Annoying Hollywood idiots inside the Honolulu ellipse

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Umm, that was me.

Kidding. I wasn't in Auckland.

BUT you all say this, yet I bet if you had a friend who worked for a U2-venue in security or something who said, "Don't worry about it, show up whenever and I'll just let you into the front" you'd let them do exactly that.
I agree, the best way to take care of it is to make a big gushing fuss over them and take lots of pictures of them. They'll disappear in no time, especially if they're just there for the scene and not for the music.

Love the photo, btw!
Sicy said:
Hi 4U2Play,
Werent you the one I met briefly in the Oakland ellipse, bragging about how you got 4 girls in? :scratch:


I don't know who you are, are you an Alyssa Milano fan? Sorry for the insults. Not sure why I would approach complete strangers in the ellipse and "brag" about our luck, but perhaps my memory fails me.

However, I do remember being very happy that they let four of us in on one scanned ticket in Oakland. That was great.

They even let five of us in on one scan at Portland, which we really appreciated after waiting in line all day in that freezing cold weather.
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4U2Play said:


I don't know who you are, are you an Alyssa Milano fan? Sorry for the insults. Not sure why I would approach complete strangers in the ellipse and "brag" about our luck, but perhaps my memory fails me.

However, I do remember being very happy that they let four of us in on one scanned ticket in Oakland. That was great.

They even let five of us in on one scan at Portland, which we really appreciated after waiting in line all day in that freezing cold weather.

well letting more than 2 in is a violation of the rules... what about those who didn't get buzzed in? didn't letting 5 in screw them?

of course not... there are exceptions to everything. the system is made with slack for a purpose... certain wristbands are set aside before the show for the VIP types, and those wristbands were never meant for regular fans anyway... the only way they get handed out is right before show time when a staffer may hand them out near the soundboard, which has been reported on here a million times.
4U2Play said:

I don't know who you are, are you an Alyssa Milano fan? Sorry for the insults. Not sure why I would approach complete strangers in the ellipse and "brag" about our luck, but perhaps my memory fails me.

However, I do remember being very happy that they let four of us in on one scanned ticket in Oakland. That was great.

They even let five of us in on one scan at Portland, which we really appreciated after waiting in line all day in that freezing cold weather.

Haha no I'm no Alyssa fan. But I'm pretty sure you know who I am. :wink:

Just something I rememberd that's all :shrug:
well, even worse, you know all those ebay/cl listings that were offering 500 "ellipse" tickets? Well that was all very true. I met some people hanging around waiting for u2 to arrive at the stadium, and we were talking about which seats we had, and they told me they had GA. Well I said how come you arent in line then? And they told me they were cool with just being at the back of the floor, they didnt want to wait all day (or 2 days lol)... well when my hubbie and I were going in to our seats, we saw a line up and these people were in that line. So we said hello to them, and asked what they were doing, and they told us they had VIP GA tickets so they were going to be let into the front of the ellipse. So this is why some of the people I know who waited 24 hours or more, got stuck by the back, cuz i think a load of VIPS and people that bought those "VIP" tickets got up front. That wouldve pissed me off so bad, so Im happy I had seats, thats forsure.
U2SJ said:
well, even worse, you know all those ebay/cl listings that were offering 500 "ellipse" tickets? Well that was all very true. I met some people hanging around waiting for u2 to arrive at the stadium, and we were talking about which seats we had, and they told me they had GA. Well I said how come you arent in line then? And they told me they were cool with just being at the back of the floor, they didnt want to wait all day (or 2 days lol)... well when my hubbie and I were going in to our seats, we saw a line up and these people were in that line. So we said hello to them, and asked what they were doing, and they told us they had VIP GA tickets so they were going to be let into the front of the ellipse. So this is why some of the people I know who waited 24 hours or more, got stuck by the back, cuz i think a load of VIPS and people that bought those "VIP" tickets got up front. That wouldve pissed me off so bad, so Im happy I had seats, thats forsure.

hmmm... very interesting

VIP wristband on the right here.

