Dec. 19, Rose Garden in Portland

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Hallucination, I meant Sunday :wink: And well, didnt want to push it with @u2 about changing their plan... we're all just adjusting to each other's as best as we can :up:

And yup, the list is going out tonight :up:

Updated list. Grabbed someone from zootopia: :D

*Distributing signs in GA

I Move in Mysterious Ways
StarsforU2 and U2bonogirl

6620ross (Section 105)
Carek (Section 223) - Has signs
Fah (Section 308)
Hallucination (Section 229) - Has signs
Hotpepper (Section 229) - Has signs
Martha (Section 221)
Sukha (Section 103) - Arrangements for delivery of signs made


6620Ross, Martha & Fah, I really would like to hear from you to make arrangements :sad: :sad:

And thanks Jcoster :hug:
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Holy Crap! I've been away from the thread for about 16 hours! Craziness has ensued but it's only going make it more fun and interesting! I'm looking forward to it. :dance:
Yeah I was just over at zootopia(made my first post there ever) and there's no need to change anyones plan. We're better off working together. This is gonna rule.

Miroslava if you include your number on the contact list, I assume you will, I'll give you a call before I head to the Basketball game. Maybe I could drop some signs off with you before or even after the game. Let me know.

Also I was wonedring what Miringeltje's sign count is at?
My number will definitely be listed there :up:

And not sure on what the count is for Miri, but over 800 :ohmy:

So yay us! :hyper:
:wave: Checking in for Portland. GA. My friend from the UK (known here as jellybelly) is with me - we'll be there!!!!!!!!!!! Right now we're in Seattle (where I live) and we'll be taking the train. I haven't had time to read this whole thread, but just to let everyone know who may need a hotel - I put in a bid of $40 for a 3 star hotel room at priceline and got the Holiday Inn right across the street from the Rose Garden.

:) See you there!

I was working on a lengthy reply and when I wanted to post it, I had taken too long, needed to sign in and my writing disappeared!



But now the good news: I have 300 more signs available.
And I could make more.
However I (we) desperately need to find someone who is located in the Bay Area and flying to Portland.
Preferably on Sunday (since I have to work tomorrow and won't be available tonight either).
Besides it gives me some more time to print signs.
Real reason: I think mailing them per express would be quite expensive.
If some-one could ask for me at the Zoo, that'd be great.
I could, but, I am incomunicado in about 2 hours, so I am not sure that will work...

Maybe hallucination can post it?

And Miri... you are awesome.... I think your job is done chickie! :D :kiss:

Thank you, thank you.... :bow:

I don't think I can see the word "thank you" anymore.


I have information that I can use to read and post at Zootopia.
But it is kinda illegal behaviour.
Unless someone gives me their permission by saying they don't mind, I won't post there.
You know who you are! ;)
I will lurk however.
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U2Fanatic4ever said:
I just left you a voice mail message on your cell phone...! Call me chicky!:wink:

Oh, it's in the car... jumping into the shower and finishing up here... call you in about an hour?

*Runs to shower*
adamswildhoney said:
Just wanted to say I cant wait to see everyone in Portland and count me and my bro in for having signs!! ;)

Hey adamswildhoney are you able to help pass out signs as well? What section are you in? Contact Miroslava with some section inof and conntact info(if you want).:wink:
Miroslava is gone, gone. So Hallucination, I am leaving you in charge of things for a bit. I am still reachable via phone, But basically if you have signs and are in seats. Pick a section that you see not covered and go to town...

Thanks everyone, see you there...

o.k. anyone who needs and wants contact info you can e-mail me at Miroslava will be sending a number of us a list so I can e-mail the contacts to whoever needs them right up untill 4:30am Sunday morning. We need people in seats(not GA) to speak up. We're at or over 6000 signs so we need alot of help. PLus with the other 2 forums helping now we have over 10 000 signs. That's alot of signs to distribute.
hotpepper said:
Miroslava and Hallucination - You guys rock :rockon:

See you in Portland!

Most definately!! The part about seeing you in Portland:laugh: I think we all rock for doing this. I can't wait. I also can't wait to see the look on my buddy's face when I open my suitcase at the hotel and he sees 3500 signs that he has to help pass out.:lmao:
Hallucination, you should have received that list already, please confirm... Am at my parents now, wont be online for very long :D
Miroslava said:
Hallucination, you should have received that list already, please confirm... Am at my parents now, wont be online for very long :D
You betcha Miro. I got the e-mail and I have a contact number for 6620ross. It's all coming together.

By the way is that you in your signature with Bono?
Hallucination said:
You betcha Miro. I got the e-mail and I have a contact number for 6620ross. It's all coming together.

By the way is that you in your signature with Bono?

Good stuff :up:

We :rockon:

And yup, that'd be me :reject:
Miroslava said:

Good stuff :up:

We :rockon:

And yup, that'd be me :reject:

Cool. What happeend to your old sig and avatar? the one that was in color. I liked it better. this one's cool too but I liked the color one.:wink: No need to post the :reject: smiley. If I could dance with Bono I wold too. he doesn't bring many guys on stage though:laugh: Though he did in New York durring the October 8th show. that was funny.
That one was from the Sept. dance, this one is from last weeks

Back in the box now :reject:
Hallucination said:

Cool. What happeend to your old sig and avatar? the one that was in color. I liked it better. this one's cool too but I liked the color one.:wink: No need to post the :reject: smiley. If I could dance with Bono I wold too. he doesn't bring many guys on stage though:laugh: Though he did in New York durring the October 8th show. that was funny.

Bono brought 2 guys up in Boston, I believe it was the 12/5 show. A guy dressed in a Santa suit and and Elvis impersonator during mysterious ways. They all danced around the ellipse! It was hilarious. There is video of the performance out there. I also downloaded to if you want to see I can send it to ya. :wink:

As a guy the trick is to dress up... :wink:
Miroslava said:
That one was from the Sept. dance, this one is from last weeks

Back in the box now :reject:

Miro what u doing girl! Are you at your parent's house using their computer time up? :laugh:

It was fun chatting with you on the phone see you in two days! :hug:

Off to spend time with the hubby...:wave:
I am looking up Portland information and stuff :shifty:

Hmm yeah, I was supposed to be looking up if there was shuttle from my hotel to the airport AND which airport termina I leave Detroit from... but then Lies sent me a video from Cleveland and hmmm yeah, I got distracted...

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