Dec. 19, Rose Garden in Portland

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Miri just dropped over 800! Hopefully airport security won't mind the large quantities of white stuff floating around my bag :shh:

Can you imagine me leaving them in SLC??? Someone call me Sunday morning to remind me :shifty:
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Oh no. I just had a thought . . . please don't call me a party pooper. I'm just trying to be practical. :ohmy: What if the Rose Garden security doesn't let us bring the signs in? I can't see them having a problem with an armful - say a few hundred but what about more than that? I think it's really important that the signs from Hallucination and Miringeltje get handed off to 10 or so of our fellow Interferencers before going inside.

Please let Mirolslava know ASAP if you can pick up a few hundred signs. Thanks!
AlliDreamsOutLoud said:
Miri just dropped over 800! Hopefully airport security won't mind the large quantities of white stuff floating around my bag :shh:

Can you imagine me leaving them in SLC??? Someone call me Sunday morning to remind me :shifty:

That's why I put mine in the bottom of my bag! I leave tomorrow and didn't want to leave them behind. I am loathing airport security but sent some stuff ahead to my sister's house so I didn't have to bring it with me on the plane and so I only have a backpack and a carry on. Travelling light this time! :wink:
hotpepper said:
Oh no. I just had a thought . . . please don't call me a party pooper. I'm just trying to be practical. :ohmy: What if the Rose Garden security doesn't let us bring the signs in? I can't see them having a problem with an armful - say a few hundred but what about more than that? I think it's really important that the signs from Hallucination and Miringeltje get handed off to 10 or so of our fellow Interferencers before going inside.

Please let Mirolslava know ASAP if you can pick up a few hundred signs. Thanks!

Exactly why we need to get rid of some of these signs! :up:

And thanks for being our "mule" Alli! :lol: :hug:
I Move in Mysterious Ways said:
Maybe we should start contacting the Rose Garden to let them know we are planning this . . .

that may not be a bad idea...

I suppose I can call tomorrow :hmm:
I thought about that too. Not sure how security would feel with me walking in with 1000 peices of paper. Then again this will seperate Portland from all other shows and I thik it'll look good on the city so they shouldn't have aproblme with it. It's not like we're brining knives. Is there a U2 meetup for general fans before the show? Carek had mentiond somthing about a party or somthing at Kellis or somthing? I can't remember. Maybe it wasn't Carek. We're gonna have a shit load of signs and I honestly think we might need to enlist the help of some random people. I don't know. Miroslava I'm fine with you giving anyone who's helping out my cell number. In fact I encourage it. I have too many signs.

6620ross had also mentioned that we should meet at a restaurant across from the main gate of the Rose Garden. I have no idea wher anything is in Portland. I think I'm staying at the Red Lion hotel though. That's downtown I thik. I'll find out and get back to everyone. Now I'm just rambling.:huh:
Oh yeah. I arrive in Portland Sunday afternoon at about 2:00. I won;t have much time that day as we'll have to check in and get a bite to eat before heading to the basketball game. I talked to my freind who is coming with me and he has no idea about the sign thing. I'm gonna trick him into helping. But even still that leaves both of us with 1751 signs. Too many for one person to carry. We'll figure it out I'm sure.

Another thing I was thinking, we could cover twice as much space if we handed the signs out to every second seat. By doing that we could have signs littered behind the stage as well and even further back to the back of the arena. Really not every single person ina section needs a sign. Anyways I'm off to bed, I'll check in tomorrow.

Make More Signs!! Make More Signs!! Make More Signs!! Make More Signs!!

I'm not making anymore:whistle:
Hallucination said:
Another thing I was thinking, we could cover twice as much space if we handed the signs out to every second seat. By doing that we could have signs littered behind the stage as well and even further back to the back of the arena. Really not every single person ina section needs a sign.

That is a great idea! That also helps eliminate the slackers. If a slacker with a sign doesnt want to do it, maybe the person next to them will say gimme that, I will do it. :D

There is a party Sunday night as Carek mentioned. I have no set plans to go, but I know she and a few others are going. People can be told they are helping and handed batches for them to distribute... :hmm:

Off to bed too :sleepy:

Can't post the whole email of course, but heard from Matt from @u2...

Some excerpts, hope he doesn't mind.

About six weeks ago, one of our
news staffers suggested we print up plain THANK YOU signs for the
Portland concert to show our appreciation for the tour this year. We've
done that, too - ours are similar to the JPG you link to in your email,
but have a different font.

