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Man, our beer is expensive over there. When we had Shepp Danny over, we bought a 12 pack of PBR for $9 for the occasion.

Is it really that surprising, though? It's still an import, even if it's a swill import. I do like PBR for occasional drinking, but it's not high quality stuff.

Hey, for comparison's sake, Cobbler, or any Australian, how much is Sam Adams?
Is it really that surprising, though? It's still an import, even if it's a swill import. I do like PBR for occasional drinking, but it's not high quality stuff.

Hey, for comparison's sake, Cobbler, or any Australian, how much is Sam Adams?

Haven't seen it myself, but one of the cheapest beer stores online in Australia (Purvis) has it at $4.73 for a single, $68.99 for a case of 24. It says RRP is $5.25. So that's $60 US a case.

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Bought a carton of Sam Adams for the amount dan_smee said and had to preserve it vigilantly. For comparison's sake, I normally buy the most common pale ale here, Coopers, which tends to be $45, or if I'm feelin' cheap, you can get the nastiest European stuff like Hollandia for just over $30 in the right places. Sam Adams and Brooklyn Lager is about $9 a bottle in a bar. Nobody drinks Bud but you can find it pretty easy. Sierra Nevada is fairly common too and similarly overpriced, most of the other American beers you find here are craft. It's not just beer, everything American tends to be expensive here.
Bought a carton of Sam Adams for the amount dan_smee said and had to preserve it vigilantly. For comparison's sake, I normally buy the most common pale ale here, Coopers, which tends to be $45, or if I'm feelin' cheap, you can get the nastiest European stuff like Hollandia for just over $30 in the right places. Sam Adams and Brooklyn Lager is about $9 a bottle in a bar. Nobody drinks Bud but you can find it pretty easy. Sierra Nevada is fairly common too and similarly overpriced, most of the other American beers you find here are craft. It's not just beer, everything American tends to be expensive here.

Is it any good. We don't many of the good craft American beers here either. I'm not buzzed by Rogue in the whole, some interesting stuff, but never been inspired to repeat buy anything.

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I use Sam Adams as a comparison point to Heineken because they're both slightly higher quality. However, I guess I was pretty off the mark:

So, Heineken here is about $12 - $15 for a 12 pack, which is an import.
PBR is $9 for a 12 pack, pretty universally, I'd say.
Sam Adams, I guess, retails for about $15 for a 12 pack, so I guess it's considered much higher end than Heineken.
Guinness is about $16, so that's probably a better comparison.

Sam Adams is anything but a craft beer, but it's about as good as one.
I know someone who works for Sam Adams. They brewed over 58 beers last year. And have some nice limited craft beers, some more difficult to find than others.

Anyone ever have aged dogfish 120? I had (part of) a 2 year old bottle and thought it was absolutely amazing.
Sam Adams is vastly superior to Heineken. It's good. Heineken is not.

except Sam Summer, that stuff is gross. And I refuse to try the cherry wheat. And I don't really do the winter ale either.
I'm just going to jump in here and profess my love of Avery Brewing's The Reverend.

Beer Style: Belgian Style Quadrupel Ale
Hop Variety: Sterling
Malt Variety: Two-row barley, Aromatic malt, Cara-45, Cara-20, Special B
Sugars: Belgian Candy Sugar
OG: 1.085 ABV: 10.0% IBUs: 24 Color: Tawny

OMG, it's so good and tasty. And it's squarely in wine territory for alcohol content. Yum!
I weep every time I go to the beer store that I can't get Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in Canada.

I have no idea if it's legitimately a "good" beer or not.

That shit is tasty and reminds me of drinking on the beach in Santa Monica so it becomes extra delicious.

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I weep every time I go to the beer store that I can't get Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in Canada.

I have no idea if it's legitimately a "good" beer or not.

That shit is tasty and reminds me of drinking on the beach in Santa Monica so it becomes extra delicious.

That's pretty much my experience except I would add Russian River Brewing Company beers and CalMex food. :drool:
The closest thing we can get here in Canada is Alexander Keith's Cascade Hop Ale. It's made with the same kind of hops and brewed "west coast style" (whatever the fuck that means) but it's not quite exactly the same.

Also it was a limited edition kind of thing so it's tough to find here in Toronto, which sucks because it was so easy to find in Halifax (along with every other imaginable kind of Keith's beer). I'm going back east on Monday for Christmas, I intend to drink my share and about ten other peoples' too. :D

Yeah now I'm craving this little taco place in the front a hotel on Ocean Ave., and I am sad again since I can't have it :cry:

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I talked to some Bostonians visiting Canada and they also lamented the beer variety, but I told them you can find Belgian beers and we have good beers from Quebec like La Fin de Monde which are cheap and available here.
If you want something to remind you of California try 8 wired superconductor double IPA. It's from New Zealand but it's pretty much as good. Most 8 wired beers are excellent, especially the iStout.
Boxer....Big Bear.....just kidding

For normal common beer I prefer Budweiser and Miller Genuine Draft.

Not a giant fan of the dark beers.
Guinness is about the only mass produced beer I'll still drink... Unless we're counting Sam Adams.

Fan these days of the fine work being done at Six Point, 21st Amendment, 2 Roads, Kelso, Ommegang and Allagash.
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