I didn't find any completed ebay listings for the ellipse.
I hope this doesn't happen on the next tour. I'm not even over the lottery thing yet. How far back to I have to be before I decide its not worth it?
Comp tickets happen all the time. It was likely more noticeable in HI (and had more of an impact on regular fans) since it was the only US show and the last of the tour in a "tropical paradise." Plus, with more GA tickets available than in your typical arena show, more of the comp tickets were GA vs. seats. I got tickets from a work contact for the San Diego opener and they could only get me seats, GA's weren't available but for the HI show, my coworker was able to get the GA VIP tix from our media agency. Sucks that it happens but pretty much something we all have to live with.
ntalwar said:

VIP wristband on the right here.

I didn't find any completed ebay listings for the ellipse.
We all had VIP wristbands. By no means did I have a VIP ticket, but my wristband said VIP also.

It may have just been the people in the inner circle, I'm not sure. But everyone in pen 2 (and 1, I assume) had that wristband.
Everyone who camped in line had a VIP wristband. Security used these to keep people from jumping in line and/or from taking off all day (they gave us two hours at a time). The actual "VIP" bands were the orange ones with slanted stripes that were used on the previous US leg of the tour. I heard that people who had bought platinum packages for reserved seats were given the option of these bands (something about their seats being moved due to the reconfiguration of the staging?). VIPs and of course any fans who reused bands also got inside. It wasn't too crowded during Rocko's set, but right before PJ came on the ellipse filled up with people wearing the orange bands. I didn't notice any celebs though...just a lot of out of place old folks.
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Headache in a Suitcase said:
certain wristbands are set aside before the show for the VIP types, and those wristbands were never meant for regular fans anyway... the only way they get handed out is right before show time when a staffer may hand them out near the soundboard, which has been reported on here a million times.

The problem I saw in Honolulu was the sheer number of "VIP" wristbands that were handed out that night.

It wasn't just a couple of dozen wristbands that were reserved for the Hollywood types, but hundreds and hundreds, maybe even over 1,000, by the looks of things.

As reported elsewhere, the ellipse was maybe only half full when they stopped allowing fans inside the barrier. At first we thought it was a great thing, since we had so much space to move around, but then we thought that perhaps U2 had made a mistake by not allowing more fans inside, since many of those outside the barrier had waited for hours in the sun as well.

It was only when Pearl Jam hit the stage did the situation become apparent that at least a third of the ellipse had been reserved for these "VIPs", as they suddenly flooded into the ellipse and tried to make their way up front.

U2 set aside those wristbands in order to appease these people at the expense of many of their true fans who travelled thousands of miles and waited hours in line, only to end up outside the barrier. To what end? What influence does the cast of "Lost" have over U2?

Comparing the Honolulu scene to the North American indoor shows where U2 staffers allowed more than two people into the ellipse on one scanned ticket is apples and oranges.

The few extra fans that made it into the ellipse in N.A. still had to wait in line for hours, and therefore, did not "screw" other fans waiting in line, since it was all a zero-sum game in the end.

And, Headache, even those fans who somehow managed to sneak into the ellipse for every show would be more welcomed than these "VIPs" who barely know what they're looking at, wouldn't you agree? :wink:

In addition, I'd bet that most of the fans that won the ellipse lottery and were allowed to bring in more than 2 people per ticket were far more enthusiastic and into the show than the hundreds of "VIPs" in the Honolulu ellipse, who stood there yapping at each other for most of the concert.

-- And thanks to Sicy for finding that old comment of mine which backs up my previous remarks ;)
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4U2Play said:

The problem I saw in Honolulu was the sheer number of "VIP" wristbands that were handed out that night.

It wasn't just a couple of dozen wristbands that were reserved for the Hollywood types, but hundreds and hundreds, maybe even over 1,000, by the looks of things.

