Foreign languages you speak/learnt?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I am fluent in English.
I speak Russian and French.

Have studied German & Ancient Greek but remember almost nothing.
can't remember whether I posted in here or not.

I am more or less fluent in English, but I am fairly guilty of mangling verbs and stuff.

I can speak decent Mandarin Chinese.

I know some Japanese, but I can't hold a conversation in it.

I am also fluent in web jargon. :)
i know engilhs of course. i also otok a fe hyars of german in hgh shcol and ocolhge. my moemyr is wnanng htoiuygh, in a few yerars i may tey to becomefluen. flalingstar, ilime your acvater ehheheeh!
English is my first language.
Je parle quelques la francaise, j'ai etude la francaise pour deux ans a l'universite.
I also took Spanish back in high school, but I don't put it into use. If some opportunity comes up, some memory kicks in, but I don't speak it fluently.
I studied Italian in junior high. I can only remember a few words. The only phrase I remember in Italian is "No mi piace escuela", which is easy to remember when you're in junior high.

I wish I could speak Russian. That's a language I most would like to learn. I also want to learn Irish someday.

I can speak English.(Not so well)
And Spanish.(A little bit)

Anyone can use Japanese in here?
Japanese is often said hard language.
Because, Japanese is consists of "hiragana". "katakana". "kanji".
I think so too.

I want to learn more language.;)
Fluently: English and Croatian

My French is passable - I actually read it very, very well, understand it, but don't speak that great.

Some German too.
I'm fluent in Russian (my mother tongue) and English. I'm also studying Spanish, but my vocabulary is still limited. I learned four or five Japanese phrases on my holiday there this year, :)
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I speak Finnish as it's my native language.
I've studied English for 12 years and I've lived in the UK for six months, so it's rather fluent. (I hope?)
I also know Swedish because it's our second official language in Finland.
And I've learned French, German and Spanish.
Would love to learn Irish!!
I can speak Spanish (I've learned it for at least 4 yrs, so I hope so...) I can figure out Italian and French, it takes awhile. I'm actually starting French classes next qtr. I wish I could have learned some Slovak from my grandma before she got Alzheimer's.

Sometime, I'd like to learn Arabic.
i'm a native english speaker, but being from eastern canada, naturally i learned french in public school. i can read it and understand it perfectly, but my speaking is a little rusty.

in university, i studied german and spanish, and i can understand both of them to an extent. the grammar unfortunately is quickly lost when you don't use it.

i'm envious of the multi-lingual folk. i think everyone should study at least one other language as children--i do think it helps promote understanding and tolerance of other cultures.

English is my first language. Studied French and Spanish. My Spanish suffers because I translate from English to French to Spanish in my head. Those of you who've studied a third language, have you had similar problems? (Where you have to translate from the first to second and finally to third language when you speak?). I wonder if it's just because of the similarities between French and Spanish that this happens to me...
in my last year of university, i had two german classes followed immediately by two spanish classes. my mind was confused on a regular basis, even though spanish and german are nothing alike. made for some interesting mix-ups...
English (surprisingly enough)!

I did my degree in Dutch at university, but it is getting rusty already, so I'd love to make friends with the Dutch people here and practise.

Did 2 years of Spanish and 3 yyears of German a few years back.
I'm 17, I'm french, I'm learning English, Spanish, Latin and I'll soon begin to learn Chinese... That will be enough to be understand worldwide I think...
Je parle le français puisque c'est ma langue maternelle.
I have studied english for 12 years at school.
I'd like to be able to speak English more fluently than i do now. Even if a part of my family comes from several english countries (English West Indies (Barbada), Canada, America (NY)).
I know some basic Spanish (but can't write it as you can see!)
I took 2 years of anciant Greek in school (so it's very long ago).
I don't know where is the point from which you can say you can speak fluently a language. I think it's when you don't need translation anymore. But for technical or specific terms, i believe it's far more difficult.
Kali nichta everyone!
Eberinu said:

Do you know if the U2 guys can speak gaelic?

:shrug: Maybe Bono and Larry who were born in Ireland do.

I speak/write English and German, had one year of Serbo-Croat in school, and I have been studying Italian for a year and a half/two years now.

Oh and I guess I'm not too bad at Slovene ;)

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