Bono said he's Christ... or not?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 15, 2004
Minnesota, USA
This was posted on another music forum I go to...

Okay when I saw them in 87 they were awesome!
BUT I saw them for the Zoo thingy and I wasn't
as impressed. I guess what totally turns me off
now is, I have a friend who went to the opening
show this time around and Bono said he was Jesus
Christ & I'm sorry but as most of you know, most
things don't offend me, but that does.

I said that I doubted it was true, but just seeing if I can get that verified (or if it was tongue in cheek or something). Thanks ahead of time.
"Did you come here to play Jesus? 'Cause I did"
- One

That's probably what this person's thinking of.
when the band left the stage after 40 on opening night, bono said goodnight from edge, larry, adam and the little lord jesus - he was poking fun of himself and was obviously not seriously saying he was jesus.
but it did happen.
i might have the mp3.
if i find it, i'll post it.
caragriff said:
when the band left the stage after 40 on opening night, bono said goodnight from edge, larry, adam and the little lord jesus - he was poking fun of himself and was obviously not seriously saying he was jesus.
but it did happen.
i might have the mp3.
if i find it, i'll post it.

At one of the recent shows, I believe he called himself an "insufferable little Jesus". Unfortunately, some people don't have a sense of humour and miss the part that Bono's poking fun at himself.
oh for fuck sake!

when bono says that "unsufferable little jesus" and "came here to play jesus, i did.." stuff.. HE IS BEING IRONIC. JOKING. SARCASTIC.

hes even fucking said so. i like it and for gods sakes.. you think he REALLY thinks hes jesus? get real... or go find a new band to bitch about.
Axver said:

At one of the recent shows, I believe he called himself an "insufferable little Jesus". Unfortunately, some people don't have a sense of humour and miss the part that Bono's poking fun at himself.

yup. and because people are a little too stupid and dense to fucking see that fact as well.
I think Matt answered my question on another thread if we are allowed to use the f word on here, soooooo


Hee hee that was fun:giggle: :applaud:

See the PLEBA thread about ubersexuals to know what I am referring to.
rush limbaugh is a fucking hypocritical, piece of shit.
i've never had any clue how the jackass is still on the air in the first place!

he has the mentality of a rude, stuck up stupid kindergartener. not saying kids in that grade are like that, just the real evil ones that im sure we've all known, at least one or two in our past.

he needs to get his ass rearranged and the pills popped out of his d*ck.
They are talking about the San Diego "Little Lord Jesus" comment- (he was referring to what Bruce Springsteen said about him during the HOF induction)
Good thing Bono is Jezus come to save us,
at least now I have some real faith that in Heaven there exists beer drinkers... wine drinkers... rock`n´rollers... party animals ...
and good music!

BUT to tell ya the truth, Bono was just talking like he usually does on stage.
Don´t take him seriously.
Don´t take religion seriously, either.

Thing is, Bono is a showman...and a smartarse. He says many things flippantly that some people take seriously. You have to be careful which of his statements are his actual beliefs and which to take with a grain of salt.

I very much doubt that Bono thinks he's Jesus. He's got enough problems being Bono! :wink:
Nube Gris said:
Bono's the second son of God
Jesus was the first
So the lord is with us, again after 2000 years

:lmao: we should feel so lucky!:bow::bow: :Hallejuha! He has risen:bow:

why is that song "still crazy after all these years" playing in my head:huh:
trevgreg said:
This was posted on another music forum I go to...

Okay when I saw them in 87 they were awesome!
BUT I saw them for the Zoo thingy and I wasn't
as impressed. I guess what totally turns me off
now is, I have a friend who went to the opening
show this time around and Bono said he was Jesus
Christ & I'm sorry but as most of you know, most
things don't offend me, but that does.

I said that I doubted it was true, but just seeing if I can get that verified (or if it was tongue in cheek or something). Thanks ahead of time.

Tons of others have negated the fact that Bono could or would have said that line.

I just find it odd that this person would really have been more impressed with the JT tour than ZOO TV. This sounds like a person who saw them once each time. I've not heard a lot of good things about the JT tour unless the person was up close.
Aardvark747 said:
At MSG tonight, the crowd are chanting MESSIAH!

Bono - "Alright I AM the Messiah!!"


Bono - "Now - FUCK OFF!"

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