For Dog Lovers...Part IV

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
I think we needed a new thread, at any rate.

SO, for the first time in my life, I've attempted to actually teach my dog a few tricks. In just a very short time, I've taught Joni to lie down on command and now I'm trying to get her to play dead when I shoot her with my finger (yes, I did just see The Artist).

The question I have is this: I bought her a bunch of little dog treat bones, but I'm afraid I'm giving her too many, and I don't wnat her to get sick. Do they make any sort of dog treat specifically for training, that's like, bite-sized and not full of calories. Or what do any of you use when you do it, alternatively.

Use kibble or cut up hot dogs. High value training treats are fun to throw in from time to time but they're expensive and I like to just feed the dog kibble while he's hungry for training.
I use food for a LOT of training (even my adult, titled dogs). Sometimes what I do is take dry kibble, get my hand wet, and sort of sprinkle drops of water on it. Then I add a few pieces of something really tasty like hot dogs, and then shake it around. That way the kibble is not hard and crunchy, and also has a more desirable flavor, but I'm not feeding *just* hot dogs.

I also use Natural Balance food roll. This is meant to be dog food, not a treat, so it's safe to use for treats when you need a lot of treats but don't want the dog eating junk. It's like a giant sausage and you dice it into tiny pieces.

Remember treats should be tiny. My 70lb dogs gets treats about the size of peas.
I might be getting a Border Collie this week. He's 7 months old. I'll probably train him for flyball and sell him.
Jack is much bigger now. I'll try to post a pic in a few days. He's great at night now after a hectic few days when we first got him. Only barks when he reeeeeally wants to be let inside. I think we've probably been a bit lazy with training though... he's definitely toilet trained, hasn't peed or pooed inside for weeks (not sure how that happened, I don't really recall us doing anything except for putting him outside on the odd occasion we caught him) but he doesn't come when called every time, and he doesn't sit every time you tell him (only when he thinks you've got something). Whenever he sits he automatically puts up his right paw though, which is cute as fuck. I took him for a walk the other day, so awesome! Can't believe I've been missing out on that. I like him more every day. Shelley (cat) is very stressed though, she's lost a fair bit of hair :(
I might be getting a Border Collie this week. He's 7 months old. I'll probably train him for flyball and sell him.

We've been looking at a Border Collie or a Shetland, can't decide. I do want whichever from a puppy though. Joni was 5 months old when we got her, and I feel like we missed out on a bit part of her life :(.
Where do you live? Fritz is available!! 7 months *is* puppy, lol. I have a 22 month old German Shepherd that is still a puppy (and probably will be until he is 3 years).


I foster puppies (8 weeks - 6 months) and can't wait to get them adopted and out of my house, lol!
:lol: we live in NW Indiana.

Kind of shying away from Border Collie. I don't think I'm ready, not when Joni's such a mellow dog.
Yeah they are too hyper for me, and my dogs are working German Shepherds! The only mellow, sane BCs I know are all at least ten years old.
Kastle Fur in a Blur Flyball Tourney 7-7-12 - YouTube

Part of my flyball team running at a tournament this past Saturday. It was 111 degrees, 140 on the pavement (someone was going around with an infrared thermometer checking on dogs/vehicles). My dogs are not in this video because I box load for this team, I'm in the yellow shorts. I'll get the videos of my dogs soon. I'm really really bumming right now because Pan finally ran under 4 seconds (HUGE deal for flyball, and he's already the fastest German Shepherd dog in North America) but it won't count because he false-started. I always tally every run time and either add the false starts or subtract the good starts to get an unofficial time and he beat his personal best THREE times in one day also getting the unofficial sub-4 second time in that insane heat and humidity. I want to get him a patch made for his flyball harness that says "I run hot".
Also, I just had to google "fastest German Shepherd" and just found you on another forum :lol:
Great job Pan!

I'm attending a trial in two weeks. :hyper: I'm excited for it. Our next obedience class starts on the 27th. It's been too long. It's the only next-level class offered during the summer and it's Friday nights at 8pm! Eek!
Change of plans, BC puppy is staying with his original owner but I am getting a lab mix foster puppy Monday night *and* dog sitting for an 8 week old Kelpie puppy for 4 days next week. That means my three dogs and two baby puppies in my house, and Phil will be gone. Yikes!
Today I was reminded that there are dog owners out there that believe any form of discipline for your dog is bad and that it's abusive to allow dogs to be sad. :doh: Crate training is apparently the most evil, inhumane thing on the planet and if a dog whines you should just give it what it wants or else you're being cruel.

Well, when they get rear-ended bad and their dog either gets burned up by the air bag or becomes a flying projectile through the windshield they can come complain to me about how evil crates are.
New baby:


No name yet, but she's a Shetland Sheepdog.


How old?

I've mentioned elsewhere, but I got a 3 month old French Bulldog yesterday. Strange question / behavior: It seems to only bark when it's really tired. It will dig around with it's paws on the couch or in its crate and bark repeatedly, then it will stick its face into the blanket / couch / whatever and do a few muffled barks and then fall asleep. It's a mixture of funny and strange, as you can tell how tired it is, but it seems to get riled up immediately before falling asleep. Anyone seen an animal do this? It's done it 3 or 4 times now.
Yeah, most puppies I've seen do something like this. They are kind of like little kids, tend to get all worked up when they're tired. I just was pet-sitting a 9 week old Kelpie all weekend and he would bark at his tail and then "dig" at his crate before falling asleep. My 4 year old GSD Nikon still does this sometimes, digs his head into the bed doing little play barks and flopping around.
She is adorable!!!! :love:

Thanks. She's going to be gorgeous too. Look at her parents!


She's only 7 weeks old and so very tiny. I need to make an appointment with the vet for her tomorrow. She's been having a very upset stomach today and I'm a little worried (what else is new?)

I've mentioned elsewhere, but I got a 3 month old French Bulldog yesterday. Strange question / behavior: It seems to only bark when it's really tired. It will dig around with it's paws on the couch or in its crate and bark repeatedly, then it will stick its face into the blanket / couch / whatever and do a few muffled barks and then fall asleep. It's a mixture of funny and strange, as you can tell how tired it is, but it seems to get riled up immediately before falling asleep. Anyone seen an animal do this? It's done it 3 or 4 times now.

I think I'm in love with your dog.
I was especially worried because Audrey wasn't drinking any water. She has wet food, so I knew she was getting some liquids, but as far as I could tell, she hadn't touched her water. Did a quick google search tonight, found a suggestion (to give her water from my finger and lead her to the dish) and it took about three tries for her to figure it out. It made me really sad and happy at the same time to see her go at her water dish. I feel bad that I didn't think of looking on Google sooner, but I'm glad she figured it out.
ladyfreckles said:
Today I was reminded that there are dog owners out there that believe any form of discipline for your dog is bad and that it's abusive to allow dogs to be sad. :doh: Crate training is apparently the most evil, inhumane thing on the planet and if a dog whines you should just give it what it wants or else you're being cruel.


Um, so if you have a four year old human who wants a candy bar, you tell it no and it throws a tantrum, do these people roll over (lame joke intended) and let the kid have everything it wants?
Obedience class has started up with Viking again. He's 8.5 months now. The 2nd week starts tonight and I am excited!

I am bummed though because we only went to dock diving once this summer. The rest of the events interfered with Schutzhund. :( Why is it that everything around here is always on the same day of the week???
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