Bono and U2BROTHR outside the G & M

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Great story! and can I just say I agree that this pic is just great! and esp for some reason Im seeing a hint of the aul Mr McPhisto Zoo TV pose and nature in Bono there!
Great story! and can I just say I agree that this pic is just great! and esp for some reason Im seeing a hint of the aul Mr McPhisto Zoo TV pose and nature in Bono there!

I totally agree....kinda like this...


or maybe a bit of this...

For some reason, the pictures above the video aren't posting.

I think it's because they are hotlinked, and sometimes pics won't show when you do that. You can either post them in your own photo account and have no problems. Or if someone wants to see them now you can do this:

quote the post where the pics don't show up and copy the url and paste it into your browser, hit enter, you'll see the pic, then come back to this page and refresh and the pic will be there. I just did that and I see your pics now. :)
OK, I know I'm getting to this thread late, but I just saw this, and Mark I just had to say that first pic of Bono looking lovingly at you :D is seriously one of the coolest fan pics I have ever seen of a fan and Bono. It looks like Bono is your fan, not the other way around. And with the license plate perfectly placed. You could not have asked for a better pose - This pic seriously makes me smile. Love it! :heart:

You are a lucky man indeed.:applaud:

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