2018 World Cup

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the world cup is france's to lose regardless of who wins tomorrow. they are clearly head and shoulders above everyone else still in the tournament.
And I will laugh for days if England make the final and find a way to completely choke it up with a few minutes to go.

oh god i hope England don't win - that will just make them even more insufferable than they already are right now omg
France vs England is the finals that has been a long time coming. No offense to Croatia, but I really think them in the championship game is a lot more boring than the other option. Either way, fun possibilities.
Imagine if England win this (whole thing) and then win the cricket world cup next year (in their home!!). Fuck. Talk about a nightmare of the most cuntian proportions.
I don't think they'll beat Croatia.
And if they do, I highly doubt they'll beat France.

Throwing away the game against Belgium to ensure not having to face top quality teams can only get you so far, and I don't think England is a top quality team.
Imagine if England win this (whole thing) and then win the cricket world cup next year (in their home!!). Fuck. Talk about a nightmare of the most cuntian proportions.

doubt it - after a No-Deal Brexit next year they will all be living on food stamps and rations and Spam so the team certainly won't be in great shape :D
Soooo happy! The English media was so arrogant and rude all week.
What a great final we have upcoming, just worried that some of the Croatian players look pretty weary, especially Modric and Mandzukic. Rakitic was out of sorts this morning as well.

Two teams that deserve to be there, well and truly. Although Belgium have just as much a claim.

Now just so long as the fucking French don't win the thing.
france is going to demolish croatia. croatia is absolutely gassed after three ET games and they get one less day of rest than the french do.

the game was over as soon as croatia tied it, half the team looked like they gave up and the other half looked like they were panicking. so many bad decisions. england would have lost in regular time if it hadn't been for the post blocking peritic's (?) late volley. england was so over hyped, they only scored 3 goals in regular play in the entire tournament and everything else was set pieces. you won't win a world cup scoring like that.

my irish heritage is thrilled to see england go down in flames any time. i do feel a bit bad for my english friend owen, who i was watching the game with at work. he was acting like it was just a bit disappointing but i could tell deep down he was gutted.

i do have to say i am pretty happy that i don't have to hear/read "it's coming home" 800,000 times between now and sunday though.
Croatia has played one whole game more than France when you do the math. And key players are old. And France is better.

But fate and luck are often tied together.
It’s amazing how much better that group of ragtag youngens and vets were than all the star studded england teams of the last decade and a half.

But I think that’s the point of the World Cup. Winners are the best team, not the most talented group of individual players.
So we play England twice during this World Cup, and it's a meaningless game both times. :lol:

Still, I hope we win as that would be Belgium's best ever result at the WC.
So we play England twice during this World Cup, and it's a meaningless game both times. :lol:

Still, I hope we win as that would be Belgium's best ever result at the WC.

Go Belgium. It's a great feeling to see your country win the bronze medal (World Cup '98 :drool:).

A gold or silver will be even better, though. ;)
I don't see how this England team can beat Belgium.
The gulf in quality between the 2 sides is big.
The same can be said about our squad compared to Japan's and we nearly lost that match...

Almost every game has been close so can't take anything for granted.

Also good luck to Croatia, really hope you beat France! Won't be easy though.
we will give Croatia a good run for their money i'm sure

i hope France wins though obviously :D

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