As atikicat posted, could some of these bracelets have been set aside for people who paid for the $165 seats (baseball config.) only to have them moved further back in the football configuration? If so, some compensation would have been in order for those ticketholders.
ntalwar said:
As atikicat posted, could some of these bracelets have been set aside for people who paid for the $165 seats (baseball config.) only to have them moved further back in the football configuration? If so, some compensation would have been in order for those ticketholders.

Should that compensation be at the expense of other fans who lined up hours in advance with reasonable expectations of getting inside the ellipse?

I didn't see many empty seats where those who originally had good $165 tickets in the baseball configuration would have been sitting, so I don't think they made up the bulk of the hundreds of VIP wristbands that were handed out.

Good point, though, ntalwar, maybe that had something to do with it.
romi said:
I can see (jesus)Matt and Melissa from NY in that pick. You can tell Melissa is yelling to get Bono's attention. (second roy above the Canadian Canadian sign)

good eye--you are right! :lmao:
ntalwar said:

As atikicat posted, could some of these bracelets have been set aside for people who paid for the $165 seats (baseball config.) only to have them moved further back in the football configuration? If so, some compensation would have been in order for those ticketholders.
I'm not sure how many people got this offer. It seems they were either offered some sort of refund or the band for the ellipse. The rest of the bands where either VIPs or people reusing bands from the previous leg of the tour. Needless to say it was very crowded in there by the time U2 came on stage. The set-up for this show wasn't like other stadium shows. The main stage was actually smaller than the stage for the arena shows and the inner part of the ellipse didn't seem any bigger to me than the arena shows. It made the concert very intimate, although I would've liked it more if they'd used the arena ellipse stage configuration where it was closed at the back with entrances on either side, rather than the stadium configuration which is open at the back allowing hundreds of people to push their way up front from the outside. Of course if they had done this only about 10 fans would've made it in to allow room for all the VIPs. :wink:

As for not seeing any empty $165 seats...a lot of people have posted about how bad security was and how there were lots of people who were sneaking into the better reserved seating areas. I suppose it's possible that everyone whose $165 seats were downgraded due to the reconfiguration were given the above offer. That doesn't mean all of them took the offer though. Many people buy reserved seats for a reason, so perhaps they got a partial refund.
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I think my core issue with this situation would be that the "VIPs" who were let in talked through the show and didn't seem to be that concerned one way or the other about being at the show.

That bothers me, especially with many others who would have LOVED every minute of being in the ellipse got cut out.

The fact that there were VIPs let in late, or that they were Hollywood types, in itself is neither here nor there as far as I'm concerned. After all, as has been pointed out, most of us would gladly take any opportunity to get closer to the front. We may not have the clout of a minor-league TV star at our disposal, but if we had some other advantage (i.e. getting scanned in on one ticket) I think most of us would use it and be grateful.

Heck, I was supposed to get one of those wristbands for the show in Japan (4U2Play was there) but it turned out that the configuration of the place and the way the venue ran things made such a wristband useless so we didn't get them. We "VIPs" had to race to the front of the ellipse just like everyone else and if we'd been wining and dining till right before the show we would have never gotten in.

So again, I think the issue is the attitude of the VIPs not their special status.
Everyone seems to be overlooking the really disturbing part of this whole sordid tale, which is why does 4U2Play know who all these minor celebrities are anyway? :ohmy:

I was in a reserved seat, orange M section row 5 and there were many empty seats until people started coming down to those seats. there was no security so it was a free for all. AND many of these seats were occupied with people who were more interested in smoking (illegal and legal), drinking and talking. Some people even had their merchandise stolen when new people entered the area. I was not impressed with the lack of security and the fans, celebrity and otherwise, and it seemed to me that people wanted to be at the event rather than listening to some great music.
indra said:
Everyone seems to be overlooking the really disturbing part of this whole sordid tale, which is why does 4U2Play know who all these minor celebrities are anyway? :ohmy::wink:

Geez, you're right, that is pretty disturbing, I didn't even consider that part.

