Global Pandemic Part III: A typical Spring, Just Ask China

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Dr. Fauci said that he was having the surgery for the polyps on his vocal cords when the CDC testing guidelines were changed. Quick, do it while Fauci is under!

In other news..Just don't drink or inject insect repellent, even if Dr Cheeto suggests it.

British scientists have discovered that an active ingredient found in insect repellent can kill COVID-19, according to a report.

Researchers at the UK’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory determined that Citriodiol can help fight coronavirus in a preliminary study, Sky News reported.

Insect repellents containing Citriodiol are not believed to be enough alone to protect people from the virus but can be used as an additional layer of defense along with face masks, hand washing and other health recommendations, according to the report.

Citriodiol — which has approval from the US Environmental Protection Agency — is derived from the leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus citriodora tree.

Jacqueline Watson, managing director of Citrefine, which produces the naturally sourced active ingredient, previously said she was optimistic that it could help stop the spread of the virus.

“What we can say is that we do feel there is a very good chance it could work against this virus but it does of course need to be thoroughly tested,” she said.
The government will undoubtedly fuck their side of things up, but private enterprise will have plenty of doses which can conceivably be purchased by the federal government if Biden wins - or, if all else fails, the states.

We are also very close to a roll out of an accurate portable test that gives results in 15 minutes - which will be a game changer for businesses, schools, travel, hospitality and the live event industry. So, like, everyone.
The issue with an administration that does nothing but lie is that there's no way to say if they're rushing it out for the election or if the timing just happens to work out that way - which isn't a crazy thought as we've been told by Fauci, the companies making the vaccines, and even other nations that a mid to late fall roll out is entirely possible.

I honestly don't know which it is - but I'll be on line to receive it, and vote for the other guy, regardless.
I honestly don't know which it is - but I'll be on line to receive it, and vote for the other guy, regardless.

Most people here will be waiting well into 2021 unless they have some significant co-morbidities or their employer negotiates its own stash.

The perverse thing about this will be that a vaccine which is fast tracked and doesn't go through the same rigorous testing as usual will essentially be tested on the most vulnerable populations first. By the time it's your turn or my turn, we'll probably have the benefit of a way more informed choice. But I guess that is life, it's all about risk allocation in the end.
I'm not taking any Trump vaccine that's rushed for the purpose of keeping Cheeto in the WH. He already obviously has been successful at pressuring the CDC and FDA. He's so far gone that he wouldn't care what the vaccine does to people.
It's not simply because of who the President is. It's his track record during this entire pandemic, most recently having the CDC and the FDA seemingly under his control by exerting pressure on them. All his blatant public statements about having a vaccine before the election.

I'm not taking the October surprise corona vaccine. I get vaccines, I'm not an anti vaxxer.
There’s also everything he touches dies.

Pence isn’t much better.

I’d feel safer with Dick Chaney in charge.

Andy writes some of the best threads.

This one is depressing. Basically we, Americans, have given up on following the rules so we can maybe have a wedding, sports, the cost of others health
The issue isn't that we've given up after 6 months. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to keep doing this shit for half a year.

The issue is that many people never even tried in the first place. If we had, we'd be able to have nice things.

But we didn't, because our country is a joke.
Can the west coast and northeast part of the country just split off and become its own entity at this point ? Cali economy strong enough for this side (and if we get Nevada as part of it, the Vegas income haha) and New York can sustain the other side.

Let the rest figure it out since they don’t want us coastal elitists

The Northeast side has really kicked ass with virus control.
I dont think it’s as simple as a state’s economy “sustaining” a group of people. That grossly underestimates how this country is set up. Certain states own certain industries.
Northeastern University kicked a number of students out for a gathering that allegedly violated the covid policies. They were being housed by the university in a very nice hotel in Boston, that's what some colleges are doing in an attempt to distance students.

Northeastern says it will not refund the 36 grand tuition, room and board, fees. The parents have hired a lawyer.
Northeastern University kicked a number of students out for a gathering that allegedly violated the covid policies. They were being housed by the university in a very nice hotel in Boston, that's what some colleges are doing in an attempt to distance students.

Northeastern says it will not refund the 36 grand tuition, room and board, fees. The parents have hired a lawyer.

11 of them at The Westin. If I were a parent I'd be suing for my 36 grand back, but the question is can the university keep it due to a violation of the current Covid-19 policy:
On multiple occasions for the past week, students in the Program have been formally notified that they must practice physical distancing, avoid crowds, and wear masks in the presence of other people. The students were required to acknowledge that they had reviewed the program handbook, which included details of the COVID-19 requirements that are meant to keep everyone safe.

“As outlined in the Guide to Residence Hall Living, during COVID-19, per Northeastern University and Massachusetts regulations and guidelines, there will be no guests, visitors, or additional occupants allowed in residential assigned bed spaces during this time; this includes neighbors within your residential building,” reads a passage from page 14 of the handbook. All students who reside in university housing receive the Guide to Residence Hall Living at the start of the semester.

I'd also be pretty pissed at my kid as a parent for screwing the whole thing up in the first days of the semester. But if you're college aged and they give you a luxury hotel room as a dorm, the temptation to host friends would certainly be hard to resist,
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