Timing ... did you know that the fans on Zootopia are planning a white
sign display during "One"? They'll be giving out signs that say "ONE"
on them and asking people to hold those signs up during the song. o as
to not infringe on that, our signs suggest people hold them up at the
start of "Elevation", and as we give them out in the GA line we're
gonna suggest everyone sing "thank youuuu" instead of "woooo-hooooo."

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I am so :scream: :crazy: about this thing...

The "One" sign thing was already done people. I would think saying thank you to the band is more important at this stage. And Elevation... I dont know, it just seems waaaaaaaay too early in the show to do it... Ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, here was my reply to Matt...

Hi Matt,

Making this very quick cause I just woke up and trust me, you dont want a long rambling email from me when I just woke up.

First of all, crap... didn't know about the zootopians. Who can find anything in that place?

Second, that is so funny that you had the same idea. Unfortunately, we (the people doing this with me... there are about 6-7 of us that printed signs) are not going to be able to change our signs at this late stage. Not sure how many you have, but we have 5500+ that we're bringing along so changing the instructions at this stage is just not an option... Crappity crap...

And no worries about the party. We were not planning on bringing them. We have decided quite a few days that it would not be the greatest idea and the decision was reached to distribute once inside the arena. We have some people already assigned to seats sections and then of course some of us working the floor...

Ack. Need to go get ready for work. Not sure what we can do now... I will post bits of your email in the thread we have been keeping for this. Hope you're ok with it. I will try to find the zootopian thread and see what their deal is..

Did I mention crappity crap?



I actually need to try to get some work done today... Can anyone find a thread where the zootops are discussing this. And why oh why are we just hearing about this? :censored: :banghead:
Chip? :ohmy:

Post ellipse glow?

Thanks! :kiss:

I am going to go read this and cry now... :sad:


They have about 1100

So actually we wouldnt be interfering with theirs, they'd be interfering with ours


But seriously: :banghead:
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I posted :crack:

Hi guys!

Haven't had a chance to read through all of this thread of course since I was just directed here, but from what I have read, what you guys are doing sounds fantastic...

Now, here's the kicker... The folks at interference (I being one of them) started thinking of something to do for Portland at apparently the same time than you guys (and all of us later than

So guess what?

There are now THREE different sign campaings for Portland...

This is almost funny, though mostly I think I want to cry.. ha ha...

This is the interference campaign:

Throughout the Vertigo 2005 Tour there have been some powerful instances of fans demonstrating their dedication to the band and giving some of the love back to them through coordinated fan action campaigns.

As a way to thank the band for an amazing tour we are proposing a simple “Thank You” Campaign. Simply bring a sign on an 8.5 by 11 sheet and be prepared to raise it up high in the air as the band prepares to leave the stage after the main set (as most of you know, this generally occurs after “One”). We would love to have as many of these signs, whether it is on the floor or in the seated sections. A very simple sign has already been prepared for easy printing. or in Spanish! Please print it on a landscape (lengthwise) setting.

You are of course more than welcome to make your own sign, but it would probably best to have a simple, uniform design throughout the venue. Please pass this information on to anyone you know that is going to this show and if you can, please print out as many extra signs as you can to distribute to the people around you.

We have over 5500 signs already printed :-O also has a thank you sign campaign but I believe they wanted to display theirs during Elevation since they knew about your compaign (and we of course didn't). I do not believe their signs have instructions (though I am not sure and have not seen one) .

So hmmm, I guess I wanted to let you know about this. In theory, there is no reason why both can't be done since this one is DURING "One" and the Interference thank you one is for AFTER. The only problem of course being that people might start thinking WTF are all these papers... :-/

Obviously, we will be handing signs for the seats nearest the stage too, so who knows. Perhaps we will just focus our energy on seats.

Suggestions, ideas? A wall I could borrow so I could bang my head against it? :p


I hate it when Chip is right... :angry:
Just listened to the weather forcast. Now we may have freezing rain on Monday. YIKES.

Hope to see you all there! I may get a hotel and spend the night myself and I only live 20 minutes from the Rose Garden.
Well, this is going better than anticipated...

Guess we're just gonna do both... We're just reducing the number of signs going on the floor and need more help with seats. Though hell, if I need to leave the floor and help pass out signs in the seats, I will do it.

Im glad that the people over at zootopia are being so cooperative and cool about combining forces here. I think it will be a great thing guys! :happy:
I plan on making my 200 signs today.

