Annoying Hollywood idiots inside the Honolulu ellipse

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Apr 16, 2005
So, we finally get to Aloha Stadium at about 7am on Saturday morning, and there were already more than 1,000 fans in line who had camped out overnight, hoping to get inside the ellipse.

The day turned out OK, met a lot of really cool U2 fans, but it was long and tiring. We ended up getting inside the ellipse all right, but a load of fans who showed up just a couple of hours after us did not make it in... too bad, right?

Well, the reason those loyal fans didn't make it inside the ellipse was because many hundreds of special orange ellipse wristbands were reserved for so-called VIPs, most of whom were a bunch of TV actors who showed up right before U2 took the stage.

These D-List actors and other Hollywood types simply walked into the ellipse without having to wait all day in line like the rest of us plebes, then stood there for most of the show and talked.

Shall I name names?

- Alyssa Milano and her goober boyfriend

- Cindy Crawford and that husband of hers, whatever his face

- Gabby (appropriate name) Reese and Laird Hamiliton

- Tim McGraw, sans Faith

- Mira Sorvino

- A bunch of no-names from that TV show "Lost"

- A large collection of cocky Hollywood types with their shit attitudes

- Other Hollywood idiots

Edge was up there playing this beautifully soft version of "The First Time", strumming his guitar quietly while Bono sang the lyrics sotto voce. It was really a magical moment for me, except for the fact that everyone around me was chatting loudly to each other and ignoring the show.

What the fuck are these people doing there inside the ellipse?

Does U2 need to kiss these people's asses in order to get things done, is that the game they have to play now?

When all these semi-famous people started waltzing into the ellipse at 8:45pm, you should have seen the pissed off and disappointed looks on the faces of the fans hanging over the barrier who just missed getting inside the ellipse earlier in the day after standing in line for hours outside.

Does Pearl Jam do this sort of crap, too?

I understand letting longtime U2 fans like Winona Ryder and Lars Ulrich up front, but I don't understand why U2 needs to play favorites with all these other nobodies at the expense of their true fans, who would've made the atmosphere at the back of the ellipse far better had they been there instead of these arrogant Hollywood twats.

If U2 needs to curry favor with those people, they should reserve seats for them. Save the ellipse area for U2 fans who spent a lot of money flying out there to Hawaii, then waited outside in line for hours under the hot sun, only to end up stuck behind the barrier while Alyssa Milano and her goober boyfriend sauntered in five minutes before the show began, asking me the best way to cut through the crowd so they could get to the front of the stage.
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Milano and her goober boyfriend sauntered in five minutes before the show began, asking me the best way to cut through the crowd so they could get to the front of the stage.

No freakin, way...I would have sent her in a different direction or said if I knew how to get up their without being an ass don't you think I would be there....:mad:
4U2Play said:
Alyssa Milano and her goober boyfriend sauntered in five minutes before the show began, asking me the best way to cut through the crowd so they could get to the front of the stage.

I'd have told her the best way was gto give me a BJ while her boyfriend watched.
that sucks too much
but,get used to it,i know i have, i didn't get my ticket for vertigo tour and won't ever get,just because it's cool to go on u2 show.
my class friend or should i say merely an acquintance(spelling) was in munich and she says publicly that she HATES U2,she can't stand them
Pero said:
that sucks too much
but,get used to it,i know i have, i didn't get my ticket for vertigo tour and won't ever get,just because it's cool to go on u2 show.
my class friend or should i say merely an acquintance(spelling) was in munich and she says publicly that she HATES U2,she can't stand them

:sad: :sad: :sad:
Pero said:
that sucks too much
but,get used to it,i know i have, i didn't get my ticket for vertigo tour and won't ever get,just because it's cool to go on u2 show.
my class friend or should i say merely an acquintance(spelling) was in munich and she says publicly that she HATES U2,she can't stand them

Of course she said that as a typical bitch from Zagreb or should I say "sponzorusa".
I am sick of all that kind of people here and everywhere else.

BTW. I met so many great and interesting people on this Vertigo Tour.

