Foreign languages you speak/learnt?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 5, 2001
I speak German, English and a bit Spanish. <--Spanish :huh:

And I learnt Latin in school.
Hmm, i like to believe that i can speak German and English.

Read you,...
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English is my first language

Im currently studying French and spanish and plan to study them at uni next year

My family also speaks a little Irish
English. ;)

Also passable French, Indonesian, and Japanese. Hopefully next year with the Peace Corps, I will learn some fun new language(s). :D
sulawesigirl4 said:
Also passable French, Indonesian, and Japanese. Hopefully next year with the Peace Corps, I will learn some fun new language(s). :D
:ohmy: Wow. Indonesian....Japanese........more
Portuguese is my mother tongue, like any brazilian ;)

I can speak, read and write in english, although I know I have a lot to learn.

Also I can read and understand spanish, most of the time...but I still haven?t got courage to actually speak spanish. Does that count? :)
I'm a sad case. I know English and my parents are from Mexico BUT like everybody else I'm loosing it! I just don't speak it on a regular basis anymore. So when I go back to Mexico and visit family I feel like an idiot trying to talk. I also took a year of french in high school!! :yes:
:lol: Oh Martha, I'm sure the other languages will come back with a little practice.

I speak English and Tagalog (Filipino). I am taking French classes (can understand and speak a bit).

I can also speak a little Spanish, very little Arabic and I can read and write Russian, but can't understand it. :huh:
English is my native language, I also speak German pretty well. I studied German in school for 5 years. So, I can understand German better than I can speak/write it. It takes me like 2 hours to write my German friend one e-mail :huh:

I would like to learn Spanish. I took it for like 6 weeks in school so I know a few sentences. Also my best friend lives in Nicaragua - I think it would be cool to talk to him in Spanish :D
Speak: English

Studied Russian, Spanish, Latin. Out of those three, I can only speak Russian. I can write, read, and understand spoken Russian pretty well. I just can't speak it. In Russian class I'd get A's on papers and then D's on orals.
My mother tongue's Russian.I speak English,some German and
French.I know bits of Irish,too ;).
At uni,I also learnt Latin and some Greek cause I studied the history of the Middle Ages,but promptly forgot most of it after
In Spanish,I only know "Te quiero!";)
I'm mega super fluent in English. Quite a feat since it is my first language :p

I used to speak Spanish fluently, but lost it when I stopped having constant contact with it.

Mais mantinant, je parle le francais tres bien parce que j'ai pris les courses de francais pour 6 ans. :D
I speak Japanese (fluently I guess, I lived in Japan for 2 years, minored in Japanese in school, and did Japan relations for a company for the last year)
Foreign languages are English and French, both in school, French could be better though.

I hated Latin for 6 years. But it was easy to learn Italian, which is my third language, even if I don?t know the grammatics very well - but hey, its enough for doing business. And I am able to speak a few words in Indonesian, which I learned 15 years ago.
I speak Dutch fluently...;)

Besides that...German, English(I do my best...), French, Spanish, little bit Portugese and Irish. :wink:
I'd love to learn Italian and Russian.
Mother tongue is Cantonese, which is a Chinese dialect. I can speak ok Putonghua(i.e. Mandarin) and English. My English is slightly better than my Putonghua.

Learned French for a few months but i don't think i can say i 'know' french... :p
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My native language is spanish. I LOVE spanish. I also speak english, french, italian and a little bit of turkish, hebrew and japanese. I love foreign languages :)
Curious... has anyone studies Gaelic at all? I would love too but unfortunately I have no time. I do speak basic spanish and of course English. I do not know Japanese even though it's in my blood
Ya I can never remember how to pronounce all of the consonants and what not :crack:

...and I even have a "learn gaelic by tape" program
Agr, gaelic is really hard. I've tried to sing Enya's songs in gaelic but I realy suck... There're some parts I can sing but... :no:
Do you know if the U2 guys can speak gaelic?
i only speak english however i do know some spanish. i should know spanish like the back of my hand considering my background, but i don't. :shrug: lol anyway i can pretty much read spanish and understand it when i hear it spoken but don't you dare ask me to start a conversation off in Spanish, i will just look at you like a fool and deny that i know spanish. :reject: i am a sad case.

i also took a half of year of french in high school and know very very little of it.

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