Chauvin Trial

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
Begins today. Character assassination of George Floyd will commence. Chauvin's lawyers are allegedly going to say George Floyd died from drugs in his system.

If Chauvin isn't convicted of maximum charges, I don't even know what to say and there is no such thing as justice.
The riots that will ensue if he isn't convicted of murder will make last summer look like a day at the beach.

That's the Racism's offensive gameplan going into this one:

- Act empathetic and outraged but be clear that the justice system should let things play out.

- When the "Not Guilty" verdict is reached, while showing empathy for the family of George Floyd, remind the public that George was not a good man and that there was other evidence to consider. Utilize Tucker Carlson as a vehicle for this message because people love how he asks the questions (with a scrunched face) that make us all ponder.

- When the riots ensue, point out that Antifa/BLM is the real problem and that Blue Lives really do matter even though for a span of 4 hours on January 6th, they didn't really matter, nor do they matter when it comes to Gun Control, but Blue Lives really do matter!
How do you find a impartial jury? Go to a monastery????
The witnesses were an unruly mob who distracted the officers. Can't imagine being that lawyer.

I guess Chauvin was so "distracted" by them that he had no idea he was murdering George Floyd.
Now you can be stopped for driving while Black allegedly for a dangling air freshener, have some sort of outstanding warrant, and end up dead(oops it was a gun not a taser).

And you can be a Black military lieutenant stopped for no plate(temp plate is actually displayed in the window), and you can be pepper sprayed by an arrogant pos cop.
Now you can be stopped for driving while Black allegedly for a dangling air freshener, have some sort of outstanding warrant, and end up dead(oops it was a gun not a taser).

I love how after so many of these shootings the police try to pass it off as an "accident". Like, how do they not get that that argument doesn't make them look any better or competent? Either you have officers intentionally gunning down black people, or they're so badly trained that they (supposedly) mistake a gun for a taser and accidentally shoot someone to death. Neither option speaks well of the competency of the cop in question, or the police force that continues to employ them. I wouldn't be able to fuck up that badly at my job and get away with it.

And if these officers do keep having so many "accidents" despite all this great training they're supposedly getting, then that speaks to some bigger problems in the training as well.
Mistaking a gun for a taser seems pretty hard to believe.
Guns are to be holstered on your dominant side, taser supposed to be holstered on the other side.
And the weight is significantly different, gun about 4x heavier than a taser.

If that's what really happened this officer should never have been allowed on the force and should be permanently removed immediately.
Mistaking a gun for a taser seems pretty hard to believe.
Guns are to be holstered on your dominant side, taser supposed to be holstered on the other side.
And the weight is significantly different, gun about 4x heavier than a taser.

If that's what really happened this officer should never have been allowed on the force and should be permanently removed immediately.

She's a 26 year veteran of the Brooklyn Center police department.

Daunte Wright had an expired registration sticker, that was the reason they stopped him. I don't remember what the outstanding warrant was for. He tried to get back in his car after they handcuffed him, so of course he will be blamed for his own death.

Chauvin's lawyer tried to have the jury sequestered over this shooting, the judge said no.
I can believe that this was an accident while also believing that this is a perfect example (along with the video of the stop of the Lt in Windsor, VA) of the kind of racism we’ve been talking about — these cops come in so amped up when it’s a Black man, and because cops are armed and because this is a country awash in firearms it’s not unreasonable to assume someone is packing, that bad things are going to happen. This is where a dumb, politically idiotic slogan like “defund the police” covers up what is a good idea — rethink policing. Reallocate resources. Demilitarize the police.

It’s so awful and tragic in the context of everything else that I don’t quite have the words. I’m just so, so sad.

Between this and weekly mass shootings, can we not see that firearms are the primary driver behind all of this ongoing tragedy?
How about that defense witness yesterday who thinks Chauvin's use of force was justified?

"Did you say resting comfortably?"

The "highlights" of his testimony were just gross.
I have a family member that believes the federal/Capitol officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbit during the insurrection needs his face plastered all over the media like Kimberly Potter has. While he agrees that the killing of Daunte Wright was horrible he is firm in his stance that “this petite army veteran” didn’t deserve what happened to her and there’s media bias when it comes to things like this.

From my understanding most if not all police departments have a 72 hour period to review body cam footage in order to submit shootings/killings to media as part of police transparency and department reform. The federal officer I believe operates under different rules and trainings than your typical street cops. Furthermore, the federal officer requested anonymity due to feeling in danger of Trump supporters who had already claimed Babbit as some martyr. Also, lawmakers that day on both sides of the political spectrum praised that officer for what he did. Yeah, it sucks that she believed in a lie so much that it cost her life that day but being a army veteran you’d think she would have saw this coming. If anything, I’m surprised the media didn’t hail him as a hero.

But, you know, bias.
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Yes I have read all kinds of comments about the officer who killed her not being criticized and held accountable because he's black. To me it's just more whataboutism.

