Asking the U2 nation for a favor (and a question)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
I've sent a couple of messages to mods with no answer yet (and this is kind of time sensitive), so I figured I'd just ask here. Even though I've been a member for 11 freakin' years, I've yet to really venture into the general forums! (I think...I'm old and my memory is going. Damn my 30s!)

My wife and I are finalists in a Microsoft Tech Makeover contest thing on Facebook. It's to go along with that new line of commercials they have out where they makeover people's houses. We've made it all the way to the end, but we need votes to get us from the top 20 into the top 10 where judges take over.

What's the etiquette on asking for votes and stuff from the general forum?

We're soooo close to the top but I wanted to make sure before I went willy nilly breaking the rules. Thanks!

Also if we win we're donating the Xbox to the children's charity Child's Play (

edit: Bonus shot of me and my wife at the U2 show in Tampa (2009)

100_5320 by kilowattson, on Flickr
Hey there, I never received a message from you, or I would have responded.

Normally we don't allow threads of this type in the public forums i.e. any type of personal advertising.

We can allow it in the blog section: U2 Feedback - Blogs

Or if you are a premium member: - Premium Upgrades we allow you to post links to your website, etc. in your signature.
Cool thanks! (I just messaged bonochick and neutral...first two I came to).

I didn't even know there WAS a Blog section! I'm so behind the times.
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