GA line gave me a 15 minute lesson on taking concert photos and how to setup the camera if I didn't want to keep changing it. :bow:

OOOH I want a lesson!!
I think something is set on my memory card so that it takes a lot of pictures with lower quality. The 8x10 of Maddy & Bono is not as sharp as it could have been if the resolution was set correctly. And I do everything on automatic. Maybe I can get a photo lesson while in line - that'll kill some time, right?

I had my camera for the L.A. show, front of Adam, but never used it. Didn't really know what to do, and didn't want to waste my time during the show trying to play with it. And I bought some, supposedly rechargeable batteries, but 2 of the 4 never recharge. And the 2 that do don't hold much juice. Ripoff! :angry:
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Lila64 said:
I think something is set on my memory card so that it takes a lot of pictures with lower quality. The 8x10 of Maddy & Bono is not as sharp as it could have been if the resolution was set correctly. And I do everything on automatic. Maybe I can get a photo lesson while in line - that'll kill some time, right?

I had my camera for the L.A. show, front of Adam, but never used it. Didn't really know what to do, and didn't want to waste my time during the show trying to play with it. And I bought some, supposedly rechargeable batteries, but 2 of the 4 never recharge. And the 2 that do don't hold much juice. Ripoff! :angry:

but for concert photos, flash is a no no that was a tip that saved me
Lila64 said:
I think something is set on my memory card so that it takes a lot of pictures with lower quality. The 8x10 of Maddy & Bono is not as sharp as it could have been if the resolution was set correctly. And I do everything on automatic. Maybe I can get a photo lesson while in line - that'll kill some time, right?

I had my camera for the L.A. show, front of Adam, but never used it. Didn't really know what to do, and didn't want to waste my time during the show trying to play with it. And I bought some, supposedly rechargeable batteries, but 2 of the 4 never recharge. And the 2 that do don't hold much juice. Ripoff! :angry:

Yeah I can play with it if you want. I always set mine to the highest quality, in case I want to crop the picture and blow up the cropped section.

For concerts, the auto settings won't work unless Bono's w/in a few feet, because it's going to flash which will black out anything farther than a few feet.

Pic I took when I didn't know what I was doing (lots of digital noise, white out foreground from flash and totally blacked out background, and this is after I did a ton of work on the red eye from the flash):

Pic I took after GA man fiddled w/ my camera:

I still don't have a great understanding of it all, but I can at least show you what he taught me.
This thread reminds me to make sure to get my camera book and study. I didn't really know the camera well for the Vegas and Portland shows, it was new. This time I want LOTS of good pics. :wink:
yeah, I had heard about that tip and the flash, but I don't know how to use the camera properly, and I didn't want the flash to be going off automatically. I was hoping the people around me had taken some good photos. There was one girl who kept taking photos from behind me - I'd move out of her way every so often. I think she privately sent me a disc of photos :bow:

But yeah, I'm photographically challenged :huh: :wink:

And that's a great pic Lies! What a difference!
Liesje said:

Sure, why not: I get a plastic bag and fill it with tampons and pads. I put the camera in the bottom of my purse. I try to keep the memory cards and batteries in various pockets, so my purse is not heavy. Then I put the she-products on top of the camera. When they feel them or ask me to open my purse, they're like "...ok" and don't dig any farther :D

Hahaha! I did that trick during Popmart when they were bitchier about cameras than they are now. And here I thought I was original. :D
Lila64 said:
I think something is set on my memory card so that it takes a lot of pictures with lower quality. The 8x10 of Maddy & Bono is not as sharp as it could have been if the resolution was set correctly. And I do everything on automatic. Maybe I can get a photo lesson while in line - that'll kill some time, right?

I had my camera for the L.A. show, front of Adam, but never used it. Didn't really know what to do, and didn't want to waste my time during the show trying to play with it. And I bought some, supposedly rechargeable batteries, but 2 of the 4 never recharge. And the 2 that do don't hold much juice. Ripoff! :angry:

my biggest camera fiasco story was when we were waiting outside of MSG after the 10/7 show, most of it in a torrential downpour, and Adam was being driven out in his Towncar around midnight/1am and while I was fumbling with my camera (because it sucked) he was sticking his hand out the window and I could have shaken his hand.

Yeah, I'm a loser. :mad: I'll always regret that. Oh well, live and learn. I sold that camera on ebay that weekend.

If your camera has an adjustable ISO setting, set it at a higher number. The drawback with a high ISO is that the pictures are grainier. I've seen good concert pictures taken with a shutter speed of 1/60 and any ISO over 200.

I just sold my Canon A620 that I felt was too big for what I wanted for this show and bought a Canon SD800 which lacks some of the manual controls but has some other features that might come in handy for the show. Also it's about the size of a deck of cards, so I can leave my tampons home. (I'm a guy, of course!) :lmao:
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I feel dumb... Boston 12-4 last year I took a digital and used it about 15 rows behind the stage and took awesome photos (many of u have seen). The next night I was six rows back and decided to take a disposible. Someone clank me on the head. OK, bringing a digital to Hawaii

Shawn Bonneau said:
I feel dumb... Boston 12-4 last year I took a digital and used it about 15 rows behind the stage and took awesome photos (many of u have seen). The next night I was six rows back and decided to take a disposible. Someone clank me on the head. OK, bringing a digital to Hawaii

I understand.

I have some great pix from Boston, I was outside of the ellipse almost center (one away). That is the night I have a pic of Adam and Bono and Bono is looking right at me (directly into the lens as I'm taking the picture!). I was looking in the screen and freaked out because he was looking right at me.

Disposables suck. I was front row in the heart at Indy for Elevation and barely any of those turned out, why couldn't digital cameras have been affordable back then.

I'm lucky that my flash will not go off unless I want it to. It's a pop up flash so if I keep it down, the flash will not go off even when the camera wants to use flash.

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