Btw that Irish doctor almost caused a mistrial today in the Chauvin case.
These people were coming to kill members of congress and the Vice President. Lethal force was an unfortunate necessity. We wouldn’t have blinked an eye if the gal was a member of ISIS storming the capital. A lot of the country is in denial about what happened that day. It was a terrorist attack

These civilian police lethal force occurrences that we keep seeing play out over and over don’t show enough evidence, or any at all that lethal force was justified.
These people were coming to kill members of congress and the Vice President. Lethal force was an unfortunate necessity. We wouldn’t have blinked an eye if the gal was a member of ISIS storming the capital. A lot of the country is in denial about what happened that day. It was a terrorist attack

These civilian police lethal force occurrences that we keep seeing play out over and over don’t show enough evidence, or any at all that lethal force was justified.

Yes, we are extremely lucky that they were incompetent terrorists because it could have been so much worse.
That full video of the Ashli Babbit shooting was sad because you had these angry men pounding and punching the glass on the doors and then they propped her up to push her through the opening and once a shot was fired those same men bounced and there she was lying on the ground alone in a pool of her own blood.
I can believe that this was an accident while also believing that this is a perfect example (along with the video of the stop of the Lt in Windsor, VA) of the kind of racism we’ve been talking about — these cops come in so amped up when it’s a Black man, and because cops are armed and because this is a country awash in firearms it’s not unreasonable to assume someone is packing, that bad things are going to happen. This is where a dumb, politically idiotic slogan like “defund the police” covers up what is a good idea — rethink policing. Reallocate resources. Demilitarize the police.

It’s so awful and tragic in the context of everything else that I don’t quite have the words. I’m just so, so sad.

Between this and weekly mass shootings, can we not see that firearms are the primary driver behind all of this ongoing tragedy?

The Chauvin/Floyd case is not complicated. It's murder.

These other cases lately are a lot more complicated than people make them out to be and each one needs to be judged on its own merit, which I get is hard to do, especially now.

In the Chicago case the boy had a gun in his hand and turned around raising his hands when the shot was fired. Showing only the freeze frame of a split second is incredibly disingenuous and feeds into the narrative being pushed by the right. It again comes down to the gun - how does a 13 year old have access to a fire arm? There are too many fucking guns and until we have the balls to actually do something about it.

In the Brooklyn Center case, your point is spot on. I do believe it was a good tragic accident and that the officer meant to use her taser. I can also understand how an officer would think someone in custody breaking free and diving into the car might be going for a gun - again, there are too many fucking guns in this country. But I also have zero doubt that if the driver was a white kid in the suburbs that this would have gone down much differently, and the kid likely wouldn't have even been pulled over.

The murder rate in DC is the highest since 2004. Car jackings are up 50%. There was a high profile case of an Uber Eats driver being car jacked by two teens that involved the driver dying. The teen girls were repeat offenders who were let go because they were juveniles.

There was an accident a few blocks from me the other day involving a car running a stop sign who t-boned a dad coming home late at night after picking up easter gifts for his kids. The dad died, the car was stolen.

It's a complicated issue that can't be summed up with "defund the police" or the absolutely idiotic "ACAB."

We need police reform. Desperately. We need our police to be demilitarized. But we also need guns off the street. We need to improve access to education and need to keep the child credits in the recovery act so that we can lift more children out of poverty. We need to increase the living wage and tax on corporations and the wealthy without going so far as to drive them to other countries - and we need to continue to work towards socialized medicine so that the poor and the middle class don't go bankrupt from getting sick.

None of this is simple and none of it will happen overnight, and trying to demand it at all costs into fruition will not work. But it needs to happen.
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I think that it’s also important to acknowledge that after a year+ of COVID lockdowns, people losing their jobs and livelihoods and collective mental health probably at an all time low, teenagers/young adults being especially hit hard (think back to your last years of high school or college....those were incredibly formative experiences and they’ve been taken away from an entire generation) and so on. The guns are an obvious problem but the escalation of people’s frustration and anxiety is playing a role as well.
There has been an unteathering of/to reality over this past year Thst is just begin info to be understood. Agreed that it will hit the youngs the most.
"You can believe your eyes, ladies and gentlemen," Blackwell said of footage showing Floyd's death, asking why it was necessary to continue applying force on someone who was not resisting. "It was what you thought it was," he added.

He concluded his rebuttal by saying that George Floyd didn't die because his heart was too large (defense had tried to argue that an enlarged heart from heart disease was a factor in his death) but that "the reason Mr. Floyd is dead is because Mr. Chauvin's heart is too small."

I hope and pray for justice

The judge presiding over the murder trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin said "disrespectful" statements made by Rep. Maxine Waters Saturday may give the defense grounds to appeal and overturn the trial. Attorneys for the prosecution and the defense delivered closing arguments on Monday.

Waters, D-Calif., joined protests in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota on April 17, where she told the press "we are looking for a guilty verdict" in Chauvin's trial.

"If nothing (happens), then we know ... we've got to not only stay in the streets, that we've got to fight for justice. That I am very hopeful, and I hope that we're going to get a verdict that is a guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don't, we cannot go away," Waters said, according to video by WCCO-TV.

Chauvin is accused of killing George Floyd, a Black man who died after Chauvin knelt on his neck for nine minutes in May 2020.

After closing arguments, Judge Peter Cahill rejected a defense request for a mistrial based in part on Waters' remarks.

Cahill said protesters influenced by Waters could get more confrontational if there is no guilty verdict.

“Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,” Cahill told Chauvin's attorney.
Is it sad that I want a guilty verdict more because I don't want BLM to lose their shit and riot than for the reason of justice being served?
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