Miro, I am gonna try and call you later..ok? So, we can talk plans and such! :wink: :hug:

And yup, definitely give me a call. I am at work til 5:00 PM EST. Then running home to finish packing (I am 90% done, just need to iron a couple things and do a final check). Then I am going to my parents to spend the night there since they're dirivng me to the airport and my flight leaves at 6:30 AM :crack:

Oh and

People with seats, please contact me ASAP

Thank you :happy:

Sign Count
Hallucination - 3502
Miroslava - 480
Bratty_cat - 250
Hotpepper - 200
Carek - 300
Miringeltje - 800+
U2fanatic4ever - 200

Total - 5732
Spoke with Matt from @u2 (so much for me actually getting work done today :p )

Here's the scoop:

Zootopia = 2000 One signs
@u2 = 2000 Thank You signs (half marked with instructions to raise during Elevation, hald unmarked)
Interference = 5700 Thank You signs

So if nothing else, this should be interesting :D
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Me spamming again...

It is good to see that what could have turned into a pissin contest didnt get anywhere near close to that...

So as of right now this is the scoop. I am working on getting more people with seats.

Hallucination, you and I will have to meet sometime (saturday if at all possible) so I can take a good chunk of those signs from you. I am thinking probably about 600-800.

The @u2 folks had plans to deploy the Thank You signs during Elevation. That's still a go since some of their signs say that. So

Elevation - Thank You Signs
One - One signs during song, Thank You signs after and I am sure during the song too... ha ha

What a mess

Like I said, should be interesting... :hmm:
This is getting more exciting by the minute. When can we hold up the 4325 "Please play Fast Cars" signs that I have made??
ramblin rose said:
This is getting more exciting by the minute. When can we hold up the 4325 "Please play Fast Cars" signs that I have made??

I just cant believe we killed these many trees :sad:
Still me spamming away, but I am a mod and I can get away with it 'n stuff :shifty:

sscalhoon said:
I just spoke with Heather in Guest Services at Rose Garden. While she wasn't sure about everything (she kept putting me on hold and trying to ask people), here's what she shared with me:

1. No wristbands (ugh--it's like 27 degrees with a windchill of 17)
2. "Official" lining up can occur at 7am
3. Parking lot will be open for line folks, and the cost is $13 (she didn't think they would allow in/out privileges though)
4. Bathrooms by the box office will be open throughout the day
5. Doors open at 6pm

Perhaps if several folks call to ask the Rose Garden about wristbands, they may change their minds (I shared what the Delta Center is doing trying to encourage her to share the info with her higher ups). Portland is very much a demonstration town (we have protests over something almost every week) so strength in numbers can encourage change here.

For those of you who don't live in Portland, the Rose Garden isn't really around much so be prepared to walk several blocks for food and drinks if you don't bring stuff with you. Also, there's a chance of either snow or freezing rain on Monday so be prepared for a wintry wait.
Miroslava said:
Me spamming again...

Hallucination, you and I will have to meet sometime (saturday if at all possible) so I can take a good chunk of those signs from you. I am thinking probably about 600-800.

The @u2 folks had plans to deploy the Thank You signs during Elevation. That's still a go since some of their signs say that. So

Elevation - Thank You Signs
One - One signs during song, Thank You signs after and I am sure during the song too... ha ha

What a mess

Like I said, should be interesting... :hmm:

Are you coming to Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada on Saturday Miroslava? Just wondering because I don't arrive in Portland untill about 2:30pm Sunday..:laugh: So it'll likely be almost 4 by the time I get to my hotel(Days Inn downtown) and I have a Trailblazers game to be at that evening so.....

AS for the 2000 Thank You signs from @u2 people, would it not be an option for them to change their insturctions to match ours? They have less than half the amount of signs we do and I wold assume that all 2000 were not made by one person. If they could change their instructions that would be awsome. That or maybe they could tell people to disregard the printed instruction and follow our instruction. Just a suggestion.

All in all we're gonna have over 10 000 signs and the people with the ONE signs can just hold theirs up with all the thank you signs. It's gonna be great no matter what. Especially when we all crumple up our signs and make paper balls and we all throw them at the exact same time durring Untill The End of the World. You know right as the strobe lights hit and Bono starts jumping at the begining. White Christmas indeed. :lmao:

Also Miroslava could you send me a contact list by Saturday. I'll need one before I leave for Portland.
Wish I was going to be there with everyone from Interference...I will be at home holding my own little sign...Have an unbelievable experience and please everyone post as much information about the show and pictures too!!! Being a mom and spending a fortune on the other 2 shows popped my balloon to go!!!!
Have a great time and say thank you for me!!!!
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