What the hell is wrong with me.

At least I didn't call Alyssa Milano "Jennifer Love Hewitt", like someone standing next to me did... Ms. Milano gave her a death stare and said, "Uh, I was in 'Charmed'".

Delightful woman.
4U2Play said:

The problem I saw in Honolulu was the sheer number of "VIP" wristbands that were handed out that night.

It wasn't just a couple of dozen wristbands that were reserved for the Hollywood types, but hundreds and hundreds, maybe even over 1,000, by the looks of things.

As reported elsewhere, the ellipse was maybe only half full when they stopped allowing fans inside the barrier. At first we thought it was a great thing, since we had so much space to move around, but then we thought that perhaps U2 had made a mistake by not allowing more fans inside, since many of those outside the barrier had waited for hours in the sun as well.

It was only when Pearl Jam hit the stage did the situation become apparent that at least a third of the ellipse had been reserved for these "VIPs", as they suddenly flooded into the ellipse and tried to make their way up front.

the exact same thing happened at the indoor shows... the ellipse was half empty when the opening act was on the stage, but was filled to capacity by the time u2 hit the stage. with a band as big as pearl jam opening, it's not such a big surprise that the area was half empty for rocko and the devils :shrug:

U2 set aside those wristbands in order to appease these people at the expense of many of their true fans who travelled thousands of miles and waited hours in line, only to end up outside the barrier. To what end? What influence does the cast of "Lost" have over U2?

again... the band themselves probably have very very little to do with the actual setting aside of wristbands... that duty is left to the tour's VIP managers, who get requests from the band's management, the promotor and the venue it's self.

Comparing the Honolulu scene to the North American indoor shows where U2 staffers allowed more than two people into the ellipse on one scanned ticket is apples and oranges.


The few extra fans that made it into the ellipse in N.A. still had to wait in line for hours, and therefore, did not "screw" other fans waiting in line, since it was all a zero-sum game in the end.

not neccesarily... i was inside the ellipse on three seperate occasions. neither time did i wait online all day. the one time i did wait in line all day, i didn't get in.

And, Headache, even those fans who somehow managed to sneak into the ellipse for every show would be more welcomed than these "VIPs" who barely know what they're looking at, wouldn't you agree? :wink:

no... while you'd obviously rather have fans who really want to be there up front as opposed to those who are just there 'cause it's a thing to do, cheating the system is cheating the system. a die hard fan who manages to sneak his way into the ellipse is still "cheating" the other diehard fan who waited all day from a chance... so if you don't have a problem with that, i don't see how you can have a problem with someone who was allowed in, regardless of their celebrity status. :shrug:
Just for clarification, the wristbands the venue was issuing throughout the day to let people in and out of the GA "holding pens" ALL had VIP stamped on them. They were white, made of a tyvek (sp?) type material, and the letters VIP were in navy blue.

You had to get a wristband to leave your "pen"--they'd note the time you left on a sheet, along with a five-digit number which was also on the wristband. When you came back in, they'd cross you off the list.

So in reference to those who saw hundreds, thousands of people with "VIP" wristbands...if what you saw was a white band with navy letters all that means is those wearing them were in the GA line.

I didn't see any of the celebrities myself.

I was on the outside rail, just off the bullseye on Adam's b-stage. The area inside the two b-stages (it doesn't seem accurate to call it the Ellipse since it was not enclosed) looked to me to be completely packed long before the show started so I am wondering how anyone would have strolled in just before showtime, celebrity or not...
mads said:

We all had VIP wristbands. By no means did I have a VIP ticket, but my wristband said VIP also.

It may have just been the people in the inner circle, I'm not sure. But everyone in pen 2 (and 1, I assume) had that wristband.

Yes, those 'VIP' wristbands were given put by venue and had nothing to do with the ellipse. They were just for people's places in line. The real 'VIP' (ellipse) wristbands were Orange U2 Vertigo stripe bands.

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