Good luck next time!
That sucks all kinds! I HATE the treatment those bastards got when the real fans are the ones that have to wait in line in the rain, snow, heat, cold, whatever.

And Alyssa Milano is a moron.
Somethings you shouldn't get too good at...

Well unfortunately this kind of thing happens at all concerts, this is the world we live in, we created it, we gave them the currency.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

Well unfortunately this kind of thing happens at all concerts, this is the world we live in, we created it, we gave them the currency.

I'm not sure it always happens at U2 shows at every venue. At a MSG show I attended, I read afterwards that Lenny Kravitz did not make it into the ellipse and hung out by the soundboard at the back.
Milano and her goober boyfriend sauntered in five minutes before the show began, asking me the best way to cut through the crowd so they could get to the front of the stage.

No freakin, way...I would have sent her in a different direction or said if I knew how to get up their without being an ass don't you think I would be there....:mad:

so did you get a photo with her?;)
4U2Play said:
Does Pearl Jam do this sort of crap, too?

how much ya wanna bet the guys to the side of the stage here didn't get 10 club tickets...


it might suck, but it's just a fact. sometimes it's the band themselves who let celebs they know in, sometimes it's the band's management, sometimes it's the venue.

i've walked right into the ellipse without waiting on line all day half an hour before show time, too. :shrug:
I can see (jesus)Matt and Melissa from NY in that pick. You can tell Melissa is yelling to get Bono's attention. (second roy above the Canadian Canadian sign)
I never saw the "stars" come in from my position. Don't think it's really fair - they should be in back by the soundboard or in seats. Or waiting in the hot sun with the rest of us :madspit: :shrug:
Hi 4U2Play,

Werent you the one I met briefly in the Oakland ellipse, bragging about how you got 4 girls in? :scratch:
romi said:
I can see (jesus)Matt and Melissa from NY in that pick. You can tell Melissa is yelling to get Bono's attention. (second roy above the Canadian Canadian sign)

Who are Matt and Melissa? I don't remember... but yeah, I did immediately notice the girl (sitting above the sign) screaming down at the band. LOL.

As for the people standing w/U2... maybe a couple of the girls are Bono's daughters or something? Friends of PJ? Who knows.
SpaceOddity said:

Who are Matt and Melissa? I don't remember... but yeah, I did immediately notice the girl (sitting above the sign) screaming down at the band. LOL.

As for the people standing w/U2... maybe a couple of the girls are Bono's daughters or something? Friends of PJ? Who knows.

they're just a couple of show regulars. By the way, I'm an Oregonian myself)
Next time try 'accidently' spilling beer on famous morons or coughing non stop on them to get somebody moving away ... maybe stalking them in the elipse; "Can I have your autograph" Can I have your autograph", "You sucked in that movie...." just to get them real wound up and leaving to go to the back of the elipse, only to get more crap from the people on the barrier who didn't quite make it in. I'd have made sure I didn't get half quality of what I paid. Maybe we need to make a website dedicated to those particular actors.:wink:
Most likely, it wasn't U2 at all. It was the local promoter who pulled strings with the venue to get those celebs inside the ellipse.

Ultimately the whole wristbanding system is subject to the whims of the local venue and its management, and as a long-time Hawaii resident, I can tell you that the "old boy" network is alive and well in terms of who comes to town, how those concerts are run, who is comped, who waits in line, etc. etc.

Sad, but true.
U2NZ said:
Next time try 'accidently' spilling beer on famous morons or coughing non stop on them to get somebody moving away ... maybe stalking them in the elipse; "Can I have your autograph" Can I have your autograph", "You sucked in that movie...." just to get them real wound up and leaving to go to the back of the elipse, only to get more crap from the people on the barrier who didn't quite make it in. I'd have made sure I didn't get half quality of what I paid. Maybe we need to make a website dedicated to those particular actors.:wink:

I'm sure the celeb wouldn't go away, but you would be thrown out by some security guard.
I still prefer to be pissed at the dickhead from Auckland who drunkenly pushed through the crowd with his friend "looking for his wife," and then proceeded to stand behind me and piss on my shoe.

I'll take a chatting celebrity over that dickwad any day.

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