College Basketball 2016-2017

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knowing absolutely fuck all about college basketball this year, i picked louisville, kentucky, gonzaga and baylor with kentucky winning the whole thing.

Hoping the Zags can hang on. Would like to see a team from the west win for once (and BYU gave Gonzaga their only loss :wink:) )
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what still baffles me is that they called all those fouls, went to the table for ridiculous flagrant foul reviews - but somehow missed Meeks' having his whole arm out of bounds on that jump ball in the closing seconds. the ball should have been gonzaga's, but instead it went back to carolina on the arrow, and that was that.

the whole replay system was literally put into place to avoid a situation like that - to ensure that a possession in the closing seconds of a close game didn't go to the wrong team, and with all the ridiculous, lengthy replays in this tournament, they fuck that one up.

gotta love it.
What happened? I'd prefer a Headache explanation to some other thing.
Huge corruption and bribery scandal that seems to only just be starting. ADA more or less said that they have much more than what they released today and that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Four current assistant coaches, aau directors, former agents, financial advisors and the head of adidas' grassroots basketball division all arrested.

The court filing also lists a "University-6", a school in Kentucky sponsored by adidas (Louisville) and a blue chip recruit who signed out of the blue who's named only as "player-10" (but is 99.99% Brian Bowen) receiving a 100k payment from adidas, approved by "coach-2", who, and it actually says this in the filing, "nobody swings a bigger dick at adidas" (clearly this is Rick Pitino).

This is huge because it a) confirms what we all knew anyway, b) isn't an NCAA investigation but rather a federal one.
Thanks for the summary I'd been ootl all days beyond one espn alert this morning.
They're started to raid Nike as of yesterday, I thought I saw. At least their AAU outreach, I think it was EYBL offices. If they ever touch Under Armour I would imagine Maryland is sweating. The Diamond Stone recruitment is probably the first rock they turn over.
They're started to raid Nike as of yesterday, I thought I saw. At least their AAU outreach, I think it was EYBL offices. If they ever touch Under Armour I would imagine Maryland is sweating. The Diamond Stone recruitment is probably the first rock they turn over.
Yea they raided EYBL.

This shit is only going to grow, and I don't know how it doesn't force NBA/NCAA/USAB to stop in and make changes... but there's just SOOOO much money tied up on this that it wouldn't shock me at all for a few shake ups and then back to business as usual.

This is the biggest youth basketball scandal we've ever seen, and the saddest part of it is that a) duh, and b) the only ones who really get fucked here are the kids.
Kentucky and Kansas State should both be relegated to NAIA
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