All the images on this site aren't showing up, what's wrong?

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I just get red crosses everywhere, where there should be avatars, smilies and various buttons or icons.

I have read this thread. I have zone alarm pro (newest release) and Norton antivirus 2004. None of the suggestions seem to apply. I have added this site to the 'don't block cookies' options of ZAP and IE. No change!
Alright kids ... I seem to be getting an awful lot of Red Xs lately.

Let's see, I read this thread and the related thread with the Norton solution.

I do not have Norton for my antivirus program -- I have Symantec.

I tried adding Interland in my trusted sites through the "Internet Options" in IE. I then logged out and rebooted my computer and it did not work.

Any thoughts?
Seem to have Norton 2002 - yikes, although we renew our subscription, so I think we are protected. I've tried just about everything that has been listed but no luck. Do I need to get a more recent version of Norton? Or do you have specific instructions for such an old version. Thanks.
Okay, this is really odd. I can't see any of the pictures from my photobucket site but I can see my sig. :huh: This just started a little while ago. I put up some picture in the drunk thread and now I cant see them. I have Norton 2006.

Any advice?

EDIT: Okay, now I can't see my sig. :sad:
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HEY all, i've got Zone Alarm installed on my PC, and can't work out how to allow this site so i can see the pictures. There doesn't even appear to be an option for it. There is an option to 'allow programs', but you can't put website addresses in it. HELP ME PLEASE :)
"John Lennon was once asked whether Ringo Starr was the best drummer in the world, to which he responded "He's not even the best drummer in the Beatles".
I didn't realize a lot of people were having this problem...I'm not getting red x's or anything, there is nothing there when people will sya they posted a picture, I don't have Norton, I have some jank version of Symantec that my school's network uses, and I can't change any options on it, will it work if I just add interference to trusted sites in my internet options :huh:
I don't have any problems seeing sigs, what I can't see are the actual forum images, like smilies and buttons and things. It's happening on both my home PC and my work PC. It's pretty strange. :scratch:

Edit: I can't even see my headscratch smiley!
Did you read and go through the steps in the beginning of this thread?
Sicy said:
Did you read and go through the steps in the beginning of this thread?
They're all about Norton and various types of AV software, none of which exist for Unix.

I'll play around at home tonight between coats of paint. I just haven't had time to troubleshoot yet. I just mainly popped in here to see if I was the only one.

No sense in troubleshooting if someone's already done it. :wink:
since the site was upgraded I've been having a problem seeing a few pics , and I don't have Nortons I have the free AVG .
this is what I am getting .


and when I click on the link I get this .


do we now have to be a Premium Member ? This would happen if I wasn't logged in before the upgrade , or is there still tweaking required ?
I believe you've always had to be a premium member to view attachments.
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